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If Nintendo don't want to make a Mario game for Wiiware then thats fine but how about they show some support for the system with another Nintendo franchise or even a new IP.

I was thinking that while i was reading through the page. It would be perfect to test new ideas at a lower cost so risk of failure isn't the end of the world.


I'm sure that Miyamoto comes up with some random ideas that never see the light of day.... maybe here they could??

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Guest Captain Falcon
4 swords with online would be amazing no matter what console it was on. I think a 2D metroid game would be more suited to retail though, Imagine a 2D metroid with a brawl art style.


I'd make the argument that Brawl is kind of lacking when it comes to art direction - it's just one big melting pot, a merging of several identities but not really one of it's own.


I'd love to see it use the style used in the Metroid Prime official artwork




Once it makes the jump to 3D, it loses a little something - it sometimes looks a bit too clinical I think (but perhaps unavoidable?). Hopefully keeping 2D will retain the style they were aiming for.

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Yeah, some core support would be pretty good without being hit with the casual nerf stick.


Exactly. Nintendo make bugger all effort to advertise WiiWare and DSiWare - I'd be willing to bet that most sales come from forumites like ourselves. It'd be nice to see some 'core' support from them rather than outsourcing their work to other companies (all of their WiiWare games have been developed by second- and third-parties).

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Wiiware Four Swords would be brilliant! And give us a 2d Metroid dammit!


Metroid on WiiWare? Forget it. Thats honestly the second worst idea ever. Reason: there's not enough file space to create something worthy of the Metroid name. LostWinds- a game rather similar to Metroid in construct and one which i'd suggest has the level of art design we'd expect- is one of the larger WiiWare titles but remains extremely short.


Unless you mean a Metroid Pinball game- which would simply be the worst single idea ever.


Nintendo has produced some great WiiWare stuff- look at the ArtStyle series. For a few quid, you can't do better.

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Nintendo has produced some great WiiWare stuff- look at the ArtStyle series. For a few quid, you can't do better.


Nintendo hasn't produced anything. Skip, who developed Chibi-Robo!, are responsible for the entire Art Style series.

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Wii in Japan,




Iwata: Wii 'unhealthy' in Japan, but no price cut coming


Nintendo president admits home country is growing "tired" of the motion-sensing console--but says slashing the price "cannot drive up sales."


After the PlayStation 3 outsold the Wii in Japan last month, the Wall Street Journal called Nintendo "vulnerable" in its home country. Now, after initially blaming a weak Japanese gaming market for the Wii's 63 percent one-month sales slump, Iwata admitted that the console was facing difficulties.


"The Wii is in the most unhealthy condition since it hit the Japanese market," he told the crowd, according to the Agence France-Presse news service. "The current condition in the Japanese market is not the one we want." However, Iwata did say that declining Wii sales were partly due to the Japanese character. "The speed with which people get tired of any new entertainment is faster in Japan than in overseas markets," explained the executive.


When sales of the Wii's two rival consoles--the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360--have slowed, their manufacturers have responded with a series of price cuts. For the moment, though, Iwata ruled out any such move on Nintendo's part with a somewhat perplexing argument.


"A price cut in a difficult economy cannot really excite the market and drive up sales," contended Iwata. "As of now, I really don't think that a price cut is a good option for us."

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Tekken 6 director on Wii Tekken: 'very interesting'


In a new interview with GamePro, Tekken 6 director Katsuhiro Harada suggests that Wii owners demand a Tekken game of their own.


In an exclusive interview with GamePro, the director of the Xbox 360- and PS3-bound brawler Tekken 6 is open to the idea of a Wii version of the classic fighting series. Here's the key quote:


Do you have any desire to port Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection or Tekken 6 to the Wii at some point? Why or why not?


Katsuhiro Harada: That would be very interesting. Like the Xbox 360 owners, if Wii owners are passionate and make it known they really want the series on their system, we would love to be able to answer that request.


Hearing about the huge number of Xbox 360 owners who are Tekken fans, especially in North America, definitely played a huge part in influencing us to bring the game to that system.


As for the Wii, the standard controller lacks the right number of buttons and the placement is awkward, so... I suppose the classic controller could handle it!

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Nintendo hasn't produced anything. Skip, who developed Chibi-Robo!, are responsible for the entire Art Style series.


True, true. Slip of the tongue- or fingers. I bow my head in shame.


Wii in Japan,


How about this radical idea, Iwata. Produce some great games, and excite the market that way?

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They're smart in not lowering the price. As soon as Monster Hunter 3 and Wii Sports Resort come out sales will be back to normal. And then there's Tales of Graces late this year/early next year also. And Genius Sonority should have a new project almost finished by now too I would think, and it would most likely be something pokemon.

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Pokemon andDragon Quest X.


these two names are what are going to garrentee that Nintendo are very fine in japan. Nintendo have really got the big guns now on the Wii, it's declining at the moment, but Nintendo are still in a very safe position, they still have yet to bring out new colours for the Wii.

And if anything bad happens, you can bet a brand new pokemon game would come onto the Wii which everyone knows will be gobbled up the moment it hit shelves.

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Guest Captain Falcon
They're smart in not lowering the price. As soon as Monster Hunter 3 and Wii Sports Resort come out sales will be back to normal. And then there's Tales of Graces late this year/early next year also. And Genius Sonority should have a new project almost finished by now too I would think, and it would most likely be something pokemon.


