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Dragon Quest VIII - Why is it So Good?


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I was against Dragon Quest IX being on handheld, but it ended up being an amazing handheld experience. Not as amazing an experience as VIII, but something new and "best-ever" for a handheld.


On the other hand, if the point of a sequel is to be better than the previous game, then frankly, they failed, and they couldn't not have done. I have to conclude that I'd like a handheld series and a console series. Maybe calling it "IX" was the only real problem?


Some people prefer DQIII over VIII though, same as some prefer V over the rest, it's all about preference. DQIX is as just as much as a DQ game as the rest of the numbered DQ games. Yet in the end no point in saying a certain DQ game is better when every one of them is perfection :D


Oh and sry for late reply :P

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Some people prefer DQIII over VIII though, same as some prefer V over the rest, it's all about preference. DQIX is as just as much as a DQ game as the rest of the numbered DQ games. Yet in the end no point in saying a certain DQ game is better when every one of them is perfection :D


Oh, it's won me over, there's no doubt about it. I just want two different series now - a handheld one and a console one, in the same way I don't expect handheld Zeldas to match the console ones, but they can still be great.


I tell you, I will be very disappointed if there is not a proper Dragon Quest for the 3DS where you can create your own characters like in IX. It's been too good not to repeat. :)

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I tell you, I will be very disappointed if there is not a proper Dragon Quest for the 3DS where you can create your own characters like in IX. It's been too good not to repeat. :)


depends upon sales of the 3DS in Japan, if 3DS becomes the next big system in Japan Dragon Quest will go over to that system after they have had enough use of the Wii.

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  • 2 years later...



So someone I subscribe to on Youtube has just started a Let's Play of this so I thought I would share it. He's done a few LP's for different Dragon Quest games including DQX and VIII was one he's been planning for a while.


Warning: May make you want to play the game again (because I certainly do...).




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I want to play it again too. The difference between now and then is that now I have an HDTV, and I'd certainly like to play it in HD if possible. Wonder if it's worth obtaining an original model PS3 from somewhere? :heh:


Can you not just play it on your PS2 rather than buying another console? I mean it won't play it in HD for you. :D


I never did finish this game. :(

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Oh yeah, still got my PS2, but only got composite leads. In all honesty, I'd make do with that, my mind was just wandering.


It's also an epic game and I've just got so much to play at the moment.


It won't be in HD unless they remake it in HD unfortunately. :(

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  • 10 months later...

Been getting that DQVIII itch recently and the mobile game wasn't scratching it so decided to pick up from my old uncomplete 90+ hours save from years ago.


I thought it was unlikely I finished the monster arena so I went off to do that first. My monster team of Archfiend, Talos and Arges were able to take out Rank A easily first time and got the Hero Spear (best spear in the game) After Rank A I noticed I already had recruited Stoneman and Goldman so went to recruit Brickman, as something special happens if you use all 3 in a team together.






Using them I was able to beat Rank S, although only barely as Mazin was brought down to 100HP.








Nice cameo from my favourite DQ character.





Unfortunately my equipment was all over the place so I spent most of today getting better equipment.


Curren setup:



Liquid Metal Sword

Platinum Headgear

Silver Mail

Metal King Sheild

Meteorite Bracer


Really needs some better armour, I can get the Liquid Metal Armour from the casino and be able to upgrade it immediately to the Metal King Armour, I think I was originally saving up for the Gringham Whip for Jessica but that'll take forever to get. I can also afford a load of Saint's Ashes instead if needed.



Conqueror's Axe

Metal King Helm

Gigant Armour

Silver Shield

Gold Bracer


Might move the Metal King Helm to the hero just to have a matching set. Could do with a better shield, maybe?



Scourge Whip

Scholar's Cap

Dragon Robe

Saintess Shield

Scholar's Specs


Jessica's pretty much set.



Magical Mace

Phantom Mask

Sacred Armour

Power Shield

Catholicon Ring


Probably could use a better shield?


Skill point were also all over place on account of it being my first play through and the game doesn't really tell you what's in each skill tree unless you talk to a specific person.



