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Killzone 2


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good to be back. Loving the online. Will try single player. I notice some clans havd already set up farming servers to harvest newbies... The sound is stunning.


i have made a standard warzone game. Feel free to join. Sent about a dozen clan invites.

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Well this is based purely on the single player and only the first level at that...so far...I am disappointed...


Namely this comes down to the loading jitter that occurs just that little bit too often for me...also had two glitches which meant I had to restart the level. Both have been related to characters not doing what they are meant to do for the game to progress for example one was when you are hi up and by the convoy just before the collapsing building and there is a bit where Garza talks to the ship and then they zoom off this didn't happen first time he just stood at a pillar looking at the floor. The second time round same section after that he is meant to go round and open a door and he didn't.


I don't mind the odd glitch but twice in one part of the same level and the first level at that is worrying...just about to delve into multiplayer to get my ass handed to me...

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Have to say, online is ALOT MORE impressive than the single play campaign. But, I am really enjoying the single player anyways and can easily see myself going back to it once it's done. Quite a few weapons to mess around with too. Loving the SMG. Hating the enemies that rush you and use it ¬_¬


Online is alot of fun. Did pretty well in my first game. Now joining tegg/choze to see if I can show my ability...if the damn thing syncs clients. Weird problem though is that I cannot seem to log into the killzone website through the game. Gonna see if I can do so on my comp.


EDIT: Oh, my ps3 crashed. Not good :blank:

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Have to say so far what I have played of single player I actually prefer Resistance 2's solo offering! But multiplayer is a different thing altogether. I love it! So far my stats read as;


Online Score 28

Number of Kills 23

Times Died 33


which is quite good for me...


Had good game with Tegg and Deathjam before, helped by the fact that we won in a 7-0 white wash! So far so good...can't wait to really dig into come sunday/monday

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Hey Flameboy I saw you in one match and I tried to use my mic which fails to work, I tried to grab your attention by firing at you etc but to no avail. Maybe my PSN didn't standout to you... I came first in one of the team matches with you.


My stats aren't too great at the moment because of my complete noobish first few games, but now I think I've got online controls sorted (Alt 2, hold aim, sensitivity 2 left from the max). Very fun. Managed to get 3 kills with a grenade by lobbing it from above :)


But yeah, this game is the gravy when it comes to online.

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Have to say so far what I have played of single player I actually prefer Resistance 2's solo offering! But multiplayer is a different thing altogether. I love it! So far my stats read as;


Online Score 28

Number of Kills 23

Times Died 33


which is quite good for me...


Had good game with Tegg and Deathjam before, helped by the fact that we won in a 7-0 white wash! So far so good...can't wait to really dig into come sunday/monday


Got dced from this game. Was utra pissed as I was playing well too.

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From the levels I've played so far, this game is brilliant. It's so more tactical advanced than any other shooter I've played. You actually have to think and hide behind cover or you'll get your arse handed to you.


The hue and colour contrast is damn right amazing, brown has never looked so damn good because of the mixture hints of lighting from the surroundings sparking it up. It gets the setting spot on, beating all those other brown games like Gears and so on.


I can understand people not "getting" the game, but damn it is a great shooter and the gameplay is brilliant. Run and gunners are gonna hate it, and I think that is where the hate is going to come from.


Anyway, back to killing some orange eyed freaks of nature!

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