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PES 2009 Pro Evolution Soccer


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Yeah the other languages are a cool inclusion- always fun when you know any other languages. :) I'll answer what I can here for you, just off the top of my head. Can't think about mote+chuk controls, but with the classic you hold ZR when you shoot to do a controlled shot. With the mote+chuk you press Z or C to cancel stuff and you can do a faked shot by shooting with Z or C held- lol, I know which it is when I'm playing, but can't remember which button does which when I'm not. :heh:


Not sure about how to do other tricks when using the remote and nunchuk. You can do some sidestepping when you are drag-dribbling and you hold left or right on the joystick.


If you hold B longer will it play your passes with more pace? Try and make sure your players are facing the direction you want to pass and their momentum is going in that direction too.


What extras? :heh:

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Thanks for the tips darksnowman :)


What I meant with extras: with ye olde PES's, you had PES-points which you could spend on hidden players, stadiums and kits. Any of that goodness in here?


No idea about holding B, will try it when the girlfriend's through watching Wipeout (dear frakkin' lords).

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First off, my thanks to you darksnowman, as I've now mastered the kick cancel.


But new questions have arisen! Any way of applying swerve to a shot manually? And darn it, I want to do a controlled shot :(

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Have to say, after a week or so of play (OK nearer 2 weeks), I'm a bit disappointed with this. :( I dunno why, but I just feel a bit let down after PES2008. I haven't played my favourite the Master League yet though, but I'm just finding play generally more fiddly than before. I feel like often when defending I'm clicking multiple players in the hope that one of them responds properly. There's still too many times when despite my input a player will run the ball out of the touch line when he was a country mile away. They still haven't fixed the really annoying ball watching that goes on when the ball's loose. They've added some layers that my poor multi tasking simply can't process too, such as the d-pad marking, and the tricks are impossible to do for me during the game.


Although I still win, I don't feel like I have the finesse on the ball like I did with 08, plus I'm noticing that almost every goal is headed in from a cross.


Hoping I can get a bit more time with it and get my head round some of the finer aspects. Otherwise, it'll be on eBay sadly. :(

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Anyone who wants this buy it now for only £19.71 at ASDA!


Picked it up today and while I think it's much better than '08 I'm still not 100% adjusted to the idea of playing football with the Wii-mote. It's very hard at first but I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I'll post my FC later for some online fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Glad I stuck with this now. Really picked up on the higher level. Got my game sorted and it's really turned into a fave again. Phew eh? Kinda had the point rammed home recently too playing PES on the PC with a regular pad. Yes the graphics are better (though I reckon the Wii could match it tbh), but the Wii has the better game hands down. The AI drives me crackers with a normal controller! Being able to control players runs off the ball and play the ball ahead of the player is something I don't ever want to be without. You cannot take it for granted, it's a genuine improvement to the game.


But, dear Konami, please please please give us better graphics next time. It really is an eyesore on the Wii, and it really ought to be better than it is. Oh, and a couple more camera options wouldn't hurt either. Thanks for listening. :)

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This game is absolutely amazing; the greatest football game I've ever played...


BUT. Konami are complete idiots for releasing this game when they did, I'm sure I complained about this throughout this whoel thread, but it winds me up so much. They release a game when the football season comes to an end, and will then slag off the sales of the game! What do they expect? Peoples interest in football is just fading and they release the game! Try releasing it with the others in September and then see how it does. We've barely had the game and already it's out of date......unless the miraculously update the teams in the league as well...which we all know won't be happening! Some people, and when I say some I mean the thousands of people involved with this game, just don't have any fucking common sense... if it wasn't ready last autumn, then they should have held this one off and released it this autumn.

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  • 1 year later...



Anyone still play this dinosaur of a game? *tumbleweed*


I stuck it on on Sunday afternoon for a few games with / nando /. We've had fewer than fifteen matches since the game came out and I've only got three people in total on my friend roster. Strange, seeing as Pro Evo 2008 was played to death... its up there as my third most played Wii game to this day!


Question: did Konami only put out one team roster update? Talk about lazy.

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I'd advise you to upgrade to PES 2011 if you see it at a low price :heh: It may not be a million miles away from PES 2009 but I feel it is a much more solid experience with much less in the way of misplaced passing and other annoyances!


I find it a little weird that the more recent Pro Evolution Soccer games don't show up on the Nintendo Channel, but I do know that even combined they wouldn't add up to the toal time we played the 2008 version. PES 2009 made some important strides in key areas over its predecessor but there has been very little in the way of evolution since then..

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Yeah I definitely reckon PES2011 on Wii is much better than the 2009 version.


They did only put one update out for 2009. I think 2011 has had about three updates thus far, but I don't expect to see any more frankly. I don't think Konami loves us any more after PES2011 flopped somewhat.

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Have 2011 and do love it. Classic controller support all the way though. I do love the Wii pointer controls but old fashioned PES is just addictive stuff. The annoying thing is the small effort in 2011. The graphics are jaggy as hell (but less so than 10) and the music is dire when put next to 2010. Furthermore, presentation is always lacking in PES - sort it out Konami!!!


The 3DS version looks amazing though but again the presentation is lacking.

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The ideal football game would have the presentation and licensing from FIFA and the gameplay from the Wii versions of Pro. I keep getting tempted to get a Pro for the Wii, but I'm a bit picky when it comes to teams. I like having all of the current teams and leagues, and stuff. I want to play the Milan derbies, take on the world with West Brom and struggle with the Orient.

