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Foods you hate


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Yeah I hate tuna, not only does it reek like shit, it also tastes like anal discharge. Tomatoes fucking suck too, as does cheese (unless it's on Pizza) and yoghurt of any variety.
Ah - forget my request in the HWYD thread - I think I understand now :P


Only things I don't really like; carrots and cucumbers. Cucumbers are the worst because their taste spreads. Back in school my mum used to make my sister's sandwiches before mine, and thus ruined my DAY repeatedly.

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It does look like a cow threw up in the plate. I'll look for the recipe.







2 spinach bunches (you can use frozen too, just cook them first)

6 tbsp olive oil

2 garlic cloves, chopped or sliced

1 tbsp flour

salt and pepper



In a skillet, add olive oil and garlic, drop in the spinach and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes.


Next add the flour and mix well, slowly stir in milk and continue stirring until you achieve a creamy consistency. Season with salt and pepper and VOILA!


Yummy spinach side dish that everyone will love.


Yummy, indeed...

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i hate parsnips!!!


in fact i'm only dating jamba 'cause he loves the bloody things and they make a convenient bargaining chip for roast potatoes during sunday dinners. :grin:


i used to hate tomatoes... the taste, the texture... i just couldnt handle it!! made me want to throw up >_< but as i got older ("during the war....") i guess my palette changed ~ i can eat them WITH stuff... but the texture still really bothers me!! so.... gooey.

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Wow, how can you hate tomatoes? Or tuna and salmon? Or cheese?

Okay I can understand cheese (because too much makes me sick), but seriously, tuna is made of win (I'm addicted to it)! And salmon, mmmmm.



Something I hate is meat. Pretty much all kinds, heh. I just hate the texture of it and usually the taste as well. Only meat I will eat from time to time is a hamburger type or something.

I don't like cucumbers and can't stand chicory/endives. And peaches make me go blehhhh with the hair on them.

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tuna is made of win (I'm addicted to it)! And salmon, mmmmm.



Something I hate is meat. Pretty much all kinds, heh.

zomfg!! a contradiction!! if only i had some evidence to present!! perhaps if i look in the court record....?


*cough* QFT!! i've been LIVING on tuna salads and sandwiches for the last 6 months 'cause it's cheap and i can't cook! lol.

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zomfg!! a contradiction!! if only i had some evidence to present!! perhaps if i look in the court record....?


*cough* QFT!! i've been LIVING on tuna salads and sandwiches for the last 6 months 'cause it's cheap and i can't cook! lol.


But tuna is fish, not meat. =P

Just how I eat chicken as well (though rarely). Which is poultry. When I say meat I mean the flesh from mammals like cows and pigs. =)

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I'll agree with all you Tuna lovers, i have it all the time. Only problem is that it costs £5.20 for 4 tins of Princes Tuna chunks :( Damn you credit crunch!


Shop around, you can usually find it cheaper than that, lots of supermarkets often have it on special offer at half price or BOGOF. Personally I love the stuff, especially with cheese, cheese and tuna toasties are the business.

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The only thing I truly despise is tuna mayonnaise... its smell, taste and texture all repulse me. Other than that, there's little I would never eat, though I'm not keen on the odd thing, including various guises of tomato.


Any of you people tried nattou? I found it alrightish, which was a bit of an anti-climax.

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Any of you people tried nattou? I found it alrightish, which was a bit of an anti-climax.

i want to drop-kick every single japanese person who asks me this question.

and they ALL ask me this question... it's like a default meet&greet question.


"hi, what's your name? what do you do? where do you live? ...oh in tokyo*? what line is that on?? have you tried natto? are you married yet?"


becky, teacher, kami-shakujii, yep, seibu-shinjuku line, NO!! NEVERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!, NO!!! i'm TWENTY-fucking-TWO dammit!!


...who the hell thought it'd be a good idea to bury some beans for a few days then dig it up and eat it for breakfast?! WTF?! one of my friends loves natto so much that when she went on homestay to australia and couldnt BUY it... she MADE some herself. she and her kind will be among the first to be beheaded when i become ruler of the galaxies. :blank:


...yeah. add natto to my list!

natto and parsnips, man...


*i live in tokyo and work all the way out in saitama >__> its stoopad!

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i want to drop-kick every single japanese person who asks me this question.

and they ALL ask me this question... it's like a default meet&greet question.


"hi, what's your name? what do you do? where do you live? ...oh in tokyo*? what line is that on?? have you tried natto? are you married yet?"


becky, teacher, kami-shakujii, yep, seibu-shinjuku line, NO!! NEVERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!, NO!!! i'm TWENTY-fucking-TWO dammit!!


...who the hell thought it'd be a good idea to bury some beans for a few days then dig it up and eat it for breakfast?! WTF?! one of my friends loves natto so much that when she went on homestay to australia and couldnt BUY it... she MADE some herself. she and her kind will be among the first to be beheaded when i become ruler of the galaxies. :blank:


...yeah. add natto to my list!

natto and parsnips, man...


*i live in tokyo and work all the way out in saitama >__> its stoopad!



Yum yum...


But yeah, a half Japanese friend of mine was desperate for me to try it. Once you get past the smell and appearance, it's okay really, but not nice enough for me to go out of my way to eat it.

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Mayonnaise - I don't know what this stuff is made out of, all I know is that it's rank.




A good pizza can be ruined if the taste of the cheese overpowers everything else on the pizza.


I hate cheese on its own, but I have sometimes eaten cheese on toast. Plus many cheese-flavoured crisps are alright (probably because it's not real cheese.)


I love tuna, I would eat it on its own if I fancied. :grin:

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I'll agree with all you Tuna lovers, i have it all the time. Only problem is that it costs £5.20 for 4 tins of Princes Tuna chunks :( Damn you credit crunch!


They were on offer in Tesco last week, might still be on :D I really don't like fish but tuna is bearable - I hate cucumber and I tried a slightly over ripe mango the other week that was so dirty, I rarely spit things out but ewwwww :shakehead

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I'm not keen on peppers, or things with corriander or dill in them :s

I also tried some medicine once, and I actually threw up because of the taste - but I don't think it counts as a food.


And tomatoes. I don't mind them cooked, or tomato soup or ketchup, but raw ones are just so bad.

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Yum yum...


But yeah, a half Japanese friend of mine was desperate for me to try it. Once you get past the smell and appearance, it's okay really, but not nice enough for me to go out of my way to eat it.

i'd rather eat a ladybird O___O!!!


Jamba has it right I think! parsnips are great at christmas, how can you not like them :shakehead


he gets two portions of parsnips and doesnt have to eat roast potatoes...

i get two portions of roast potatoes and i dont have to eat parsnips.

...*sigh* i'm sure you'll understand these things when you're a little older, dear.. :wink: :heh:

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