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I've read up on the specs of this...doesn't this sound absolutely terrible to anyone else? Minimal improvements and something pretty shoddy in all honesty (0.3 Megapixel camera), yet removal of the GBA slot. Seems mostly like the DS lite with some additional things that most people probably wouldn't even use that much.

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Yeah, didn't we all ready expect that though? And doesn't the DSi have two cameras anyway? One 0.3 pixel and another 3MP. One on the outside, one in the inside?


I'm only getting this since my DS phat is getting slightly messed up now. If I had a lite I probably wouldn't bother with a DSi since I don't need a camera or msuic player too much.

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It's more of an upgrade than the Lite was to Phat, and that didn't stop millions of facists from buying it.


Who cares about a GBA slot, anyway? First off, SP has always been the way to go with GBA games. And no-ones forcing anyone who might have GH:OT to sell their previous DSes.

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Who cares about a GBA slot, anyway? First off, SP has always been the way to go with GBA games. And no-ones forcing anyone who might have GH:OT to sell their previous DSes.


As if. How is having to have 2 consoles the way to go over having one that can play both, with a bigger and brighter screen (than the practically dead GBA:SP)?


How on Earth can anyone put forward an argument that being able to take your DS lite with you and have access to games such as FFVI, Zelda LTTP, Golden Sun 1+2 and all the Mario advances (including World and SMB3), as well as DS games, as somehow worse than being able to use a shit camera?


Correct me if I'm wrong, it's just that I'm not seeing the logic. Probably because none is being used.

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As if. How is having to have 2 consoles the way to go over having one that can play both, with a bigger and brighter screen (than the practically dead GBA:SP)?


How on Earth can anyone put forward an argument that being able to take your DS lite with you and have access to games such as FFVI, Zelda LTTP, Golden Sun 1+2 and all the Mario advances (including World and SMB3), as well as DS games, as somehow worse than being able to use a shit camera?


Correct me if I'm wrong, it's just that I'm not seeing the logic. Probably because none is being used.


Because GBA games feel horrid to play on a DS. The console is too wide for strictly one-screen gameplay, and the distance of the D-Pad from the face buttons is too long to feel comfortable. SP is still the most comfortable handheld to date, and I fail to see how it being "practically dead" has anything to do with it. You either have one or you don't. Most people fit in the former.


I'm not sure if you were complaining about owning 2 handheld consoles over one. Most people would not view this as a particular problem, considering they are both small machines.


You probably haven't seen the DSi camera in use. People read 0.3mp and see ZOMG! 10X SHITTER THAN MY FONE!! If you look at the images that are taken, the DS' resolution means the picture is perfectly clear.


Lite was purely an aesthetic upgrade. DSi improves on that area AND provides even more practical features like a camera, SD support, music playback, sound editing as well as the limitless DSi Store. Using logic, if you bought a DS Lite just over 12 months of buying a DS Phat, there would naturally be no problem in buying a console with double the features 2 years after the Lite.

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It's more of an upgrade than the Lite was to Phat, and that didn't stop millions of facists from buying it.


Who cares about a GBA slot, anyway? First off, SP has always been the way to go with GBA games. And no-ones forcing anyone who might have GH:OT to sell their previous DSes.


Anybody who wants to play Guitar Hero DS...

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Because GBA games feel horrid to play on a DS. The console is too wide for strictly one-screen gameplay, and the distance of the D-Pad from the face buttons is too long to feel comfortable. SP is still the most comfortable handheld to date, and I fail to see how it being "practically dead" has anything to do with it. You either have one or you don't. Most people fit in the former.


Complete opinion. If GBA games felt horrible to play on the DS then why would I be doing something horrid? If it was that horrid I'd surely have some sort of reaction every time I played a GBA game, such a vomitting, convulsions, spitting at the screen...


The fact is that playing GBA games on the DS is great, and also why loads of people with flashcards went out and bought an EZ flash 3-in-1. People want to play GBA on DS.


I'm not sure if you were complaining about owning 2 handheld consoles over one. Most people would not view this as a particular problem, considering they are both small machines.


The point is that it's far more logical to have one machine capable of playing both rather than having to carry about (if you take them places, as I do) two consoles (the older of which does nothing more than play GBA games, something the lite can do anyway).