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Have 2011 and do love it. Classic controller support all the way though. I do love the Wii pointer controls but old fashioned PES is just addictive stuff. The annoying thing is the small effort in 2011. The graphics are jaggy as hell (but less so than 10) and the music is dire when put next to 2010. Furthermore, presentation is always lacking in PES - sort it out Konami!!!


The 3DS version looks amazing though but again the presentation is lacking.


..if you have PES 2011, why have we not played online..? :eek:


As for FLiNk's point, I actually don't really like the presentation of FIFA for the most part :hmm: I find that the players often look hideous and the menus to be somewhat slow and a little cumbersome..


Pro Evolution Soccer isn't much of a looker either, it has to be said, but there is something of a 'dry' quality to it that I seem to find more appealing ::shrug:

Edited by nekunando
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Yeah, PES might be a bit lacking in the presentation department, but I still prefer it over FIFA's. I agree the graphics are still a bit jaggy too, but it's still a look I find attractive somehow. I dunno why. :D


I do play with the classic controller occasionally, but I find I'm a bit more unpredictable in my approach with the remote and nunchuck combo, and I like the flow of the game better. I do think though that the remote and nunchuck, once you get good at it, makes the game a little easy.


I wonder if we'll see a PES2012 this year on Wii. I have a feeling Konami may just focus on 3DS for the time being, and skip the Wii now.

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I find it a little weird that the more recent Pro Evolution Soccer games don't show up on the Nintendo Channel, but I do know that even combined they wouldn't add up to the toal time we played the 2008 version. PES 2009 made some important strides in key areas over its predecessor but there has been very little in the way of evolution since then..


I'd forgot 2009 doesn't appear on the Nintendo Channel data list. Weird one. I wouldn't mind knowing how long I've played it - probably a decent enough amount as I played a few Champions Leagues when I got it just to soak up the atmosphere. :heh:


They did only put one update out for 2009. I think 2011 has had about three updates thus far, but I don't expect to see any more frankly. I don't think Konami loves us any more after PES2011 flopped somewhat.


I was thinking of holding out for this years edition if it comes to the Wii. If it doesn't then 2011 should be nice and cheap later in the year. Does the 2011 playtime records appear on the Nintendo Channel?


Have 2011 and do love it. Classic controller support all the way though. I do love the Wii pointer controls but old fashioned PES is just addictive stuff.


I thought you'd be much more of a connoisseur than that! Classic controller?! Quit being such a grumpy old man and embrace the pointer controls. :D


want to play the Milan derbies, take on the world with West Brom and struggle with the Orient.


Pro Evo has (some) real teams and players. Plus 2009 (not sure about 2010 or 2011) has the Champions League. Pro Evo is the way to go.


I still play 2011 regularly. If anyone's up for a game (Classic controllers... :p) let me know, or send me your friend code.


CC, seriously? Refer yourself to what I said to tapdeck above. :heh:

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  • 3 months later...

Ok, gentlemen. I have the opportunity to buy either Pro Evo 2008 or 2009.


Now, I want to get one of these two, as they are cheap. However, how many of you will be getting the new one when that comes out? When is it out?


Or, I could get the latest version, 2011. What I'm really asking is which version do people play on the most?

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I have both 2008 and 2009. I think I'd like to get this years but I wanna see what its like - I got into 2009 again a few months ago and played another season of Master League, which put me in the mood for a new version of Pro Evo. 2009 is a better game than 2008, with the controls being refined quite a bit and the addition of the Champions League. They even have an online squad update button... but I think they only used it once. ::shrug:


If you can hold on a few months, then wait it out and we'll get this years version and give it a proper play!

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I have both 2008 and 2009. I think I'd like to get this years but I wanna see what its like - I got into 2009 again a few months ago and played another season of Master League, which put me in the mood for a new version of Pro Evo. 2009 is a better game than 2008, with the controls being refined quite a bit and the addition of the Champions League. They even have an online squad update button... but I think they only used it once. ::shrug:


If you can hold on a few months, then wait it out and we'll get this years version and give it a proper play!


I can get 09 for a fiver brand new, so I'm tempted to go with that. So, between 08 and 09, 09 is better?


Is there any info out on the new one?

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I can get 09 for a fiver brand new, so I'm tempted to go with that. So, between 08 and 09, 09 is better?


Is there any info out on the new one?


Yep, 08 is great, but 09 is a definite step up. They added joystick movement and a few other things to the controls making it a noticeable improvement. You should get it for a fiver, definitely!


I'm not even sure if this years is confirmed for the Wii. :( I'm sure it will be. All I know so far about this years Pro Evo is that Messi is no longer on the cover!

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PES 2011 is probably the best of the lot so far but it isn't a million miles away from PES 2009. Considering darksnowman and myself both have the 2009 version, you couldn't really go far wrong in purchasing that for £5 and I'm sure we'll be able to give you some online action :heh:

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I would definitely recommend the 2011 version over 2009. It's just better. The graphics are better, the controls are better. Sure, in time honoured PES tradition, it's not a massive difference, but I've seen 2011 for about £13-£17, and it's definitely worth it imho.


Is there going to be a PES 2012 for Wii then? I've not seen any info on it...

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