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Dead Space


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its simply one of the most absorbing games this generation.


it may not be an all time greatest game, but it sucks you in and never lets go. its just the right amount of scary too. enough to get you aprehensive about whats around the next corner, enough to make you paranoid, but never enough to stop you wanting to press on.


at £17.99 its an utterly fantasic bargin.


it feels so strange to give this much praise to an EA game, just goes to show how much they have improved.

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great game.. finished it on normal.. Will let it rest for a while and then go back for some of the achivements.. minus the "complete the game using only the plasma cutter".. no thanks.. I don't have that much free time..

Didn't have that much trouble with the bosses and the only one that killed me was the last one.. and NO.. im not going through on harder levels, then I would imagine they could be pretty bad

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, it's one of the easier achievements actually. It's one of the best guns in the game, and there's always plenty of ammo for it.


yeah well should have put it in another way.. Im not that interested in going through the game one more time just for that achivement.. I use the plasma cutter all the time as it rocks.. just need to upgrade my last weapon now and the achivement should be mine... maybe ill go for "peng"..

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now that ive played a fair bit of resi 5, it seems a good time to point out that dead space seems to be a mixture of the old and new resi styles. while presented rather closly to resi 4-5 in terms of the view and even controles, it seems to harp back to the earlier scares of the serise, somthing 4 and 5 havent really managed, going for tension rather then actual fear.

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hammered through on normal yesterday to get the "one weapon" ach.. now im going through on IMpossible... which it is not.. but you have to plan and conserve ammo.. and don't let them touch you


ahhhh.. got the achievement for going through on impossible.. only to discover that i missed one of the easier ones.. buying all the weapons.. an older save "saved" me.. 1000/1000.. the only bad thing i can say about this game is the camera when you get knocked down.. it sometimes turns around and is facing away from the action when you get up.. it was a bit annoying during the fight with the boss in the food storage.. but still peanuts.. this game is in my top 3 on the xbox

Edited by Aalborg
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  • 1 month later...
Wow! Just finished this game today.


Why did I not pick this up when it first came out? Well, I can probably answer that - the demo sucked, but the full game is awesome!


Yeah, I'm not convinced by Dead Space yet, cause the demo is so shit. What the hell was EA thinking to release such a worthless demo?? It's so obviously not the begining of the game, there's hardly a tutorial and suddenly you're in a room against some 6 or 7 badass monsters that you have no skill to face.


Why didn't they just release a demo that showcases the game's first 30-40 minutes of gameplay, like all the others do? They wanted to be "different"? Well, "different" sometimes is bad.


I was sold on Bioshock immediatly when I played its brilliant demo. Dead Space just made me delete the demo after about half an hour and forget about the game.



EDIT: Come to think of it, RE5's demo is much like Dead Space's. It's just the majority of gamers were ready for it after RE4. :heh:

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I don't think the demo was particularly bad , although I can see the point about being chucked in at the deep end. It was enough to convince me to pick the game up anyway.


In other news , despite picking this up just after Christmas (just too many games) I finally got around to completing this just now. Thoroughly enjoyed it and gave me a couple of minor scares along the way (including the one right at the end , when I was just about to relax with a ciggie and watch the credits).


Will go back and play through it again soon enough.


Speaking of credits , I also finally completed Bioshock the other day , and as above was just about to sit down with a smoke to watch the credits (it's a habit I got into :p) and I had just finished rolling the thing whilst the ending FMV was playing , an damn it , that was it , WTF.


A bit late to the party I know , but I wanted to get around to finally clearing some of the backlog before Little Kings Story arrives.

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Yeah, Bioshock doesn't show credits at the end because you can access them at any time from the Main Menu. :heh:


And while on the subject of credits, I don't really appreciate games that at the end give you a black screen with credits scrolling. That might be ok in a film, but in a game I want to keep being entertained while watching the credits, I don't want to stare at a black screen for 5 minutes. Games should all have creative credit sequences like an FMV of some sort, not a boring black screen. I didn't fight through 20+ hours of a game to watch a black screen, I want eye candy as reward. :heh:

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  • 1 month later...

Just finished this today on normal - and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Had a cool ending too (even if it made no sense lol).


This is how resi 5 should have been - what a fantastic game engine. In short if you haven't done already, Play This Game!

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Just finished this today on normal - and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Had a cool ending too (even if it made no sense lol).


This is how resi 5 should have been - what a fantastic game engine. In short if you haven't done already, Play This Game!


Ah good man, good man. I need to play this again with the plasma cutter alone to get the one gun achievement. Gonna be hardcore and see if I can manage this on the max difficulty (another achievement for that).

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  • 5 months later...

Dead Space 2 Announced:


Visceral Games, an Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) studio announced today that the award-winning Dead Space™ franchise will continue to frighten gamers with its stunning sequel, Dead Space 2. Hero Isaac Clarke returns for another heart-pounding adventure, taking the fight to the Necromorphs in this thrilling action-horror experience. New tools to gruesomely slice and dismember the Necromorphs complement Isaac's signature Plasma Cutter, empowering him as he meets new characters, explores epic Zero-G environments, and fights against a relentless necromorph onslaught. Survival isn't the only thing on Isaac's mind in Dead Space 2 – this time, he calls the shots.


“Like so many gamers worldwide, we love the Dead Space franchise and are very excited to announce a new game in the series,” said Nick Earl, Senior VP and Group General Manager at EA. “Visceral Games is quickly becoming known for delivering high-quality, action-packed games. Dead Space 2 is on target to deliver a jaw-dropping experience gamers won’t soon forget.”


“We’re thrilled to jump back into the series, making the next chapter in Isaac’s journey. The infection continues to spread throughout space and our hero Isaac Clarke is the only person able to contain it. There are still loads of necromorphs that need killing!” said Steve Papoutsis, Executive Producer of Dead Space 2. “In Dead Space 2, not everything is exactly as it seems. Expect plot twists that will surprise you and a huge cast of twisted, disgusting monsters that are sure to scare the daylights out of you.”


Originally launched in 2008, Dead Space quickly became one of EA’s top rated wholly-owned intellectual properties. With close to 100 industry awards and an average critic score of 89*, Dead Space became a hit with horror and videogame fans worldwide. In 2009, EA launched Dead Space Extraction, a prequel to the original Dead Space that expanded the fiction and brought the franchise to a new audience base.


Dead Space 2 is being developed for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system and on PC. This product has not yet been rated by ESRB or PEGI. Follow us on twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/isaacclarke. Become a fan on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/deadspace. For additional information and news, visit http://www.deadspacegame.com.


* According to Gamerankings.com and Metacritic.com

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New details from subscribers of Game Informer!!




That Dead Space 2 issue of Game Informer has hit people's mailboxes, and it's full of proper details on the game. Like the fact Isaac will now speak. Let us all take a look, yes?


First up, the game is set on a space station called "Sprawl", built upon the husk of one of Saturn's moons. It's big; a lot bigger than the Ishimura, and has whole themed wings, like residential quarters, public spaces, etc.


In terms of gameplay changes, you can now not only walk and jump around in zero-G, but fly/float as well, and you're able to shoot your weapons throughout.


Oh, and there'll be multiplayer. No real details on that, but really, you had to expect it.


That's the general gist of things. You want more the really fine details, you could always grab a copy of the mag.


Sounds awesome! :D




More detailed info here, with magazine pics (not the best quality, but oh well...):












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