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Rate the last game you played

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Halo 3 (XBox 360)


DEFINITELY overrated. It's not that great but it's alright. I'm half and half with it. I'd rather sell it and try to get COD 4: Modern Warfare because after I complete it, I know I won't bother playing it again.




Grand Theft Auto IV (XBox 360)


The best in the 3D series. Much improved, more interesting and the graphics are awesome in the game.




The Godfather II (XBox 360)


Meh. It's so-so. I have to be in a certain mood to play it.



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Halo 3 (XBox 360)


DEFINITELY overrated. It's not that great but it's alright. I'm half and half with it. I'd rather sell it and try to get COD 4: Modern Warfare because after I complete it, I know I won't bother playing it again.




Have you played it in 4-player co-op? If not then you haven't really played the game.

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Played a couple of games of FIFA 09.


Still can't get to grips with this game after being a pro evo fan for such a long time.

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Have you played it in 4-player co-op? If not then you haven't really played the game.


I played a few levels in it and I thought it was good but even so, it's not something I would play again and again.

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Never been too much of a Halo fan. Played through Halo 3 on co op mode with my mate and I guess that was a bit of fun but all in all I didn't find it too great. Would love to try out ODST though.

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Never been too much of a Halo fan. Played through Halo 3 on co op mode with my mate and I guess that was a bit of fun but all in all I didn't find it too great. Would love to try out ODST though.


Same. I don't really like it but I bought it because my mates play online and stuff. I'd want to try out ODST too.

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Tenchu: Wrath Of Heaven


Really fun to play. I hate the controls though, and how the camera angles are oft awkward.


I love how the playable characters are quite bad in close combat (its really hard to actually fight people head-to-head) but stunning when they sneak attack.


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Bionic Commando


I played the new version made by Grin on the PC and it was a pretty fun game although a bit short. The swing mechanic works really well but the arm could have used more moves for combat. The story feels a bit tacked on though but the ending is pretty cool and the level design is interesting for the most part. It's a bit annoying though, that there is radiation to create level boundaries especially because that forces all the levels into a corridor shape. Bigger levels to give it a bit more open world character would have been interesting.

The difficulty is a bit above average even on normal but it's cool that for a change a normal soldier can pose a threat because when you die, you have to restart the whole level. It forced me to make a more thoughtful and careful approach and mind my surroundings.

So essentially the game could be a lot more and a lot better but it's a good game as it is.



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Crash Commando - 7.5/10


It's a cool 2D online shooter. Once you get into a game it's very good and frantic, although some sort of rewards system would make it a bit more playable. Plenty of weapons/attack variety. However very few on the OCs board have it, so I think more sales would help the developer to improve on a possible sequel.

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Tomb raider: Underworld or Camera issues push me over the edge.


ok, so you know its not good when you stop playing a game because your stress is threatening to make you shit yourself in protest.


the game had so much potential. it looked nice, the story seemed servicable, the levels were well desgined. unfortunatly the game failed in two major ways. firstly, combat was bollocks. i mean utter shite, youd think storming an enemy ship would be exciting. it wasnt. youd think fighting tigers would get the pulse going. it didnt. combat boiled down to "hold fire and move a bit" if it was any less invovling, the guns would fire automaticaly, and why the crap should i need to fill a meter to get a head shot? if i point my guns at somthings head and fire. that counts as a head shot. it just does.


at least the platforming can makeup for it, right? wrong. you know, i have no real problem with the controles, but being totaly unaware of the existence of anouther ledge due to the camera flat out refusing to move away from lara's arse was a joke. it actuialy forces you to just jump and hope it works out.


I will say that the QTE approach was cool, just slow the level down and have regular moves.



*Looks pretty

*well laid out levels

*cool QTE



*fighting is boring

*impossible to see what your doing

*motorbike section


4/10, wated a solid frame work.

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Ghostbusters (X360)


Went back onto it today, did the Library area. Pretty good i thought. This game gets the atmosphere that was present with the Ghostbusters movie(s), it even has the theme to go with it.




Batman: Arkham Asylum (X360)


Best Batman Game Yet!!!!. I need say no more



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Tomb raider: Underworld or Camera issues push me over the edge.


What camera issues???

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What camera issues???


couldent see fuck all. the whole game seemed geared around pointing at lara's poop chute. on several ocasions i was ment to jump in directions i couldent see. how i was ment to know this is anyones guess.

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When I played the camera always moved to clearly show the next platform. Although messing around with the right stick messed it up. Once you learn not to touch it then there shouldn't be any problems.

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I want to review the Godfather II again:


The Godfather II (XBox 360)


At first, I could give or take this but now I find myself addicted to it. It's a shame it's easy though, I've defeated all of the families and earned all of the businesses before I carried on with the story, lmao. I find it more entertaining to rob businesses than to try and do the story but still, a brilliant game.



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Shadow of the Colossus

Great game.



Edited by Sooj

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Resistance 2 (PS3)


Epic, and pretty well done despite a few flaws.


It really does show off the power of the PS3 as a gaming console, I seriously doubt the 360 could mimic it and not drop a few frames doing it. A must have.



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Hmmm I too love R2 but I'm not sure what you mean by it showing the power of the console. It's not what I'd call a 'beautiful' game, although nice in places.


The online multiplayer is brilliant though, even the small deathmatches. Splitscreen 60 player snipe battle online with a friend is awesome.

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Or as I'd call it 'Why bloody bother'. It's not great. Tries to be entertaining but doesn't come close to it. The game's difficulty fluctuates all over the place, going from incredibly easy at one moment to soul crushingly difficult at the next. And when it gets difficult, it's to the point where you no longer have the will to continue playing. The jumping around from building to building is akin to that in Crackdown but nowhere near as fun and there's little to no sense of accomplishment for the hint and landmark pieces you collect. The absorbing of people is an interesting touch and seeing the flashbacks/memories helps prop up the sub-par story but this doesn't feel as integrated as it should be. Graphics are average as well and it just feels like they've tried to cram the streets with as many pedestrians and cars as possible but there is little variation and the only vehicles you can get control of are tanks and helicopters so traversing Manhattan takes ages.


Really not what I was looking for in a game but the repetitive nature and general lack of fun just make it seem as this is something that very few will actually enjoy for any prolonged period of time.


6 out of 10

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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots


I consider this as the perfect game.


Great conclusion to what is and probably will ever be the best series of games. Story wise and gameplay wise it is groundbreaking. Stealth in a war driven setting combined with the amazing storyline and the breathtaking atmosphere makes Metal Gear Solid 4 the best game I have ever played.


Put in numbers:



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I really liked MGS4 but I think it is overrated somewhat. I at first thought it was a 10/10 game but I was trying to share the same great feelings towards it as the rest but when I think about it I wouldn't be so generous in the praise giving.


I wouldn't say any of it was groundbreaking in gameplay terms, in fact there wasn't a whole lot of playing.

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Well, I think it is a 10/10 game. It's just my personal opinion that no other game might ever surpass MGS4, therefore I praised it that much ;)

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Samurai Warriors 2


I was a bit dubious at first, but now I love this game. It's far more complex than it's Dynasty Warriors cousin, and it feels like the gameplay is more varied, because there's far more many factions and battles to play.


Great fun.



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