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The game mechanics are quite different from Oblivion, karma has a real effect throughout the world and on the story. Leveling is done via experience points, as opposed to having to grind each skill untill you can level. The 3rd person view is infintely better than anything Bethesda has tried before. The shooting mechanics are well done, a bit hard to get the sensitivity right though on the controllers (but I had been using K/M for the past 11 hours...)


The characters are much more unique compared to oblivions set, where you could find the same person 3 times in each village....just with a different name.


Wandering the wastes is incredibly more enjoyable than wandering wandering the wilderness. It all feels unique.


As for the length (it's only single player fyi dazzybee) I've playeed 25 hours barely even explored DC and still haven't touched the main story. Although, I'm guessing that if you invested the same amount of time just in the main story and rushed through it.....well it'd be beaten.


Oh and I totally think the Ce is worth the extra monies. The lunchbox is nice quality the artbook is very well done, I haven't looked at the making of yet, and the bobble-head is quite nice. (and wobbly :p)


I agree the art book is really good. Found a cut in my box though. Not impressed, thought it was a hair.

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I am actually not feeling Fallout quite yet!


I loved the early stuff in the vault...loved the flash through time at the beginning of the game, it was really well executed and I loved how managing to stay spoiler free helped the impression it left as a gaming experience.


I am totally bought into the story and the characters (who the hell does the voice of your Dad? really niggling me)


But progress is so hard and slow I am finding it a bit daunting but I'm going to stick at it, I know it will get better with time. I found it frustrating that after reaching megaton I couldn't do a lot of things because my skill levels weren't high enough. I couldn't fix leaks I couldn't pick certain locks, I couldn't even tamper with the bomb, megatons fate will have to wait for another day.


I found myself being good but then needed to do a few bad things to suit my needs. At the end of the day I am not going to let people stand in my way when it comes to finding dad so if that means doing bad things then so be it...


One slight bug with the PS3 version as well, is everytime someone signs into PSN off your friend list a message comes up to let you know, on every other game it is unintrusive, yet in this the game stops for a few seconds and it gets really annoying, I think I may play the game logged out of PSN if this problem persists.


I still love the game, just the pace after leaving the vault and the lack of progress in side quests aside from the main quest. I will return to megaton once my skills are up high enough to do some things.


I am soooooo tempted to get this but know I can't. I have an exam on Monday and really shouldn't be buying any games as it'll just keep me away from revising. And I need to revise for it because some of it confused the hell outta me in lectures. I will definitely be getting the game for Xmas, along with vast amounts of other 360 games. Just really want it now though.... :shakehead


Seems I am not the only one with problems on PS3. Besthedas forums are full of complaints, some as bad as the game not recognising safe files, meaning you have to start again, what a mare!


Ok so I picked this up today, was eyeing it on the shelf.


Have just got to Megaton and it's been pretty cool as I'm spoiler free. I'm still in awe at how huge the place is, it's quality.


I had the same problem as Flame, logging in and out freezes it for a few seconds which is irritating.

Haven't really got into it enough yet but I can't wait for the feeling of power once I'm loaded up. Atm only got a baseball bat and a copper truncheon (and bullets). Oh yeah, in the beginning is it necessary to kill the people that spot you cause I couldn't sneak past myself?


I hated Oblivion so I was a bit cautious about this.


Played 2 hours, got to Megaton and I'm enjoying it.


Everything in the vault was great. I decided to kill the Operator (or whatever his name is) and I helped Butch save his mum. I can't wait to see what effect that has.


When I first got out of the vault I was well impressed with the view. I'm a bit worried that the game is just going to be really bleak but then what was I expecting tbh. :heh:


It is really daunting when you first get out of the vault...I had no idea what to do and I ended up in some ruined high school.


Also I love the radio. I just have it on all the time in the background playing classic tunes. :D


Yeah I did the same as you Daft, apart from going to a school I passed Megaton and found a river and a Metro station. Time needs to be invested into games like these.

I hated Oblivion so I was a bit cautious about this.


Played 2 hours, got to Megaton and I'm enjoying it.


Everything in the vault was great. I decided to kill the Operator (or whatever his name is) and I helped Butch save his mum. I can't wait to see what effect that has.


When I first got out of the vault I was well impressed with the view. I'm a bit worried that the game is just going to be really bleak but then what was I expecting tbh. :heh:


It is really daunting when you first get out of the vault...I had no idea what to do and I ended up in some ruined high school.


Also I love the radio. I just have it on all the time in the background playing classic tunes. :D


I killed the overseer as well...but didn't save Butch's mum he didn't deserve it for being a bully, it was time for him to show what a guy he really is.


I ended up in the school as well and made my way to its basement didn't seem to be much to do other than kill raiders and ants.

Liam Neeson does your fathers voice.


Yes! I just got that when reading Flameboys post. It was annoying me yesterday.


The only thing thats pissing me off now is I think there is that wierd leveling up business like in oblivion where all the enemies are stronger if your a higher level. I picked up my character on level 7 after getting loads of expierence in big town and the problem is I dont have any of the caps or weapons that i would have had if i went through it normally. ammo is the biggest worry. fire ants are fucking annoying.

I killed the overseer as well...but didn't save Butch's mum he didn't deserve it for being a bully, it was time for him to show what a guy he really is.


I ended up in the school as well and made my way to its basement didn't seem to be much to do other than kill raiders and ants.