Swords: 100

Spears: 45

Boomerangs: 1

Courage: 80



Axes: 100

Clubs: 2

Sycthes: 41

Humanity: 86



Knives: 10

Whips: 55

Staves: 66

Sex Appeal: 100 ( ;) )



Swords: 35

Bows: 25

Staves: 75

Charisma: 56


Although the Hero and Yangus are fine minus a few wasted points, I don't really know what to do with Jessica and Angelo.


Anyway, hoping I will finally finish the game and do the post game as well, I've only been playing the game since 2006. ;)

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Ike, what have you done? I wasn't planning to start DQVIII yet on my PS2 run but...but...you bumped this topic and put it back in my mind!


I can't remember where I even got to last time. I suppose it makes no difference because if I can't remember then I will definetly be starting it from scratch.


*shakes angry fist*

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Ike, what have you done? I wasn't planning to start DQVIII yet on my PS2 run but...but...you bumped this topic and put it back in my mind!


I can't remember where I even got to last time. I suppose it makes no difference because if I can't remember then I will definetly be starting it from scratch.


*shakes angry fist*


Well it was your PS2 thread that pushed me to start it now, so now we're even. :p I was actually debating picking up this or DQVII.


I'm currently considering restarting after I finish this run and do it "proper" but I'll see how I feel after this run. It might end up taking me another 8 years to finish though. ;)

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Well it was your PS2 thread that pushed me to start it now, so now we're even. :p I was actually debating picking up this or DQVII.


Haha. Touché.


Is there actually a perfect build for each of the characters? In JRPGs like this, where you have to assign skill points, I'm always afraid I knack it up and put some in a move that's not needed which then hinders me further into the game.


Dat Jessica though! :D

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I thought it was unlikely I finished the monster arena so I went off to do that first. My monster team of Archfiend, Talos and Arges were able to take out Rank A easily first time and got the Hero Spear (best spear in the game) After Rank A I noticed I already had recruited Stoneman and Goldman so went to recruit Brickman, as something special happens if you use all 3 in a team together.


The best? Oh really...? ;)


Using them I was able to beat Rank S, although only barely as Mazin was brought down to 100HP.


I feel like the only person who can't beat Monster Arena Rank S with My Three Golems, even when the thing in the spoiler happens. I can only beat it by using the exact same monsters as Morrie.


Although the Hero and Yangus are fine minus a few wasted points, I don't really know what to do with Jessica and Angelo.[/quoteS]


I like using them as mages (ie. put the points into Staves), although I was reading this FAQ which suggests otherwise:



(And my old favourite) http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps2/583527-dragon-quest-viii-journey-of-the-cursed-king/faqs/40285


Ike, what have you done? I wasn't planning to start DQVIII yet on my PS2 run but...but...you bumped this topic and put it back in my mind!


I thought it was my fault for mentioning it in the PS2 thread. I really, really want to play it now, despite having so many other games to play. (Investigates component cable...)

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I always mean to get back to DQ8 too - I played this and FF X in tandem on PStwo and finished neither! Wish I had the luxury of such a dilemma as yours, Lord @Ike, because DQ7 coming out over here on 3DS is the only way I'll ever get to play it.


H-o-T, I think proper builds only matter for the post-game (Grazza or Patch can correct me) so for the main game, the best approach is to pick what each character will specialise in and stick to that plan - also a good rule of thumb for Etrian Odyssey if you wouldn't be such a chicken about that series. : peace: The only 'bad' approach would be to spread skill points across lots of areas and have your characters excel at nothing in particular.

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Is there actually a perfect build for each of the characters? In JRPGs like this, where you have to assign skill points, I'm always afraid I knack it up and put some in a move that's not needed which then hinders me further into the game.


I would say so, definitely.


There are post-game bosses that have massive physical defence, so much so that you'll need critical hits. My personal advice would be to aim for at least this:



Spears - 77

Courage - 90

Fisticuffs - 11 (maybe)


The 'best' weapon in the game is a sword, but it won't help you get critical hits, so I'd still go for spears. Putting 59 points into Spears gets you the critical hit move Lightning Thrust, and 77 gets you an extra +25 attack. Maxing Spears gets you a magic-based special move, which comes in useful at times but is ineffective when a boss has high magic defence. As for Courage, getting it to 90 reduces your magic expenditure by 50%.