As much as I'm looking forward to it, I very much doubt ToG will be a system seller - ToS2 sure wasn't. Also, whilst I'm sure it will do big numbers, part of me thinks WSR won't be the console driver people are expecting because that's what the original Wii Sports was. If the first game didn't get them to go and buy the console, what makes us think it's sequel will.


Now Monster Hunter Tri - that will be the one if any to shift those Wiis off store shelves if it's impact on the PSP was any indication. I think this taps into a different part of the Japanese market that the so far the Wii has missed.

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Dawn of the New World wasn't a main entry in the Tales series and it was never going to sell well in the first place. MS paid Namco for an exclusive Tales entry on the 360 and all the good folk worked on it, then the DotNW team half assed the game from the get go with a not so great team behind it. ToV, the next main entry shifted units for the 360 in Japan which actually made the 360 sell out at places. Ironically Dawn of the New World outsold it, which is good anyway :heh:


As for Wii Sports Resort, you have WMP plus more games including sword fighting, that game along can excite folk. MH3/G will shift consoles obviously, same with DQX.

Edited by ShadowV7
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Guest Captain Falcon
Dawn of the New World wasn't a main entry in the Tales series and it was never going to sell well in the first place. MS paid Namco for an exclusive Tales entry on the 360 and all the good folk worked on it, then the DotNW team half assed the game from the get go with a not so great team behind it. ToV, the next main entry shifted units for the 360 in Japan which actually made the 360 sell out at places. Ironically Dawn of the New World outsold it, which is good anyway :heh:


As for Wii Sports Resort, you have WMP plus more games including sword fighting, that game along can excite folk. MH3/G will shift consoles obviously, same with DQX.


What I'm trying to get at is that the Wii has a good install base at the moment and whilst those games will sell well, particularly WSR and MHT, I suspect the vast proportion of the buyers will already own a Wii.


If swinging a controller like a tennis racket and watching a crude, but likable, character do the same on the TV wasn't enough to excite them, I don't see how waving it around like a ken do sword and watching the same crude, but still likable character, follow out the actions will make much of a difference.


Maybe I'm totally missing something...

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What I'm trying to get at is that the Wii has a good install base at the moment and whilst those games will sell well, particularly WSR and MHT, I suspect the vast proportion of the buyers will already own a Wii.


If swinging a controller like a tennis racket and watching a crude, but likable, character do the same on the TV wasn't enough to excite them, I don't see how waving it around like a ken do sword and watching the same crude, but still likable character, follow out the actions will make much of a difference.


Maybe I'm totally missing something...


There will be many people in Japan who are waiting for some of the games that have been listed though. There hasn't really been a major pokemon game on the Wii yet, PBR was more of an App, and there are many other series that the japanese love that aren't on the console yet, but are coming.

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Maybe I'm totally missing something...


You are...there's a 'crude' dog in WSR too. You have TOTALLY under-estimated the power a cute dog can have on a videogame! (Especially in Japan!) :indeed:


Imo WSR/Wii Sports doesn't look crude at all. It looks awesome in a similar vein to Playmobil. A lovely design choice which is brilliantly functional. : peace:

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Metroid on WiiWare? Forget it. Thats honestly the second worst idea ever. Reason: there's not enough file space to create something worthy of the Metroid name. LostWinds- a game rather similar to Metroid in construct and one which i'd suggest has the level of art design we'd expect- is one of the larger WiiWare titles but remains extremely short.


Unless you mean a Metroid Pinball game- which would simply be the worst single idea ever.


Nintendo has produced some great WiiWare stuff- look at the ArtStyle series. For a few quid, you can't do better.


Oh really? With a graphical style similar to the 8-Bit game it'd be great. Take inspiration from Megaman 9!

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Ive just read this over at Gonintendo who have reported this as a rumour for now.


We’ve already heard Capcom tell us that Resident Evil Wiimake and Resident Evil Zero Wiimake are coming stateside. What haven’t heard is when, or for how much.


This latest rumor tells us that both games will be coming to us at the end of June, and they’re going to come in a combo pack called Resident Evil: Archives. Even better, this package is said to cost $30.


If this is true, it might me a nice way to tide us over until Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles comes out this Winter.

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Oh really? With a graphical style similar to the 8-Bit game it'd be great. Take inspiration from Megaman 9!


or please please don't :)


the futher metroid stays from megaman the better.. I'd rather it took something from donkey kong country to be honest.


Nobody really wants another 8-bit metroid... Most people haven't played it but.. these days it's practically unplayable..

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Ive just read this over at Gonintendo who have reported this as a rumour for now.


If that were true it would be awesome.


or please please don't :)


the futher metroid stays from megaman the better.. I'd rather it took something from donkey kong country to be honest.


Nobody really wants another 8-bit metroid... Most people haven't played it but.. these days it's practically unplayable..


I fully agree with this. I've tried to play it a few times recently and every-time I just ended up turning it off. I'd much rather have a game that plays more like zero mission, but with 3D sort of like New Super Mario Bros.

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If that were true it would be awesome.




I fully agree with this. I've tried to play it a few times recently and every-time I just ended up turning it off. I'd much rather have a game that plays more like zero mission, but with 3D sort of like New Super Mario Bros.


Zero mission is a perfect example of what it could be like. Seriously 2d metroid is just epic.

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