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So who's looking forward to December 2nd?


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No I'm not talking about the Xbox360 launch, but Shigsy's speech at a place in japan.


15:30 - 17:30

"Game Design and Technology: Now and the Future"

Shigeru Miyamoto (Head of Development, Nintendo)

Hideo Kojima (Head, Kojima Productions, Konami)

Robin Walker (Design Lead, Valve Corporation)

Hirokazu Hamamura (President, Enterbrain)


I'm pretty sure we'll hear something about the Rev, either game info or see the controller shell. Possibly confirmation of some games..? Valve...Half Life 3? Counter Strike? Wishful thinking I suppose.

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I'm thinking, unveiling of actual console name, and possibly the controller shell. Not a lot more, at a very small chance a glimpse of a game or a game trailer/teaser.


Wouldn't say I'm looking forward to it, because that would mean I can't wait for it to be the 2nd, where I can. But it is something I'll look out for.

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As Nintendo have categorically said "no game 2005" we can rule out seeing games. However there is apparently more to show off about the hardware and the curtain was claimed to be pulled back by the end of this year.


So I think we could be looking at a close look into the hardware capabilities. We might get the name but I think we will see game footage at NDC next year. I expect this to be another opportunity for Nintendo to approach developers or to at least reinforce the ideas to idiots such as Mark Rein.

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I'm getting a bit sick of waiting if Nintendo don't reveal anything worthwhile i might stop caring about Nintendo's next console altogether. There is not one gamecube game i want to get this christmas except for Batallion Wars, Zelda has been delayed to who knows when and we know jack shit about the Revolution. When i try to defend the Revolution at school from friends that say the PS3 is better i'm fighting a losing battle. They say:"The PS3 is going to be the most powerful console next generation, it uses blue ray discs which hold loads more data, can connect to the PSP and play most discs you put in to it," and i go: "well with the revolution you can experience a whole new way to play games." That's it because really that's all the Revolution can say for itself so i better hear big news soon.

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I'll be too busy trying to get my 360 out the wrapping paper without parents noticing


How old are you 12?


And yeh im sure they are gonna reveal something big hopefully some screens or the release date of twilight princess in europe would be more than enough of a surprise for me.

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You could always mention how, with the Rev, you can play Nintendo's library of games that were on past consoles too...


Anyhoo, I think it would be good if they show the demo's that were at the TGS, particularly the Metroid Prime 2 demo. They've had a decent amount of timeto refine them a little more too, it would be good for the public to see the demo's too, generate a little more interest!

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They must know that Nintendo fans all over the world are following their every step, and interpreting their every word - and that the fans will be increasingly disappointed if nothing is revealed within a reasonable time frame.


Knowing that, it's possible that Miyamoto will throw a bone at the fans - even if it is a small, almost insignificant bone, just so that we can't say that nothing was revealed.

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i defo think that the name will be confirmed. that would leave a good 6 months of people using the right name for it is fully unvieled. i think that the shell will be shown off as well. the controller has allready and that is the "revolutionary" part of it. the shell is just an add on for the "unrevolutionary" games, for all the developers that are too lazy to actually think.

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Gabe Newell of Valve on xbox 360 and PS3

"If writing in-order code [in terms of difficulty] is a one and writing out-of-order code is a four, then writing multicore code is a 10," cautions Newell. "That's going to have consequences for a lot of people in our industry. People who were marginally productive before, will now be people that you can't afford to have write engine or game code. They can't get a big enough picture of what's going on in the box so they'll be a net negative on the project."


"Most of the problems of getting these systems running on these multicore processors are not solved. They are doctoral theses, not known implementation problems. So it's not even clear that over the lifespan of these next generation systems that they will be solved problems. The amount of time it takes to get a good multicore engine running, the Xbox 360 might not even be on the market any longer. That should scare the crap out of everybody."



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