If you don't get Lightning Thrust (which only has a 50% chance of hitting, I believe), you can still fight the post-game bosses, but you'll have to grind to level 65. Even then, spears help with grinding, as Lightning Thrust is pretty much the best way to defeat a Metal King Slime.


So, that's Hero. Keep in mind that there are reasons to put points in Swords, but in my opinion, Spears are far, far more essential. Finally, the reason I have suggested eventually (I wouldn't recommend it early on) putting 11 points into Fisticuffs is because it gets you Defending Champion. This gives your team a 'free' turn (they only take 10% damage) to set up their buffs. You can then equip your spear and get on with the battle properly.



Axes - 82


66 points in Axes gets you Executioner (the equivalent of Lightning Thrust), whereas 82 gets you another +20 in attack. As for other points, personally I would put them in Humanity, but I can't stress how important Axes are for Yangus. There will be times when Hero and Yangus are purely trying to get their critical hit moves to work, and unlike Hero, Yangus can't even grind to get a special move that makes up for it.



Staff - 100

Whip - 68 (maybe)


I like using Jessica as a mage, so maxing that gets you Kazing and all sorts of other spells to support that. For her other skills, my preference is Sex Appeal, although many would say Whips. Certain Whip skills help against post-game bosses, but personally I still like using her as a mage in those occasions.



Staff - 100


Angelo is a healer, so I like to max out his magic skills. I'm afraid I'm less certain of where to put his other points. Whilst I could see how Swords or Bows could be useful during the main game, personally I put the spare points into Charisma as I need him as a full-time healer during the post-game boss battles.


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Haha. Touché.


Is there actually a perfect build for each of the characters? In JRPGs like this, where you have to assign skill points, I'm always afraid I knack it up and put some in a move that's not needed which then hinders me further into the game.


Dat Jessica though! :D


I think with the Hero, you can't go wrong with Swords or Spears, Courage is a must. Spears have Lightning Thrust which is great for Metal Slime hunting.


Yangus I like Axes, Helm Splitter and Executioner are too good.


Seems Jessica is really good with whips, but staves for both her and Angelo give some really good skills. Angelo is apparently really good with Bows but I think he can get away with any weapon skills really.


The best? Oh really...? ;)


Well best that's currently available. :p


I feel like the only person who can't beat Monster Arena Rank S with My Three Golems, even when the thing in the spoiler happens. I can only beat it by using the exact same monsters as Morrie.


Like I said, I barely beat Morrie. Mazin kept attacking the Liquid Metal Slime for 1HP instead of probably the better idea and going for the Cureslime first. Luckily he started using Desperate Attacks and managed to land a crit on the LMS taking it out. One of Morrie's monsters wasted a few turns using Burning Breath, if it hadn't it would have taken me out.


Although the Hero and Yangus are fine minus a few wasted points, I don't really know what to do with Jessica and Angelo.


I like using them as mages (ie. put the points into Staves), although I was reading this FAQ which suggests otherwise:



(And my old favourite) http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps2/583527-dragon-quest-viii-journey-of-the-cursed-king/faqs/40285


I feel like I've spread their skill points too far when I should have focused them, really regretting not maxing Staves for example (for the MP recovery and Kazing).


I'll keep Jess on Whips and Angelo on Staves though.


I thought it was my fault for mentioning it in the PS2 thread. I really, really want to play it now, despite having so many other games to play. (Investigates component cable...)


Yeah, it was both your fault. :p Also why I was looking into the component cable, it's a bit blurry. One of the few advantages the mobile port has, it's pretty sharp.

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H-o-T, I think proper builds only matter for the post-game (Grazza or Patch can correct me) so for the main game, the best approach is to pick what each character will specialise in and stick to that plan - also a good rule of thumb for Etrian Odyssey if you wouldn't be such a chicken about that series. : peace:


Yeah, but you can always Rest or Retire in Etrian Odyssey, thus getting back your skill points. The one big flaw in Dragon Quest VIII (besides not being able to see the full Metal King Armour :heh:) is that you can completely waste your skill points and not get them back.