You probably haven't seen the DSi camera in use. People read 0.3mp and see ZOMG! 10X SHITTER THAN MY FONE!! If you look at the images that are taken, the DS' resolution means the picture is perfectly clear.


Like many people, I have a digital camera, as well as a camera integrated into my phone. My camera is 8 Megapixel. There is no way in hell that you can convince me that the quality of pictures taken by the DSi will be anything like my other devices, even if you factor in the low resolution of the DS screen. Fact is, once you transfer them to PC and upload them somewhere like facebook, they'll look crap.


Lite was purely an aesthetic upgrade.


Fails right there. To say that is a joke... purely an aesthetic upgrade? Yes, it looked better. It also provided a much brighter screen, weighed less and had better picture clarity. This all enhanced playing games, and it could still play GBA. The roster of upgrades to the DSi are aimed at a niche group of people interested in taking the odd picture with their novelty camera- of course it'll still sell loads, as it's the next DS.


DSi improves on that area AND provides even more practical features like a camera, SD support, music playback, sound editing as well as the limitless DSi Store.


All of which are clearly unnecessary as everyone usually carries a phone around them with features 10 times as good as the ones included in this thing. Who would honestly use their DS to play music? That's a fucking joke. Who uses their DS currently to play music (as it is capable of doing so)? Pretty much no one. The battery and playback features, as well as likely the music quality will be sheer garbage compared to a good MP3 player. Honestly, what a load of shit.


Using logic, if you bought a DS Lite just over 12 months of buying a DS Phat, there would naturally be no problem in buying a console with double the features 2 years after the Lite.


Double the features...who cares? It's like saying you can buy a toaster with double the features. People don't need a toaster to have any more features. It's the same here - all the bundled features are gimmicky and trivial compared to what gamers really want.

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Just so everyone knows, the 0.3mp camera is for use in games in an EyeToy-esque way and to take pictures of yourself for manipulation. There is a 3mp camera on the outside for taking proper pictures, still pretty low but I believe my own digital camera is the same and my mobile is just 2mp.

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Just so everyone knows, the 0.3mp camera is for use in games in an EyeToy-esque way and to take pictures of yourself for manipulation. There is a 3mp camera on the outside for taking proper pictures, still pretty low but I believe my own digital camera is the same and my mobile is just 2mp.


Yeah, still pretty low and the pictures won't look that great. To be honest it's trying to be a jack-of-all-trades and therefore not excelling at anything, and a lot of the stuff it has is included in many of the devices we already own...and are generally a lot better.

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Yeah, still pretty low and the pictures won't look that great. To be honest it's trying to be a jack-of-all-trades and therefore not excelling at anything, and a lot of the stuff it has is included in many of the devices we already own...and are generally a lot better.


I'm not fussed, the DS is probably my favourite console anyway and the new features should just reinforce that (it'll be one of the most powerful cameras I own :heh:). DSiWare alone makes the purchase worth it.

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I thought both cameras were 0.3 mega pixels and that this was just a mistranslation. Wikipedia agrees [i know, I know] but I am pretty sure that IGN and gonintendo did at the time as well.


The only point of the camera then is the eyetoy/gb camera style games that you will be able to use. Personally, if they come up with a good game for that then I am on board.


As for the music player, if you can play your own music whilst playing games then it would be worth it.


Finally,l if they release a SNES/NES or even N64 emulator on the DSi shop and allow you to download your VC games onto the machine that would frankly be the best thing since sliced bread. They won't, but I can dream.

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Do you have a source on that?


I point to Eurogamer:


For those still struggling to comprehend a 0.3 megapixel camera - even though there are actually two - it's worth returning to something Shigeru Miyamoto told Channel 4 on a recent visit to London: "Nintendo's mission is to take advantage of improving cheaper technology to create reasonable and affordable entertainment."


As we observed at the time, 'the lateral thinking of withered technology', espoused by Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi, is the inspiration for much of Nintendo's current success. The GameCube may have been withering technology, but it was the lateral thinking part that got Nintendo out of trouble with the DS and Wii, and the company hasn't forgotten it.


In other words, it's not surprising to see a small, cheap camera - two small, cheap cameras, in fact - attached to the new DS handheld, because Nintendo isn't trying to compete with digital cameras and mobile phones. Like the two screens, the stylus and the microphone before them, the cameras are there for playing with.




