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Xpert Eleven Season 8: Villan still a loser


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Didnt take long for the dirty tricks to start i see


Whats happened?


Oh okay...found it.


Also...heres the current standings.


1 AFC ReZs Rabies

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

2 Complete Domstercool

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

3 Emo Blades

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

4 Empathica

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

5 Gremlin Futball Klub

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

6 Six Of One

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

7 Team Cubed

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

8 Tellyns Heroes

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0

9 Zimz Crew FC

0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0


Gotta love that sweet sweet alphabetical order. (Im basking in the glory of the top whilst I still can)

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I didn't quite grasp the buying of players last season, do I just make up a name and enter it in that box that ends up sent to the league admin, or does it have to be a real name from some standings list?


So far I've just bought a junior and someone recommended to me through the mailbox.

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Also I cannot find where I change this? :(


Once you are in xpert 11 and youve logged in and clicked on your club. On the right there will be a sort of menu that opens up when you hover your mouse over it that says The Club The Players The Matches etc. Hover over the club bit then go to team settings in that bit there is a section that says type of players wanted so you can do it there.

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I didn't quite grasp the buying of players last season, do I just make up a name and enter it in that box that ends up sent to the league admin, or does it have to be a real name from some standings list?


There's a "Transfer" tab on the left bar.

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1 2008-10-28 13:30 Empathica - Tellyns Heroes

2008-10-28 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Six Of One

2008-10-28 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Team Cubed

2008-10-28 13:30 Emo Blades - Gremlin Futball Klub


2 2008-10-31 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Complete Domstercool

2008-10-31 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-10-31 13:30 Team Cubed - Six Of One

2008-10-31 13:30 Empathica - Emo Blades


3 2008-11-04 13:30 Six Of One - Zimz Crew FC

2008-11-04 13:30 Emo Blades - Tellyns Heroes

2008-11-04 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Empathica

2008-11-04 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Team Cubed


4 2008-11-07 13:30 Six Of One - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-11-07 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Complete Domstercool

2008-11-07 13:30 Team Cubed - Empathica

2008-11-07 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Gremlin Futball Klub


5 2008-11-11 13:30 Empathica - Zimz Crew FC

2008-11-11 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Gremlin Futball Klub

2008-11-11 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Team Cubed

2008-11-11 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Emo Blades


6 2008-11-14 13:30 Team Cubed - Emo Blades

2008-11-14 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Six Of One

2008-11-14 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Empathica

2008-11-14 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Tellyns Heroes


7 2008-11-18 13:30 Emo Blades - Zimz Crew FC

2008-11-18 13:30 Empathica - Six Of One

2008-11-18 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-11-18 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Team Cubed


8 2008-11-21 13:30 Six Of One - Tellyns Heroes

2008-11-21 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Empathica

2008-11-21 13:30 Emo Blades - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-11-21 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Complete Domstercool


9 2008-11-25 13:30 Team Cubed - Zimz Crew FC

2008-11-25 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Complete Domstercool

2008-11-25 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Gremlin Futball Klub

2008-11-25 13:30 Six Of One - Emo Blades


10 2008-11-28 13:30 Emo Blades - Six Of One

2008-11-28 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Tellyns Heroes

2008-11-28 13:30 Complete Domstercool - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-11-28 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Team Cubed


11 2008-12-02 13:30 Empathica - Gremlin Futball Klub

2008-12-02 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Six Of One

2008-12-02 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Emo Blades

2008-12-02 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Zimz Crew FC


12 2008-12-05 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Emo Blades

2008-12-05 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Tellyns Heroes

2008-12-05 13:30 Six Of One - Empathica

2008-12-05 13:30 Team Cubed - Complete Domstercool


13 2008-12-09 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Zimz Crew FC

2008-12-09 13:30 Six Of One - Gremlin Futball Klub

2008-12-09 13:30 Empathica - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-12-09 13:30 Emo Blades - Team Cubed


14 2008-12-12 13:30 Team Cubed - Tellyns Heroes

2008-12-12 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Empathica

2008-12-12 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - AFC ReZs Rabies

2008-12-12 13:30 Emo Blades - Complete Domstercool


15 2008-12-16 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Zimz Crew FC

2008-12-16 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Six Of One

2008-12-16 13:30 Empathica - Team Cubed

2008-12-16 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Tellyns Heroes


16 2008-12-19 13:30 Zimz Crew FC - Six Of One

2008-12-19 13:30 Team Cubed - Gremlin Futball Klub

2008-12-19 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Emo Blades

2008-12-19 13:30 Empathica - Complete Domstercool


17 2008-12-23 13:30 Emo Blades - Empathica

2008-12-23 13:30 AFC ReZs Rabies - Zimz Crew FC

2008-12-23 13:30 Six Of One - Team Cubed

2008-12-23 13:30 Complete Domstercool - Gremlin Futball Klub


18 2008-12-26 13:30 Gremlin Futball Klub - Emo Blades

2008-12-26 13:30 Tellyns Heroes - Empathica

2008-12-26 13:30 Six Of One - Complete Domstercool

2008-12-26 13:30 Team Cubed - AFC ReZs Rabies

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Last season, I was true to my word of showing the Lower League a world of pain. (Proof)


This season, I can guarantee I'll show the Championship pain via a swift kick to the shin. :smile:


Ive no doubt most of what you say is true I just looked at your xpert quotes.


Sees mine.




The truth hurts! I mean lies dam lies!

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