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The cons are spending time downloading it, putting it on an SD card and having to install the HomeBrew Channel.


Pretty much it :heh:


Lets be fair, installing unauthorised software will instantly void your guarantee. Thats a big negative, should you have a new Wii. Should you be out of warranty, Nintendo still carry out some repairs free- at least thats my experience- very doubtful you'd get that if HB is installed.


It seems when there's a compulsory update from Nintendo, there's some cocking about to do, reinstalling. I'd guess you'll also run the risk of dodgy applications fudging your Wii.


Lets not trivialise HomeBrew, for some kid to stumble on these pages and end up bricking their Wii good an' proper.

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Seems like I was shafted when Nintendo blocked my freeloader. (I know, I know...I could have NOT updated the Wii and it was MY choice to import) but the whole situation is a bit mental tbh.


Seems like if you can install something onto YOUR OWNED/BOUGHT system which enables you to play titles from any region; that's a good thing for the gamer.




Obviously there are a whole other slew of ideas about this but yeah, that's a major reason to Twilight Hack my Wii. Still...aint done it yet but that ton if import games are just gathering dust after Wii Music and a 6yr old spent some time with my Wii. :(

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Lets be fair, installing unauthorised software will instantly void your guarantee. Thats a big negative, should you have a new Wii. Should you be out of warranty, Nintendo still carry out some repairs free- at least thats my experience- very doubtful you'd get that if HB is installed.


It seems when there's a compulsory update from Nintendo, there's some cocking about to do, reinstalling. I'd guess you'll also run the risk of dodgy applications fudging your Wii.


Lets not trivialise HomeBrew, for some kid to stumble on these pages and end up bricking their Wii good an' proper.


You can't brick your Wii with the HomeBrew Channel. Even if you have to re-install it, it takes what? 2 minutes? Also the applications don't mess up with your Wii anyway, and if there's a chance of that happening, there's a warning with it. The main ones folk are use are for playing import games and homebrew, which is completely safe. Though if folk jump in and do screw their Wii, it's their fault for not reading everything first.


And homebrew is easy to get rid aswell as any traces of it ever being used.

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Depends on what the update actually does, that last one didn't really have any effects on the HBC, plus it's not like you need to update your Wii.


No, of course not. It's not like anyone buys a Wii to have the ability to actually play and download new games.

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No, of course not. It's not like anyone buys a Wii to have the ability to actually play and download new games.


Not with the way the VC and WiiWare is going(especially VC), all the good ones are already out! And even then, there's some many times you empty your fridge before you go "Screw it" :heh: But I dunno the last time I actually updated my Wii just for WW or VC. I think given the choice between imports or download games, I would go for imports, might be the same for others. And then there's that, so you won't be missing to much.


Nope. Even if you remove the channel there will still be logs apparently.


You mean the play list thingy-ma-jig? I was thinking that after my post. I thought it was the HBC that you went to un-install to get rid of it, but I think that was wads. There was something you un-installed, so i'm thinking it was them. But it might show up on the playlist-thingy-ma-jig still.

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I'm a bit tempted to install the HBC so I can play some Smash Bros again. Still have my US copy and would like to play it and I am thinking of importing other stuff (Such as Capcom Vs, and perhaps Fragile as I don't think they'll get a release). Don't really know much about the channel or what to do. And I'm guessing the specifics aren't a legitimate conversation topic on here so would anyone mind PM'ing me the site you download then stuff from so I can read up on it before I make a decision.

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I'm thinking about importing disaster now that I've installed home brew, is it worth it?


Hmm, wonder what it is then. Might look about then and see what it means in my spare time. Didn't think it would have any other logs.


I would imagine there's some sort of OS console that records all processes or something. I'm not quite sure how it works with linux.


I still have only the vaguest idea what Homebrew actually is, despite going on the siter and stuff.


What it is mainly used for? I assume not just emulation and stuff...people mentioned oplaying games from another region...


Basically Nintendo made the Wii so that all software that gets put on it, has to be licensed by them to be able to run. So, some hobbyists managed to hack the Wii so that they could run any software they wanted on it. And there's a full community of people who are developing this software. They basically make applications for it that do things that you can't do on the Wii normally but you should be able to do, like watch DVD movies, access your media, play games with low production values (well thanks to ubisoft you could do that without homebrew), and perhaps the best feature would be playing games from other regions and still being able to update your Wii.


Now, since you only got your Wii recently, its still in warranty, so you probably should wait until thats over before installing this since it obviously will void your warranty.

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Oh, what does fidel mean then? Does it even exist in English language?


Fidel is just like Fidel Castro and that, afaik. You're getting it from "fidelity" which does mean faithful/ loyal. :) You don't "remain fidelity to someone or something" though so you gotta switch it out with faithful, loyal or whatever.


(I genuinely don't mean to sound patronising btw!)

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No grammatical error too petty, no mistranslated piece of text too small... This sounds like a job for... Frosty the Shadow Snowman, Master of Language, Forums and all things icy! I have no idea where that came from, I think I need sleep. Ignore this paragraph.


Ooo yeah, to stay on topic I got Wario Land for £18.78 from Zavvi. It's a solid platformer, not astoundingly good but I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.

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Dead Rising is a cheap cash-in!



In discussing reasons why Dead Rising has been ported to the Wii, Capcom has revealed Zack and Wiki didn't do so well.


The Japanese powerhouse of action and fighting games last year decided to port over the quirky Zombie game Dead Rising to the Wii. Since then some have mocked what arguably looks like a "shoddilly-iddily-iddily-diddly" effort, accusing the publisher to be purely in it for the money.


Capcom's Product Marketing Manager Colin Ferris has responded to these claims with a straightforward statement: The better a franchise does, the more chance sequels will come about.


...some claim that the only reason we brought Dead Rising to the Wii was to make money... You're right, we've been caught: We're guilty of being a business. In fact, as a gamer, you should want a brand that you love to be successful, because that increases the chance that we'll make more games. The games business is filled with titles that people love that simply did not make money: Viewtiful Joe. Okami. Zack and Wiki.


Product Marketing Manager Colin Ferris

So are they porting Dead Rising also because it sold less than they wanted it too on the 360?


And about Zack and Wiki:

According to vgchartz.com, Zack and Wiki has sold 0.54million, that's 540,000 copies.


That doesn't seem too bad, but it's also a shame because it easily deserves to be a million seller.


Seems it bombed in Japan, which is a bit surprising...


USA: 350,000 copies

Europe: 160,000 copies

Japan: 30,000 copies


But then I certainly can't remember any effort from Capcom to advertise this game!

What with Wii sales as they are now, Capcom should have advertised the game in the run up to Christmas, like Sega did with Mario and Sonic despite the game already being around a year old!

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