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Beer Glorious Beer


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It really annoys me when they do that, there's no such thing as pear cider, it's called perry. They only call it pear cider because nobody would know what it was if they called it by it's proper name, people should bloody well educate themselves.


Are you angry at Bulmers or Ninty182? Because you can't really be angry at a person for calling a drink the same name that is printed on the bottle. :heh: It'd be like calling Coca Cola "Pepsi" when it blatantly says "Coca Cola" on the bottle.


Ok, there are a few things I love.


Brothers Strawberry Cider. I don't care about percentage or if it gets me "wrecked." I like the taste. Pure and simple, if it tastes shit to me, I won't drink it, no matter the effects.


Strongbow Jacques Fruit Cider is another one of my loves. As well as the obligatory Magners or Bulmers, hehe. :)


I'd say I go for flavour or taste more than anything. I don't really like most bears, except maybe a Corona or Bud every now and again.

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Brothers Strawberry Cider. I don't care about percentage or if it gets me "wrecked." I like the taste. Pure and simple, if it tastes shit to me, I won't drink it, no matter the effects.



ive seen that stuff advertised in pubs but ive never actually seen it ive tryed askin in a few places but they always never have it or just have the pear flavour.

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ive seen that stuff advertised in pubs but ive never actually seen it ive tryed askin in a few places but they always never have it or just have the pear flavour.


I only know a handful of places that do sell the strawberry one quite regularly. As a birthday pressie, a good friend of mine turned up at my house with a load of the stuff. I would've made love to her right there and then, had it not been for her big Dutch boyfriend. Also, she's a like a sister to me. (dunno why I said that second).


But yes, it's good stuff. Most people find it too much or too sweet after the first bottle or two, but I love it.

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Grolsch, Hertog Jan, Jupiler and Duvel are my favourites.


All brands named so far are frankly horrible to my taste (except Heineken and Stella somewhat), but you can't help being British :wink: The really good stuff isn't really sold over there as far as I know. The Irish, however, know how to brew a beer.

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Also: Hoegaarden (sp?) is the single greatest drink ever. I'm thinking of asking the government to replace my water supply with the stuff.


I ain't thought about that drink for years!! - I had a bit of a fad on it for a while, next time I spot it I might have to treat myself.

Yep and I'm another sucker for the Kopparberg, definitely been a favourite this year. I do still lov my lagers, particularly heiniken, carslberg export and grolsh, most of them if there over 5% non of that wishy woshy carling trash!! Oooh and I lov southern comfort if a feel rich one night too :yay:

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I don't drink much beer anymore. More of a wine man now. But when I do drink the odd beer I go for things like Cobra, San Miguel, Becks (has to be bottles though. Tastes awful out of a can), and Peroni. And if I'm not drinking beer or wine for some reason I cna be found drinking apple sourz like its water. Tastes nice though.

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Also: Hoegaarden (sp?) is the single greatest drink ever. I'm thinking of asking the government to replace my water supply with the stuff.


Wonderful hoe, awesome beer, you should try Lowenbrau as well, also knocks the socks of anything else, in general, german beer is awesome.


I drink fosters and Miller is a great drink, I'll drink Corona as well, but normally fosters.


Stella is awful as is Carling and Carlsberg.


Oh and if you can find it buy it, I drank it in Oz, its called Coopers Original Pale Ale, they sell it in Majestic beers and wines, or whatever its called, deffo worth a buy.

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i drink most things though cant remember my last alco pop (got big into them in first year uni, and then havent had many since.


onto the beers


i like just about everything, even fosters, which is mainly due to the price. i like stella, coors, bud, 1664, carlsberg,


real ales are also good gotten into em of late, try black sheep, high 5 to he whom mentioned old peculiar, abbots foot, strong arm, hobgoblin is good


cider is my usual drink of choice though, strongbow being usual due to price, or a pint of scrummpy if ive been good that week. used to love pear kopperberg but i seem to have developed an alergy to it, so shal steer clear from now on. bulmers and magners are both fine, though having to karry a giant bottle and a pint of ice around makes me feel vulnerable to attack.


hogaarden is difficult to place, its a unique drink really. very good taste.


my mates seem into the borthers strawberry cider, which is like drinking syrup.


not a huge fan of the vino, red wine is my least fave, as it usualy gives me a horrible headache when i wake up, i can stomach rosa if sharing with a female friend, as they seem to love it, but my fave is white wine, which i have been known to partake in on several ocashions.


big fan of jack, got an almost finnished bottle in my room now, which i havent been mixing, as im recently developed a taste for it neat. voldka and a mixer is fine, though not fond of it neat. sambuca is also a hit, as is morgans spiced rum.


all time favorite drink is southern comfort, which is great mixed with coke, lemondae or on the rocks.

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Also: Hoegaarden (sp?) is the single greatest drink ever. I'm thinking of asking the government to replace my water supply with the stuff.


Fuck yeah, wheat/white beer is the greatest, I suggest you try.. pretty much any other type from the supermarket, and you'll probably like them too.. Erdinger weiss, etc


I'll drink mostly anything if it's around; the very fact I purchase and regularly consume cheap, store brand lager is a testament to this fact

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