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We're all going to die....


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Anyone know at what time exactly this will be going down? I want to countdown to the end of days.


If the world will really end, I'm sure the Ouendan men/Elite Beat Agents will make us dance away the black hole again. Hopefully to the beat of Supermassive Black Hole, would be very fitting.

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Why did I even gave you the benefit of the doubt? Consider this my last reply to anything stupid you say.


Ups, sorry buddy, just noticed this post now.

I was kidding, i have no particular opinion regarding this topic, just messing around with ya.

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Anyone know at what time exactly this will be going down? I want to countdown to the end of days.


If the world will really end, I'm sure the Ouendan men/Elite Beat Agents will make us dance away the black hole again. Hopefully to the beat of Supermassive Black Hole, would be very fitting.


8am GMT. It's just testing tomorrow, so god knows why people think it will be the end of the world. If the LHC really will destroy us all it wont be for a t least a month.

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So I won't even be awake for the end of times...


I'm not sure, but doesn't time slows down near black holes? Can we be stuck forever in time?



Gosh, we would all be immortal :D

I demand a Black Hole right now :D

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8am GMT. It's just testing tomorrow, so god knows why people think it will be the end of the world. If the LHC really will destroy us all it wont be for a t least a month.


Indeed, they're only firing a single beam round the full ring/circle. I believe its the final test before they fire it up properly in October. Thats when they intend to collide protons or what ever.

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The collider is currently undergoing commissioning while being cooled down to its final operating temperature of approximately 1.9 K (−271.25 °C). Initial particle beam injections were successfully carried out on 8-11 August 2008' date=' the first attempt to circulate a beam through the entire LHC is scheduled for 10 September 2008, at 7:30 GMT and the first high-energy collisions are planned to take place after the LHC is officially unveiled, on 21 October 2008.[/quote']


So we might be waiting a while if this is correct.

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Haha! I don't know why I missed this earlier! I'm loving the Muse references in this thread. ^^


Is that Darker Than Black?


I started watching it, but then never finished it and somehow ended up deleting the whole series.


EDIT: FFS, white text FTL.


Yup it was, and sorry for using white text... I've really got to stop doing that. :heh: And seriously, get back to watching it, it's awesome!


8am GMT. It's just testing tomorrow, so god knows why people think it will be the end of the world. If the LHC really will destroy us all it wont be for a t least a month.


So if the world does end tomorrow, I won't even get to see my gf for one last time. Great. ¬¬


oh shi-!!




Oh my God, we're doomed!!! :heh:

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So if the world does end tomorrow, I won't even get to see my gf for one last time. Great. ¬¬


I imagine you would as it isn't happening tomorrow. The actual experiment will happen in October (I think). The whole 'the world is gonna end tomorrow' is just the media fabricationg the truth.

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I imagine you would as it isn't happening tomorrow. The actual experiment will happen in October (I think). The whole 'the world is gonna end tomorrow' is just the media fabricationg the truth.


Oh, well that's ok then. ^^ Although now I've got a month of paranoia ahead of me. I know the experiment isn't likely to cause the end of the world anyway, but I just can't help but worry. :/

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Man, I've spent the day and evening contemplating plans with friends over whether the world will end and what we will do, I half feel it'd warrant a topic in its own right! I have a vague plan or what I shall be doing should I get a 6 hour notice on the end of the world.

Ring up my very good friend informing him of end of world, we acquire bikes and ride to our former secondary school as we always planned to do so. Stop by gun shop on the way(there is a gun shop on the way).

Once arriving at former school we steal a car, preferably that of the headmaster, drive it back to mine(I'll do the driving, as I'm not allowed to and haven't since I passed my test 10 months ago). Along the way we acquire my friend's potentially brain damaged cat for the ride, cos she's crazy cool(quite literally). We shall also ring/inform two of our friends of the end of the world, so that they may prepare and make it to my house in time for plans(cos time is of the essence). Me and good friend who have stolen car shall acquire another and either crash them into each other to create a massive explosion/destruction(explosion/destructions must be had) or crash them into cat owner's former/summer place of work. This is not too far from my house, we shall walk to my house.

Upon arriving we shall hopefully liase with other two friends, through combined efforts glasses shall be acquired, Wii shall be fired up, and Wild Turkey shall be cracked open. I may take 10-20 minute time out for a drink with the father, and a cup of tea with the mother, don't know about the brother and sister. Whilst doing so and Wii is fired up, Brawl shall be inserted for the final time. The basic plan is to have 'one last brawl' as we've come to the conclusion that such a thing never exists in every day life, I'm sure someone else here has found that when you end up brawling hours beyond when you meant to stop. We drink Turkey and Brawl at the same time, until the 4 hour mark(srsly having 'one last brawl' if all goes according to plan and we actually manage one last). Should we manage said Brawl, we then contact friends to inform them of the next step and then proceed ourselves with it, which is to venture from my house in another acquired car with copious spirit from my house to another friend's house, a house that is former host to a number of classic parties, we shall end our day lives and world during a party at this house.



This plan may make very little sense, that may be largely related to the fact I'm somewhat under the unfluence of alcohol.

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I think if I had some notice, I'd probably phone up this one female friend of mine and tell he how I really feel about her. Who knows, If all went well, maybe I'd get a chance to get laid before it was all over. Then I'd quite literally have a brawl to end them all.

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I went to CERN last year, got to look at the construction of the LHC. The pictures don't do it justice, the thing is enormous.


It's funny how some "critics" are talking about impending doom and whatnot (and are actually serious). Let the physicists who actually know something about sub-atomic particles get on with the experiments without being heckled.

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Haha! I don't know why I missed this earlier! I'm loving the Muse references in this thread. ^^






*Dnn DnnnDnnnDnnnDnnn Super-Massive-Black-Holllllllle!*


You missed mine too :heh: though it has to be said I posted it as I hadn't seen that Dyson had posted already, I just looked at the current page and Masse's comment and couldn't believe that no one had posted it yet... :shakehead


Seems my incredulity was unfounded though, nice one Dyson. ^^






EFW (Epic Fucking Win) :bowdown:


Also, I'm setting my alarm clock right now to wake me up to the tune of Supermassive Black Hole so that one way or another I will wake up to one. :laughing:

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isnt it like, 15 mins till they test it??

my last meal might be egg on toast with a cuppa tea! :smile:

who could ask for anything more?!


edit: saying that *grabs DS* if i'm going out - i'm going out playing phoenix wright!

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