After hearing he had a rough upbringing I took pity on him.


I got a Snake Tunnel (or whatever they're called) gang jacket for my trouble. :heh:


I kind of feel like I've been dropped in the deep end, what's the best way to level up? (Im crap at the moment, think level 3, I'm at the bit where you have to find the radio station, yet I found myself so low on HP all the time after fighting humans, even dying once. Argh!)


Ok I'm officially pissed off with this game, I have no money, I'm on miniscule health and it's constantly in heart beep mode which you can't escape unless you quit the game, I have no-idea how to get to the radio station, I have jack-all ammo and basically I don't see where I should start. WTF!? Is there any way of getting your own bed or healing spot?


The sheriff died when I told him to do something about Burke.

I haven't even got any skills to do anything with the bomb anyway. I am at a complete loss.

I kind of feel like I've been dropped in the deep end, what's the best way to level up? (Im crap at the moment, think level 3, I'm at the bit where you have to find the radio station, yet I found myself so low on HP all the time after fighting humans, even dying once. Argh!)


Ok I'm officially pissed off with this game, I have no money, I'm on miniscule health and it's constantly in heart beep mode which you can't escape unless you quit the game, I have no-idea how to get to the radio station, I have jack-all ammo and basically I don't see where I should start. WTF!? Is there any way of getting your own bed or healing spot?


I think the key is to do some side quests...I am doing some now to try and level up. It is really hard going, I have died a couple of times.


Disarm the megaton bomb and the sheriff gives you a rather large house. I guess u could just pick the lock because its empty anyway.


OOOOhhh that's an incentive to do it. At the moment, I am not sure which to do, there are a lot of nob heads there and the place is greedy when compared to some of the smaller settlements, in that respect it deserves to die, anyway how do you disarm it? If you go next to it only choice is to activate, which I can't do anyway, although could do now if I go back.


I am currently looking for the Family in the underground, tough going in there as well...but making slow process...


Did you not watch any videos? Use Mentats/


Are there plenty of spoilerish free vids on tactics etc...?


Noticing a ton more glitches in the PS3 version...like textures popping in at last minute and tons of very dodgy collision detection. The XMB pause problem is so annoying, their solution on their forums is to turn off notifications but why the f*** should I do that?!


Heres a guide to the karma achievements or getting to level 20 (steps 2-6)



1. Get to Level 6 and save your game.

2. Get speech up to 40.

3. Go to big town and talk to Bittercup in the house at the bottom left of the street you enter big town on.

4. Say positive things until she says "No I'm not seeing anyone"

5. Go outside and talk to Pappy

6. Keep pressing "So, you came here with Bittercup, right?" until your nearly level 8, 14 and 20, then save, and levep up.

7. Once you get the achievement, reload your last save

8. Kill the injured guy in one of the houses (opposite to bittercup) and drop a grenade in the guards pocket - neutral

A + B terminal in the store in Megaton 50+ times - bad

9. Go back to big town and talk to papy to level up



Big town is north under the bridge directly from vault 101. then north west past a lake and youll find a built up area, the entrance is at the opposite side of a makeshift fence.


I've got to the museum (not going to say anything more but if you've got to it you should know what I mean.)


I haven't found it that hard although it is getting a bit harder. I'm level 5 at the moment.


I love the Fat Man.

I've got to the museum (not going to say anything more but if you've got to it you should know what I mean.)


I haven't found it that hard although it is getting a bit harder. I'm level 5 at the moment.


I love the Fat Man.



im a little further, in that i've got what you need from the musium, and done what you have to with it (see how i avoided spoilers there?)


when i returned to three dog, it said i already knew about my dad, dont really recall hearing anything about hom, and no quest marker. might be a bit stuck.


im heading to a city that was a ways out but marked on my map, rivit city, im hoping that will be right







on to general experience, im loving how people treat me cos of karma, people give me stuff, im a hero to these people.


games gotten a bit easier, died alot at first but ive found my feet, and leveled up in the way that suits me, making the game more doable.


there are a few odd stupidly hard battle though.

I kind of feel like I've been dropped in the deep end, what's the best way to level up? (Im crap at the moment, think level 3, I'm at the bit where you have to find the radio station, yet I found myself so low on HP all the time after fighting humans, even dying once. Argh!)


Ok I'm officially pissed off with this game, I have no money, I'm on miniscule health and it's constantly in heart beep mode which you can't escape unless you quit the game, I have no-idea how to get to the radio station, I have jack-all ammo and basically I don't see where I should start. WTF!? Is there any way of getting your own bed or healing spot?


Drink water to get your health up. Don't worry about the radiation, it doesn't affect you until nearly 500 rads. In megaton you can rent a bed in the saloon for 120 caps(kinda pricey), or wander the wastes a little bit and you may find an unoccupied bed. That or you can liberate a raider or their bed. To get money, do some side quests for small cash, but more importantly collect anything and everything. Everything you find has a price and can be sold even pre-war money it'll net you about 6 caps each. Stealing things is also useful and unlike oblivion/morrowind you can sell stolen items and not worry about bieng caught.


Some one else mentioned that they think the game is doing what Oblivion does where enemies are as tough as you, well that isn't the case. Fallout 3 has no level scaling, Bethesda realised after oblivion that level scaling didn't feel right especially when you see run of the mill poor bandits with all glass armor and weapons. In Fallout, if you go somewhere your not strong enough to be, you'll have a hard time staying alive.

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