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Great games tonight guys, i really enjoyed it. Apologies for my constant coughing on the mic, i'm ill (again).


Also i felt my noobness came out at times, when i first became medic i couldn't work out how to use the healing gun i was standing over deathjam and couldn't work it out... so i ran away lol.

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Yeah, it's great fun playing and I thought I'd ranked up really quickly but seeing the playtime - I'd say it's about right. Resistance 2 takes the piss on levelling up though, I'm not sure if I'll try and complete the final 2 ranks.


But yeah this game is in a different league when it comes to visuals and action. How it handles everything online I don't know. I can see that I may just turn into a sniper guy that lays down C4 every now and then. I don't care if it isn't percieved that highly, but it is damn fun knowing that you've pissed someone off without them knowing about it - When I took out Cooky he didn't have a hope in hells chance, I could only barely make out the blueness of his ISA helmet lol. It surprised me just as much as him that the bullet macheted its way through his midriff.


Yeah, I'll be on tomorrow.


I like how you can nail people miles away with the standard assault rifle. My favourite gun. I always snipe people with it.


I've played almost 12 hours online...crazy. The time has flown by.

annoying killzone.com isn't work for stats, wanted to do the comparison see how I am getting on compared to the rest of you guys.


I was about to post same thing! Just been trying to get on site but getting error number for our clan page and on my own stats everything is zero...

Yeah, I'll be on tomorrow.


I like how you can nail people miles away with the standard assault rifle. My favourite gun. I always snipe people with it.


I've played almost 12 hours online...crazy. The time has flown by.


Yeah I love doing that to...not to sure on level names yet...but its where your playing in like a shanty town over tried canal or something and I was stood on a kinda bridge just picking people off from miles away...


I was about to post same thing! Just been trying to get on site but getting error number for our clan page and on my own stats everything is zero...


Yep your getting exact same errors as me then...

Yep your getting exact same errors as me then...


Obviously having really trouble with keeping everything running with so many ppl connected! I have noticed it takes its time updating stats in the game where u click on ur stats. Whenever i click on it shows the rank i was 15 mins ago kinda thing!


Hopefully just teething problems and they get them all sorted soon.

Use the ingame tool for now. There needs to be some fixes for the graphs in killzone.com


Where is kill ratio in game? couldn't find it in my stats yet its on the website.

Havent checked either. Its probably when you browse further right with dpad. You get detailed stats. But the website is nicer for that.


I guess they need to do big fixes due to the stats though. The trophy thing i s bugging me. Had i known stats would be reset i would have played single player too! Or a Sunday Marathon. Not fair :(


Only done two single player stages... Seemed pretty good.


I've only done 3 levels of single player...gonna crack on with it during the day..until tonight when everyone is online


Yeah my gaming always suffers back end of the week because of shitty work hours...sunday, monday all day and tuesday mornings are my only real gaming days..

Have you logged in today ot check your weekly update? Many have got their % rewards today. Though obviously GG messed up by counting only Sunday.


No I havn't been doing some household jobs! I will take a look...

Great games tonight guys, i really enjoyed it. Apologies for my constant coughing on the mic, i'm ill (again).


Also i felt my noobness came out at times, when i first became medic i couldn't work out how to use the healing gun i was standing over deathjam and couldn't work it out... so i ran away lol.


Haha. No wonder I wasn't getting healed in the matches. Was wondering why. Awesome games though. Capped so many people with the revolver. Gotta love that gun. And cooky was on the business end of my boomstick so many times. Each time sweeter than the next :laughing:




Anyways Killzone.com has not been fully working for awhile now. I made a post about it's awfulness yesterday. With all the players trying to login and check their stats, I can see why. And don't even bother trying to get in from the game.


Oh and got the top 6% award today. Think I got another one too, so if 6% is the first, the I must have got 4% too. Not sure. Would be nice if the Playstation website would track your trophies for times like this where you want to brag. Anyways, should be on after gym tonight. Um for some more pwnage and I just unlocked...saboteur so need to try that out. After 18 hrs of online play, all I can think about is how to counter strategies here and there.


Oh and Tegg, I have a lawnmower and your ass is grass. :D


Well I just got disconnected from killzone servers again in the middle of a match...its so frustrating was doing really well and just lose all those stats like that GRRR...Definitly not my connection as doesn't log out of PSN and laptop says all is good and is still running...


We up for some killing in ones tonight?!


I can't wait. 8 till late again?


Almost got my tacticians badge yesterday. At uni this morning so I won't be back until the evening.

We up for some killing in ones tonight?!


I can't wait. 8 till late again?


Almost got my tacticians badge yesterday. At uni this morning so I won't be back until the evening.


yep ill be on tonight


I'll probably be able to play some of this this evening if you'll have me. Not great at it online though. I seem to be struggling a bit with the controls online. Just can't get to grips with them properly yet. But then I haven't put in much online time so I guess I just need to get used to the change. Anyways, I'll probably get on about 8.30 if I'm staying in this evening so I'm free to join if you want me.


