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Grraaaagggh. I'm seriously bored right now and not doing anything when there's a ton I know I could be doing; cleaning my uni room a bit perhaps, or more importantly working on one of the many assignments I have deadlines coming up for very shortly.


And yet I refuse to do them. Why is this? Why do we procrastinate? It just annoys me. Anyway, the point of the thread is this:


What do you do to procrastinate? I myself browse these very forums as I am now (I feel sorry for my poor F5 key and the "New Posts" button up there"), check Facebook religiously, sometimes whack MSN on and get lost in pointless conversations, and a new favourite thing of mine to do when completely bored is write blog entries. How about yourself?


Also, what do you do to combat procrastination?


Edit: Just checked the "See who's online" bit at the bottom and realised I made the 22,222nd thread on the forums without even meaning to! Procrastination has a use evidently :heh:


I wish I had time to be bored.


I mean apart from the general boredom of life but I'm pretty good at being interesting so that isn't too big a problem.



What do you do to procrastinate? I myself browse these very forums as I am now (I feel sorry for my poor F5 key and the "New Posts" button up there"), check Facebook religiously, sometimes whack MSN on and get lost in pointless conversations, and a new favourite thing of mine to do when completely bored is write blog entries. How about yourself?


You have just summed up my life of late.


I have biology coursework that was due in today, but because Im not quite sure what I'm meant to be doing Im putting it off and putting it off. Facebook, msn, here have been all I've been doing since about 3pm. This is a bad / depressing way to live.


/ glum post


The way to beat procrastination is to always be focused on the next thing. For example, you won't stay up all night on the internet if you're excited about the next day. It's the difference between browsing, desperately looking for something, rather than just checking your favourite sites and taking part in the discussions that stimulate you.


I used to procrastinate more than I do now. Nowadays, I get up, go for a run, do my weight training and have a blast on the internet. If it's a work day, I'll go to work. If I'm not at work, I'll go into town or something. Then I'll have some sort of evening entertainment. It doesn't matter if it's a computer game or something else. The way I see it, as long as you're stimulated or excited, it's not truly procrastination.


Then again, some of the most relaxing times I've had have been conversations on MSN when I've simply been looking for something to do. Arguably, the key is not to worry about it.


I'm procastinating here too.

I should be doing a work and studying for my Test tomorrow.

But whatever, i am an Ace at History, so i will get a positive anyways...


Ive been procrasinating for the past week, i have an assignment for thursday on game art, i cant be assed doing it at all, but i have too.




I'm not sure if I can say I'm procrastinating, but I sure as hell ain't doing anything with my life right now. I am STILL procrastinating that job app I aforementioned however. I'm in a bit of a shit way, so I'm lacking a large amount of motivation really, just want to be a bum and curl up in a ball in bed until summer arrives.


oh man since i've come uni, i've been procrastinating no end! Its mainly facebook and watching episodes of loads of different shows on my laptop! I'm lving the american office series right now!


I was worried about procrastinating myself, until my tutor extended our deadline from 16th december to the 16th january, happy days. It means coming back to sheffield earlier than planned (probably the 10th ish or something) and making sure everything is finished. But awesome ^_^


I'm procrasting now as really I should use my free time to get started on my essay, but boo at that.


I have decided that the best solution to procrastination is procrustination - where you retrospectively decide which parts of what you were doing was work, such that you have done what you consider to be a sufficient amount.

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