And 1up:


One of the biggest changes to the DSi is the inclusion of two low res cameras. These cameras have provided for quite a bit of confusion since the system was announced, so let us clear the air.


1. Both cameras are low res.

2. They are low res so they can easily be used in applications.

3. There is no flash on either camera, but there is compensation for darkness, much like any medium quality web cam. This also means that the video feed gets choppier and is more susceptible to blur in low light situations.



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Yeah I thought they were both .3mp!!


Anyways, I didn't think this was bout having a proper digital camera! I thought it was about using the camera in games?!


My main problem with this, is that it's going to split the DS market up! DS games, DS games that use the GBA slot and DS games that use the camera!!


Why didn't they just create a DS2 - with 2 multi touch screens, the camera, better graphics etc. That is backwards compatible? That way it's all very transparent! And would have much more incentive to upgrade!!!


This just feels like they have added a few improvments, taken a little away...I mean, they're giving us a choice, but ANOTHER DS for a few cool things, or don't and miss out!!


I wish it was that good that people didn't really have a choice, they must buy this amazing bit of kit!!!

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Nintendo Power Says they're both 0.3 mp.


Anyway, the reasons I'm planning on upgrading are as follows:


I never upgraded to the lite so I'm thinking its about time. Plus the battery on my DS Phat is starting to go and I don't know how easy they are to replace.

The DSi will work with my Airport extreme router so I can get rid of my old one.

The DSi Shop could end up with some decent games.

I really need a portable web browser.


I do still play a lot of GBA games, but I'll still have my DS Phat to play those on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even though I own a Lite, I'm still going to buy a DSi. Why? Because I'm a sucker, that's why. :heh:


I'm happy only the DSi-specific software is region-locked. It's a small thing, but it's be a shame I have to switch to my Lite to play the odd imported game in my collection.


Don't mind the lack of a GBA-slot either. I prefer to play those on a GBA SP anyway, and that plays ol' skool-GB games too. (Picked up Ghostbusters 2 yesterday. A great Ghostbusters-game if ever there was one). It's odd that some GBA-games don't look so well on a DS. Playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 Upper od a DS makes for some interesting colour-inperfections that weren't noticable on a GBA.

I don't think people who buy a DSi without owning a previous system are compelled to buy GBA-games. And those who own one, can use. It would have been nice to have GBA-BC on board, but I'm not that distressed. It's a shame about Guitar Hero, though.


I remember that I was pretty disappointed when I heard that DS wouldn't play regular GB and GBC-games. Now I don't really mind as much.

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I'm happy only the DSi-specific software is region-locked. It's a small thing, but it's be a shame I have to switch to my Lite to play the odd imported game in my collection.


I think the region locking only applies to DSi software not DS games as far as I was aware all DSi software is going to be downloadable not retail so it's no issue really. :smile:


I'm getting one for that software that will be downloadbale to it because sometime in the future it seems pretty evident to me that there will be a portable Virtual Console, so yet more titles to review if this happens, allready got myself a couple of Sandisk 8GB SDHC cards ready for when the system comes out. :heh:


Some of the downloadable stuff that's currently available didn't sounds to appealing though as I think I read that in Japan users can download SINGLE minigames from one of the Wario Ware games for 200pts? wtf? :wtf: I'm not sure if I understood it right but if I did then that's pretty crap. lol


Hopefully downloads for new software will be approached in the right way and could be very good, I just hope Nintendo don't screw it up, as for the system itself, whats not to like? it's slimmer (if only slightly longer) it has a camera in it only 3.0 MP but it'll be good enough to use in games, the manipulation software could be fun to mess about with and the music aspect could be a laugh too, maybe it will even allow for custom soundtracks in games who knows and lets not forget the slighlty larger and improved screens.


All they have to do now is lower the price of the original DS Lite to £79.99 with maybe a low budget game thrown in, price the DSi at around £99.99 which is the current price of the DS Lite I think and it will most likely sell pretty well.

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The screens are probably my favourite thing about this new piece of kit. So much brighter, and noticeably bigger. I was playing multiplayer Mario Kart yesterday (on my DSi) against my cousin (on a DS Lite) and the DS Lite screens look really quite dull and small in comparison.


Obviously this has an effect on battery life though!

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