And for some reason my one man clan, ProphecyDefined, is ranked in the 300's or something with 100 valor points. How the hell did that happen?


^ yeh it is. Haven't unlocked it or many weapons yet but I've been caught a few times while sprinting across the map and nailed with a headshot by the tiniest of margins. Really effective. And very annoying when you're on the receiving end of it.


KillZone 2 is no 1 in UK charts.


Sony is in the Zone


Capcom’s ‘Street Fighter IV’ is knocked out after round 1, only lasting one week at the top of the All Formats Chart – this week’s brand new No1 is Sony’s ‘Killzone 2’ on PS3. ‘Killzone 2’ becomes the 4th fastest selling Sony published title ever in the UK (2nd fastest on PS3 behind ‘GT5 Prologue’).


It is Sony’s first All Formats No1 for almost two years: their last All Formats No1 was at the end of April 2007 with ‘God of War 2’ on PS2. With sales down 49%, ‘Street Fighter IV’ has to make way for a second first party new entry, dropping from No1 to No3, behind Microsoft’s RTS ‘Halo Wars’ which enters at No2. It might not be anywhere near the heights of its exalted predecessor ‘Halo 3’ (selling 17.6% of Halo 3’s record breaking launch week figure), but for a console strategy game spin-off it’s top of its field, outselling the next fastest selling Xbox 360 RTS title ‘Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars’, by almost 3 to 1. Sales of ‘Wii Fit’ are down 11%, dropping from No2 to No4. In fact all the remaining Top 10 games lose sales apart from Nintendo’s ‘Professor Layton’ which jumps back into the Top 10 at No5, boosted by renewed stock. The All Formats Top 5 is dominated this week by single format exclusives from each first party publisher with only ‘Street Fighter IV’ available on more than one format (Xbox 360 and PS3). ‘Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection’ also on Xbox 360 and PS3 and also sporting a retro appeal moves up one place to No6, sales only down 4% on its launch week. Former All Formats No1 sparring partners ‘FIFA 09’ (-24%) from EA and Activision Blizzard’s ‘Call of Duty: World at War’ (-21%) are neck and neck at No’s 7 and 8 respectively, while last week’s high flier ‘Ben 10: Alien Force’ (-29%) from D3P falls 5 places to No9, ahead of ‘Mario Kart Wii’ (-22%) at No10. The only other new release to make the All Formats Top 40 is Konami’s ‘Silent Hill: Homecoming’ at No11, getting a march on Capcom’s famous survival horror blockbuster ‘Resident Evil 5’, due for release on March 13th.













From joystiq.com


Despite being intentionally designed as a "weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience," Killzone 2 is taking some flak for its sluggish controls. Producer Seb Downie had previously stated that "no changes [were] required to the system" with regards to last month's demo, but now that the final game is out, Guerrilla Games is changing its tune. Included in an official list of things to be patched, Downie notes that controller issues are being looked into: "Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though." This is a stark contrast in tone whereas the previous message implied that Guerilla would not alter anything -- they just might do something now.


As for the things that will definitely be patched, Guerilla has revealed it's working on bot solutions, network issues and other problems. Check after the break for the full list of fixes.


Taken directly from Official PlayStation Forums:


Boost -- We've identified and fixed the bug to do with the boost medal not being awarded. It will go into a patch we are working on at present, but there is a workaround in the mean time to get it. Simply ensure that you are the Game Creator rather than client and you'll be awarded it.

Network Errors/Honor Ranks -- We are also looking at fixing a good bunch of the network errors and are looking into the complaints about the Honor Ranks as well as a couple of other bits and pieces. We'll provide a list of fixes when we are close to releasing the patch.

Bots -- We're working on a permanent solution for the bots stat padding and have some internal solutions that we're going to work on implementing. We'll let you know what those are when we've got the patch together and the solution implemented. We will NOT be wiping ALL stats and padders will be looked at individually by the moderators.

http://www.kz.com -- http://www.killzone.com is being sorted out today to deal with the massive traffic it's been facing and hope to have some long-term solutions in place shortly. The stats are currently empty on the site and will be repopulated today.

Controller Issues -- We have not stopped looking into the complaints and will see what we can do about it. Any possible changes will have to be carefully implemented and tested before being deployed though.

Charge disarming -- We have identified the issue where sometimes the C4 charge in Search and Destroy will not disarm. Will be fixed with the next update.

Shotgun Aim Assist -- Investigating the problem and will patch it up.

Clan Games -- Sometimes the clan that does not turn up for a match is awarded the win under specific circumstances. Will be patched ASAP.

Battle Replay for Map 8 - Corinth Crossing -- The BR on http://www.killzone.com is not quite right and will be fixed soon.

Ignore list -- Was found not to be functioning correctly. Will be fixed in the next patch.

Crashes -- Crash when using Saboteur disguise in certain situations. Will be fixed in the next patch. Infrequent crash when trying to start a game with an empty game name. Will be fixed soon.

Medic/Assassination -- There is an issue with the Assassination target HUD icon displaying when playing as a Medic. Investigating and will be fixed.

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