If you find yourself in this situation, then in theory you can steal Skill Seeds (which, again, takes skill points to get that skill!) or wait for enemies to drop them. Neither were successful methods when I played it. The points awarded gets less and less at higher levels too.

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It's finally happened.gif.




Jessica died once although not entirely sure how, but he's not that tough. The ending was great, Trode looked better cursed though. :laughing:


Speaking of Trode...




Wanted to grind a bit before heading to the post game area but I'm not having much luck with Metal King Slimes, spent a few hours on Slime Hill and only saw 1. Liquid Metal Slimes are pretty rare as well unless you got to the other areas only accessible by air and at night.

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I love the 'Intimidate' feature, as it always feels wrong to attack weak enemies!


Wanted to grind a bit before heading to the post game area but I'm not having much luck with Metal King Slimes, spent a few hours on Slime Hill and only saw 1. Liquid Metal Slimes are pretty rare as well unless you got to the other areas only accessible by air and at night.


Metal King Slimes are actually in the post-game area - you can sometimes get two next to each other.


If I recall correctly, Liquid Metal Slimes are also in the post-game area, and accessible earlier than the Metal King Slimes.


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Metal King Slimes are actually in the post-game area - you can sometimes get two next to each other.


If I recall correctly, Liquid Metal Slimes are also in the post-game area, and accessible earlier than the Metal King Slimes.


The LMS are actually fairly common in the fly only areas so it didn't take too long to get to 49 and at which point I decided to head for the Dragovian Path where I ran into 2 metal groups with Metal Kings and a bunch of Liquids twice, but only managed to kill 1 King.




Cleared the Dragovian Path and headed to the Heavanly Dias where I fought the Lord of the Dragovians. Funny how they hype him up to be stronger than Rhapthorne when he's not at all, he went down without too much effort.




Then I took on the Dragovian Trials (although I thought these would be extra dungeons).








Boy, I hate Gigaflash. I went for the armour first although I sort of instantly regretted it and probably should have gone for the sword? :shrug:


I guess the Dragon Lord takes different forms of the Dragon as part of the trial.



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Boy, I hate Gigaflash. I went for the armour first although I sort of instantly regretted it and probably should have gone for the sword? :shrug:


I got all the armour first too (and I've seen that recommended), but then again I prefer spears anyway.


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Beat the Emerald and Silver Dragons and got the Helm and Shield. The Metal Shield seems better than the Dragovian one at first glance so hoping it has some nice hidden bonuses, but Yangus has the Metal Shield now.


The Silver Dragon was the first one to start giving me trouble so I may have to grind before the next Dragon.


Might get the Alchemy Pot upgrade next but it's kind of useless at this point.




Forgot to mention this in my last post, but really enjoying the post game story, unfortunately I can already see where's it's going and how it affects the ending.

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Spent the last week grinding in the Dragon Graveyard for a few hours at night and a few hours yesterday working my way to get the hero to level 65.


At around level 61, I took a break from grinding and took on the Golden Dragon.




Wasn't really a problem unless he started raising his tension. Oddly Chilling Chuckle, even though it says it lowered it, doesn't seem to get rid of the Dragon's tension.


Well, back to the old grind.





Broadcast Yourself


In case anyone doesn't know, it's an attack that ignores defence. Very useful for the next dragon. Tension 50 + Dragon Soul = OHKO.




Next, the Divine Dragon fell.




Bonus video of the battle, includes a very angry Hustle Dance.




Of course his true final form was up next but only after fighting all his other forms first without the ability to heal inbetween battles. He, of course, eventually went down though. He was a pain using Disruptive Wave to get get rid of my tension boosts although sometimes lose track of who was at what tension. I did mess up with the Silver Dragon which made the fight unnecessarily harder.


I loved the reference to the original DQ.




I did record the entire boss fight, but it's over an hour. So here's just the Ultimate Dragon.







The ending was fantastic, although it went how I expected it to. I sorta liked the normal ending a little better in a way. :p

I did want to record the refight with Rhapthorne but I messed up the recording. D'oh. Let's just say it involved a

high tension Dragon Soul.



Final playtime:



Feels good to finally finish the game after starting it in 2006. The game holds up really well apart from looking terrible on HDTVs.

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