Dyson Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Oh neat, the customizability sounds like Halo 3, and that worked well for custom games. Nice to see them take a leaf.
Dan_Dare Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 I'm always amazed so few games borrow the ruleset customisation from Halo. It's fraking amazing. Good to see somebody is paying attention definitely.
dwarf Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Oh right that was maybe what confused me when I played the beta at someone's house - So one minute you're told to blow something up and the next you just have to kill anyone on the opposing team.
dwarf Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 ^ Well it doesn't really happen in R2. Skirmishes are great but there is only one primary target and they can be slected at any time even if they are just about to die. Is great fun protecting them, running away or purging them. I have a knack for eliminating.
flameboy Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Good news regarding DLC. http://uk.playstation.com/games-media/news/articles/detail/item139265/Killzone-2-is-who-we-are/ Sounds like they are planning for the future. also they seem pretty open. Ofcourse new maps will come its necessary for multiplayer and this game will be very very active. Coop we will see and the other stuff who knows. Regarding the clan i think we should just pick N-E Elites as the name? Makes sense thats what I called the Resistance 2 one, makes sense to have some form of continuity.
dwarf Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Not that the clan ever took off on R2... Thing is on K2 you can't create a clan straight away, you have to level up a bit first. So whoever gets there first (me) they can create it.
flameboy Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 Not that the clan ever took off on R2... Thing is on K2 you can't create a clan straight away, you have to level up a bit first. So whoever gets there first (me) they can create it. Yeah I know the R2 one didn't kick off...perhaps this one will and we can invite friends from other places who want to join...
Daft Posted February 19, 2009 Author Posted February 19, 2009 To be fair, R2's multiplayer didn't really match up to games already out like Halo 3 or COD4. By all reports, KZ2 is the new king of the online hill.
flameboy Posted February 21, 2009 Posted February 21, 2009 I saw an advert for the first time yesterday was during the break for Free Agents. Dunno if anyone saw this news, I think its a pretty neat idea; SCEA said today that it’s to release “Killzone in 4D,” a real-time version of a US Killzone 2 TV ad to “offer some insight” into the game’s technology.You can watch the ad in question after the break.“The Killzone 2 engine is phenomenally powerful,” said SCEA marketing boss Scott Steinberg, writing on the PS Blog.“To offer you some insight into the technology behind this game, we will release a playable version of this in-engine ad vignette on the PlayStation Network coming in March.“You’ll be able to control the camera and hear director commentary on how the production was completed using only the game’s technology. The project codename is ‘Killzone in 4-D’ – hope you can check it out. http://www.vg247.com/2009/02/20/scea-to-release-killzone-in-4d-a-playable-version-of-tv-ad/
Daft Posted February 21, 2009 Author Posted February 21, 2009 "Order Placed" on Play.com! WOOO!! ME TOO!! ...what does it mean?
MATtheHAT Posted February 21, 2009 Posted February 21, 2009 Yeah. I guess they realised people would be keen to dismiss the graphics as CG lol. Certainly alot of fanboys have been doing just that and with the history of the game and all. What i like is that the coolest bits are from the online multiplayer. Cant wait. Is that the steel book edition? I have pre-ordered that from shopto. What extras is there if any? Apart from the steel book?
Cookyman Posted February 21, 2009 Posted February 21, 2009 WOOO!! ME TOO!! ...what does it mean? Mine too! What does ‘Order placed’ mean? Your order has been placed, but payment is not yet being processed. Before we start to process your payment you may cancel your order without penalty.
Chris the great Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 just totaly went out ona limb and ordered despite not being able to afford it reallisticly speaking its early so i must!
MATtheHAT Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 If Shopto do the same as they did with SFIV, then they should be taking the money off the card tomorrow, then ship Tuesday and be here for WEDNESDAY!!!!
dwarf Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 ^ I ordered at Shopto as well, so I hope that happens! Can't believe the release is so imminent, been anticipating this for ages. Just really excited about the online, it's going to be great.
flameboy Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 hmmm odd...tempted to change my order to shopto to get the steelbox and get it early perhaps...if it came on weds that would be awesome as only work till 1.30 then....hmmmm ordered with game so get the reward points and they usually despatch in time for thursday.
The Lillster Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 I ordered from dvd.co.uk on 31st Jan. How reliable are they? I would of ordered from shopto, but it kept refusing my card for some reason.
Hero-of-Time Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 Im very tempted to pick this up next week, will buy the game and just nick my mates PS3 off him as he never plays on it.
MATtheHAT Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 hmmm odd...tempted to change my order to shopto to get the steelbox and get it early perhaps...if it came on weds that would be awesome as only work till 1.30 then....hmmmm ordered with game so get the reward points and they usually despatch in time for thursday. I used to be Loyal to game for my pre-orders for the points, but meh, when they were not shipping SFIV on the Tuesday, I switched to ShopTo who immediately shipped 24 hour recorded next day delivery. And its only £32.99 for the Killzone 2 steelbook edition. Game can fuck right off from now on, ShopTo is the danglies.
flameboy Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 I used to be Loyal to game for my pre-orders for the points, but meh, when they were not shipping SFIV on the Tuesday, I switched to ShopTo who immediately shipped 24 hour recorded next day delivery.And its only £32.99 for the Killzone 2 steelbook edition. Game can fuck right off from now on, ShopTo is the danglies. As in you have to sign for it...well thats no use...won't be around...till 1.30 likely come before then...may as well stick with game..the way i see it get that many games over them ending up getting games for free...
MATtheHAT Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 As in you have to sign for it...well thats no use...won't be around...till 1.30 likely come before then...may as well stick with game..the way i see it get that many games over them ending up getting games for free... Ah right, looks like its game for you then mate. So...............NEXT WEEK!!! What an awesome couple of weeks this has been, SFIV and KZ2......incredible.
Chuck Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 As in you have to sign for it...well thats no use...won't be around...till 1.30 likely come before then...may as well stick with game..the way i see it get that many games over them ending up getting games for free... I ordered a new Xbox controller from them, came next day. No-one was in so the postie left it outside my house, even though it had the sign for sticker on it.
dwarf Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 Are all shopto orders recorded because its not likely I'll be in :/
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