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Gaming tones...


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The battle victory theme from Final Fantasy.


yaaawn ~ everyone has that :heh:

in fact someone at work today found a stray copy of professor layton in the stock room, held it up triumphantly and said "look what i found!!" and at the exact same moment ~ he got a text message..




i have the coin jingle from mario :smile:

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Actually yeah, I'd quite like the jingle you get in Zelda when you step on a switch or something, but dunno where to get such things :heh:


Had that as my message tone for ages. I've also got the Phoenix Wright "Cornered" theme, the Mega Man 2 title music, Lucca's theme from Chrono Trigger and Bloody Tears and Vampire Killer from Castlevania

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Guest Captain Falcon

Well, I've got Flammie's theme from Secret of Mana as my ringtone - it's so cool.


But I'm still looking for a decent text message tone... it's all about getting something of the right length and I'm not sure what to get.

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Saria's Song? That tune is quality!


Darn tootin! Man, I'm tempted to switch my ringtone or something to that(currently rocking a non gaming Desmonds ringtone :D) though what I really want is this awesome sort of trance remix of it, was used in the darunia rave video on youtube.


Did you decide on some new tones yet Dyson? I'd suggest trying to get the Zelda big item noise, but put some delay at the beginning, so your phone vibrates when you get a message, then you hold it high above your head with both hands and 'DADADADAAAAA' you are the coolest kid on the bus. You may get the shit kicked out of you shortly after, but it's only because you're so cool and they're jealous.

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