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I thought it went on a bit too long myself


Me too, it was enjoyable enough, but was a bit tedious having to walk slowly for what seemed like ages.


I am also about to face the Joker, I had some trouble with Poison Ivy (playing on Hard), but got there in the end. Then I think I will go back and try to find all the Riddles etc. Then start on the challenge rooms. Also, some of the Trophies seem like a bitch to get, especially the 40 combo and perfect combo ones. If I can get those two, then the Platinum should be within reach.


Batman & Robin online Co-Op in the sequel?

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To be honest I'm not so sure a sequel is a good idea, at least not for several years. The game is a really good length and they can always add more Challenge Rooms, so if there is to be a sequel I'd want it to be rather different.


The obvious thing to say after that is, "Open world!" but that would be incredibly difficult to pull off to anywhere near a similar level of polish; remember that Assassin's Creed 2 has around 500 people working on it. Likewise you could have the game push you from one Gotham location to the next for the sake of variety, but that would strip away the Metroidvania aspect that really adds another layer to the environments. Arkham Island is pretty much the perfect location for a Batman game so making a sequel will be very difficult to get right.

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Open world/sandbox isn't something I see as a step in the right direction, even though I haven't played through this game, I don't agree with the sort of gameplay it provides. inFAMOUS would've been better without it imo. Obviously keep some sort of scale but side missions etc are better in a proper quest game, when each of them are different. Sandbox stuff can actually be quite limiting because it makes your character seem smaller in a way.

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Just got to the last boss. I can't even be bothered. I was about to get him for the third time when a walking bomb went into me and killed me. I was literally about a second away from doing it.


Shit ending. What a sour note to end on.

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Does the Joker ever experience fear? I don't know anything about any comic-book series so please fill me in.


going from the comics ive read, the killing joke is the most apt to answer this,

no, that would be a rational response and he does not respond rationaly. the killing joke details his back story and what drove him mad.



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Just finished the game with all the riddles and spirit of Arkham tablets, just need to do the challenges and I´ve won it 100%.


Overall suberb but the only proplems are a bit in the details like the lip syncing and not a lot of variety in the upgrades in my opinion.

Like everyone else has said the ending is a bit disappointing and the boss fights are for the most part the same.


I´m not disappointed in how it ended just that last boss fight is a easy fight with a Titan Joker...



Off to the challenges then!

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Ah yes but as the Red Hood says, the Joker isnt actually as crazy as people think, or even as crazy as he himself likes to think. That wipes the smile off his face so I think things like the fear toxin could affect him.


Ah, yeah, maybe.


I was wondering the other day how the Joker would react if Batman lost it and went insane. I reckon he'd be disappointed and bored.

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I felt like I wasn't going to bother getting/playing the game so I watched the ending and this is my feeling:

Joker as steroids tyrant or whatever didn't really fit. I don't really know about Batman enough but the Joker fight should've been a clever battle determined by wit or something. However the developers thought 'let's stick to the old formula of achieving something 3 times because the enemy isn't clever enough to iron out a previous mistake.' So they give the Joker steroids and use that as an excuse for the Joker being a bit dumbed down in his 'final' duel.


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