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Just got this game and, oh look! 3:30! Was playing this for 3 hours solid. LOVE IT. Any self respecting PC owner should get this. Even playing with randoms is fun. Nothing like shouting: TAAAAAANK! Oh yeah, steam ID is Deathjam v1.0 | death_jam90

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Ok, so bought this today and I'm having fun with it on the second highest difficulty by myself. Will have to sort some Live co-op time with others as I'm sure it'll be even better on there. My only gripe so far is that there is no save function while playing through the campaign from what I've seen. That's bloody stupid. I should have to play through the whole thing again from the beginning if I load the game up because they didn't put one in. It's hard enough on advanced at points so why should I be penalised for only being able to play for an hour max on it.


Anyways, got 3 achievements pretty quickly. Tried to get the single headshot on a witch but that didn't go down well with her and didn't work at all. Don't really see how you can do it, especially if you want to try and play it through the whole thing with only pistols, which is what I'm trying to do.


Oh goody. Didn't notice that when I started it up. Saves me doing the whole thing again.


I will say that the Boomers are getting annoying. Always hiding around a corner which you can't see round and when you move into the room, bam! Vomited on. Think I've found my first achievement glitch. I believe there's one for killing an infected by going up behind them and hitting them with your gun (At least I believe that's what was in the list). So I did it, clean hit and kill in one and nothing. I'll just keep trying though till I get it.


Not heard of that achievement before. You're thinking of Clean Kill, one for knocking back a Boomer and killing it without getting vomited on.


Does anyone else finds playing as an infected more fun than the survivors? I love the ambushes and with some teams it just works so well.

Not heard of that achievement before. You're thinking of Clean Kill, one for knocking back a Boomer and killing it without getting vomited on.


Sorry to prove ur wrong Dyson but the achievement ganepark32 mentions is there...


@Ganepark32: Trying hitting an 'infected' in the back neck area when u press LT. Thats what got it for me.

  • 2 weeks later...
L4D DLC details. 2 new campaigns and a new mode called 'Survivor'.


Hopefully the new verses campaigns aren't the other two non-verses campaigns.


It's about time this got some DLC. The only problem with this game is a lack of content, so new campaigns if enough to make me happy. :)


I heard about the Dawn of the Dead mall coming to L4D ages ago... whatever happened to that?


^ did you read that on Kotaku by any chance? I remember seeing something about the Dawn of the Dead mall being created using Left 4 Dead on the PC. I believe it was just a mod that some guys made.


Just nabbed this on the 360.


Fun when you're playing with people who know how to play as a team. I hate it when people hog health packs.


I'd be amazed if the DLC was free on the 360. We can always hope.


Don't expect it to. It'll be like the TF2 DLC, whenever that finally gets released. Valve will want it to be as cheap as possible, or free, but Microsoft'll say they need to list it at such price or something or other.


Valve's extra content has always been free on PC. They've already said that they'll be charging for it on the 360, but only because Microsoft want paying in exchange for hosting the content. It'll be as cheap as they can possibly make it.




Dead Air and Death Toll in Verses

Survival Mode is playing through 12 random maps.


I hope it's either free or dirt cheap.


Ok this sucks. Why the hell should I have to sit through an entire campaign in a oner just to get the achievement for completing it? I've got the last two campaigns to do and was doing Dead Air and got to the 4 chapter before I had to come off of the 360 for dinner. So I go back on and set it to start from the 4 chapter and complete the thing using the same settings as earlier but get nothing. That's one hell of a stupid flaw, not being able to save your progress and come back to it when you have time to. It's that and the terrible AI controlling the other 3 characters that are really ruining this for me now. I've tried countless times to get the achievement for finishing a campaign without friendly fire but the AI always walks infront of me when I'm shooting, thus making the achievement void.


Perhaps Valve should fix a few things in the game before getting to the DLC, such as having the ability to save up to a certain chapter point and continue it from there so you don't have to play through the entire bloody thing again just to get the achievement for completing it and the AI for single player.

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