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Broken Sword: Directors Cut Heads To The Wii


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It was on the bottom shelf at my GAME, I picked it up along with Madworld. :grin:

Didn't most news stories say that the game was Budget-priced? Because it sure as hell wasn't when I got it. Still, I'm a huge Broken Sword fan, so all's fair and all that. :p


When you get past that rotating cylinder puzzle to open the door, and you then use the cylinder to prop up the cross to open the slab to the right, is there a game-breaking glitch whereas you can't re-insert the cylinder into the gap later if you've dabbed it in paint? Just a yes or no please, I want to solve the puzzle myself, but if there is a glitch I don't want to waste my time trying.



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They NEED to advertise this game!


If it's not advertised then it's probably going to sell really badly, if it is advertised then everyone who loved Broken Sword back in the day will be made aware that it's been given a Wii remake and it will sell much better, and also old-school point-and-click fans will find that they have something to go out and buy!


I'll prob get it at some point, just not yet.

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darksnowman actually bought me a PC game containing The Shadow of the Templars and The Smoking Mirror for Christmas 2007 as I pointed it out in GAME one day for the fine price of £1.97 new :heh:


I haven't got far yet.. I generally don't enjoy gaming on the PC (but I make an exception for these games :yay:) but they seem great : peace:

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Just finished The Director's Cut, and I've gotta say, for a Broken Sword fan, that pricetag is far far too high. The extra content with Nico is alright, although it lacks enough NPC interaction, probably one of BK's strongest traits.

For someone completely new to the series, it'll last you quite a while, and there is a lot to do. There is a clear sound and visual quality separation between old and new that anyone would notice, but they work alright in tandem, and provide a strong logical challenge.


As far as the motion control goes, for some of the redesigned puzzles, it's too fiddly and glitchy, although the pointer works flawlessly, and makes me want to see more Text Adventures on Wii.


I'd recommend giving this game a go to everyone, although only secondhand, or after a price drop.


Edit; Turns out that question I asked above is a full bona-fide game-ending glitch, so to anyone playing Director's Cut, don't get Paint on the Cylinder after you've used it to open the door.

Edited by Darkspine S
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Is this as good or better on the DS you reckon? I wanted a few new DS games to play on my DSi, so far i have GTA, Henry Hatsworth and Big Bang Mini still wrapped for launch day! I have a feeling this will be much cheaper in a month or so...

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Man the wiimote is annoying to use in this game. For the standard stuff its all fine and dandy but why they have put stupid mini game type puzzles using the montion controls is a mystery to me ::shrug:


I have spent a good 20mins trying to unlock a door, you have to twist the wiimote as if you were unlocking a safe but the freaking thing is so twitchy I keep knacking the thing up! Ive turned it off now as I was getting very frustrated with it.

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Im about 53% of the way through the game now and here's what I think so far.


Having played Sam & Max on the Wii Broken Sword offers a much better experience IMO. The game runs very smoothly with no framerate hiccups, unlike Sam and Max, and even though its a realistic game the humour is very much still there. There have been a few times where I have LOLed at George as he offers witty comments and comebacks.


In terms of the puzzles they make you think but when you do figure them out it makes perfect sense. Again in Sam and Max alot of the time you have to think out of the box and sometimes it doesnt really make sense but in Broken Sword everything does.


There are a couple of complaints that I have. One is as I said in an earlier post about the added mini games using the wiimote as they make for a very frustrating time as the controls are just far too twitchy. If playing this on the DS it would probably take a second or two but using the wiimote is a nightmare. Luckly I have only come across 2 of these puzzles/mini games and being just over halfway through the game im hoping there wont be many more.


The second thing is the quality of some of the audio. The music is all fine but when it comes to some of the speech it tends to be a little off. The best way I can describe it is as if the the voices had been recorded on a tape and the quality has deteriorated over time. It doesnt really bother me at all as it is a port of a very old game but I thought I would mention it anyway and its not like it happens all the time.


I like a good point and click game and having never played Broken Sword before im very pleased with what I have seen so far and I certainly have no quarrels paying the full price for a great game. Like many great Wii games I fear the game will be a total flop on the especially as many will refuse to pay full price for an old game.


EDIT: All done :) Its just a shame that such a great game had such a shoddy ending. :(

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  • 10 months later...
Man the wiimote is annoying to use in this game. For the standard stuff its all fine and dandy but why they have put stupid mini game type puzzles using the montion controls is a mystery to me ::shrug:


I have spent a good 20mins trying to unlock a door, you have to twist the wiimote as if you were unlocking a safe but the freaking thing is so twitchy I keep knacking the thing up! Ive turned it off now as I was getting very frustrated with it.


Just bumping this thread as I got the game in January.


Really enjoying it so far cost me about 12 quid and I have never played it before so it is worth it to me.


Have to say the puzzle that I bolded is awful. It was a throw my wiimote out the window type moment. Really needed Mplus controls or to not do that puzzle at all. How it got through testing I've no idea, its not that its hard to do skill wise but its so glitchy. And breathe...


Love the game apart from that. I really dig the atmosphere and French accents. I am 25% of the way through after about 3 hours so am going along at quite a slow pace and loving it.


Recommend this game to anyone now as its cheap, especially if you like adventures. Much like the PW games I use this to unwind after work or just before I go to bed. Unless I get stuck at a darn wiimote puzzle! lol

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