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At work someone told me their friend just completely avoided the main quest and wandered round the wastes for about 20 hours and he actually bumped into his dad and it avoided a fair chunk of the main quest.

But don't you work in Sainsbury's? Who are selling the game for £29?


Yes, and i can get it from work for about £25 as a result. I've not spent more than £20 on a PC game in YEARS though, i don't intend to start now :p Last year i got the Orange Box and UT3 for £18 on release day and The Witcher for a tenner. I was planning on waiting a few weeks for the usual price crash that PC games suffer :)

At work someone told me their friend just completely avoided the main quest and wandered round the wastes for about 20 hours and he actually bumped into his dad and it avoided a fair chunk of the main quest.




Hmmm i might run into that situation then since ive been avoiding the post-GNR main quest like the plague. I love exploring the Wastelands and making discoveries Skies of Arcadia-style but I hated the DC metro district when i vacationed there and i dont like exploring it in this game either

At work someone told me their friend just completely avoided the main quest and wandered round the wastes for about 20 hours and he actually bumped into his dad and it avoided a fair chunk of the main quest.


I've heard some similar. Some dudes started exploring and after 2 hours of game they found him.


the bumping into dad thing, it happeend to me, well, the bit you have to do before you meet him again, didnt realise how important it was, and i didnt finnish it. this was just after talking to 3 dog. as a result, i was trying to do the main quest pretty ,uch blind for a bit. wasnt easy.


Damn really enjoying this game I think its the most immersive game I have ever played.


Defiantly what I would consider a next gen game.

i like having the radio on and hearing talk of how awsome i am. it might just be a computer, but its nice to feel appreciated at some point in my life.


yeah I love that to, really inpowers the player


level 16 :)


got some AMAZING armour and weapons and got a theme (love machine :D) and a workbench in my hotel room now :).


progress - met enclave radio computer lately


got 3 blueprints for weapons and 3 bobbleheads


ive stopped putting the radio on now as tired of freedog going "bow wow" etc lol

and tired of enclave radio fullstop.


Wow level 16, I'm just coming up to level 7, trying to get some side quests done, but it's pretty hard trying to find the things, like I'm trying to find 'The family' from a quest in Arefu, have searched all in the secret underground hideout, been to the outdoor cinema and travelled through the railway place mentioned and not found them. Help would be nice.


And it's always nice to finally dump your encumberment on someone in Megaton.


The game is really shaping up nicely, but I want to become more powerful, level 16 sounds great! Ah well at least I've taken a few steps.

Wow level 16, I'm just coming up to level 7, trying to get some side quests done, but it's pretty hard trying to find the things, like I'm trying to find 'The family' from a quest in Arefu, have searched all in the secret underground hideout, been to the outdoor cinema and travelled through the railway place mentioned and not found them. Help would be nice.


And it's always nice to finally dump your encumberment on someone in Megaton.


The game is really shaping up nicely, but I want to become more powerful, level 16 sounds great! Ah well at least I've taken a few steps.


im level 18, got lots of lovly things, usualy go for a cowboy esq get up, not good protection, just fucking bad ass.



in the family, go to the metro were the two ghouls live. the enterence is behind their little home.


my home in megaton is full of my crap. got all the optional house items, and im going to get a theme soon. just got paid 2250 caps for a look at my map. there was a happy face made.


its taking ages to level up now, realisticly, you need a couple of quests and alot of fighting to grow much at this point.


Cool. You mean the room behind the Gouls? I didn't find anything there, what I did see was a room with Radioactive waste which had a grate that could be entered, you then kill a couple of water freaks. After that you travel through a train station with traps and then there wasn't anything much outside the station.

I was lost.

Surely there are very few creatures that pose a problem when you're at such a high level?

Cool. You mean the room behind the Gouls? I didn't find anything there, what I did see was a room with Radioactive waste which had a grate that could be entered, you then kill a couple of water freaks. After that you travel through a train station with traps and then there wasn't anything much outside the station.

I was lost.

Surely there are very few creatures that pose a problem when you're at such a high level?


try going in during the day, i assure you, go far enough in, check all corners and you will find it.


theres still alot of danger. the bear monsters can fuck me over if they catch me reloading and wounded. those big clawy bastards can also take off a good chunk of health, as can super mutants at master level.


im still normaly ok if im in decent shape, but being swarmed, and slowly chipped away at, in failing armor can leave me dead. im deady at either close range or long range, though middle range isnt great for me. also, a few soilders with some fancy weapons can hurt me alot. havnt encountered enough to get one of there weapons of my own in decent conditon, even with constant repairs.


Ok cheers that might help if I go during day cause I remember listening to the guy and he said they go away at night.

But it can't be hard if you travel to a bed often and then once healed return to your spot? Oh and I managed to kill an injured claw thing, but for injured enemies there's no XP :(

Ok cheers that might help if I go during day cause I remember listening to the guy and he said they go away at night.

But it can't be hard if you travel to a bed often and then once healed return to your spot? Oh and I managed to kill an injured claw thing, but for injured enemies there's no XP :(


ive killed a few of them, got one when i was about level 10.. my startergy was blast its face off witha shot gun.. it was also injured but near full health. now i snipe em from afar. going for the legs should stop em jumping, making em easier.


i find it ironic that im a very high level of good, despite the fact im bassicly clensing the wastes of thouse i deem to be unjust.


i also love making peoples heads explode. nothing quiet like a slow-mo bullet bursting the head of a female raider running at me with a lead pipe.


They are apptly named "Deathclaws" for a reason...


My buddy killed one at level 2....it had two bars of health left, and it still took 11 shots to the head with the 10mm. For somereason it was by the super duper mart.

They are apptly named "Deathclaws" for a reason...


My buddy killed one at level 2....it had two bars of health left, and it still took 11 shots to the head with the 10mm. For somereason it was by the super duper mart.


think i saw one there, fighting a wastelander. i tried to save him but he caught a case of decapitation, searching his body uncovered the plans for the deathclaw gauntlet. that was my big wow moment.


That guantlet is actually an unarmed weapon as opposed to melee. That surprised me a bit.


Okay, fun thing to do. Try describing and explaining a deathclaw to people who have never heard of them. The best I could do was one big guy (6'5" 250 lb) riding on another equally big guys shoulders, but with horns and torso sized hands with claws of evicseration.


I think this game hates me.

I was walking around and stumbled into 2 deathclaws and 6 raiders.

I tried my new Experimental MIRV and lopped 8 mini nukes at their general direction (808 dmg for each mini nuke) and whiped everything off from the face of the planet.


Also I just reached 30 hours played.

Help me.

I think this game hates me.

I was walking around and stumbled into 2 deathclaws and 6 raiders.

I tried my new Experimental MIRV and lopped 8 mini nukes at their general direction (808 dmg for each mini nuke) and whiped everything off from the face of the planet.


Also I just reached 30 hours played.

Help me.


That sounds bad ass....so there is nothing at all in the game world? Or just no people?

That sounds bad ass....so there is nothing at all in the game world? Or just no people?


Well there are loads of named location and the places with the occasional quests but most places are just excuses to run around kill stuff while your there

There are loads off people out there, most of them just want to kill you

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