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Iwata: Wii 2 is "under development", Nintendo


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This is more of a wish list than anything.


The Obvious:



Better Graphics

5.1 Sound (I would say 7.1, but Nintendo would never do that, and not that many people have 7.1 systems anyway)

Upscaling Chip


The Interface:





Yes, I have too much time on my hands.




Browse the lobby of every online game you own without inserting a disk. The games you're friends and rivals are playing in are highlighted. You can connect to that game once you insert the disk.




You can make friend requests (based on Mii names), Rival (Like friends but cannot view your personal information) requests, edit your ignore list (They can't communicate with you, even with Wii speak if they are in an online game with you), and view your friends profiles and what they're currently doing.


Goals: Like achievements. You can browse the ones you have, and a selection of ones you don't have. You can also challenge friends and rivals to see who can get one first.




Edit your profiles (since more than one person might be using the console), and edit and create Miis.


Data: Manage all the files on your console's internal memory and the SD card.




Manage all the console's settings.


Current Game:


Play the game off the game disk currently inserted into the console. GCN, Wii, Wii HD, and Movie DVDs.


Recommended Games:


The top 3 retail games that are recommended for you. Even ones that aren't out yet.




Basically the Nintendo Channel.


Downloaded Games:


Your 2 most recently played Wii Ware or VC games.




Browse all your downloadable games weather they are on an SD card or on the internal memory. You can transfer all old downloadable games, Miis and Save files at the same time from your Wii


Recommended Game:


A Downloadable game that is recommended for you.




The Wii Shop Channel. Now with GCN, Wii, Saturn, and Dreamcast games. Includes everything currently on the Wii shop channel. Old channels can be opened as Apps (more on that soon).


Recent Free Games:


This one needs some explanation. Think of it like Flash games sort of. You can make games with a similar (to flash) simple to use application for OS X, and Windows. They download to a cache on the system memory so you don't have to worry about storing them. They are all free and while they are downloading, adds play to make up for the fact that they are free. They're all user submitted, but Nintendo would have people reviewing them to make sure everything was appropriate and up to quality standards. Flash games are probably the biggest revolution in casual gaming ever. Its about time something similar made its way to the consoles.


Recommended Free Games:


2 recommended free games.




Browse all free games.


The following all open up in a window above the menu.




Access your Media stored in the system memory, or an SD card.




The web browser.




The Wii Message Board. New Messages appear beside the label on the button.




All other apps. Including the old Wii channels, and new ones.

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If an obvious troll is obvious why don't they get banned?


As for the Wii 2. I more or less expect the Wii but with better graphics 720p (I've already stated before my lack of faith in 1080p becoming standard)a more precise but still unique control system. Wii Motion++ basically, but not a peripheral, although perhaps a peripheral would be good to help people keep controllers from one console to the next.


I don't have faith in the online improving to XBL levels, I think FCs are still likely, or at least a single Wii code. Still not as simple as just sending an request through the service when you have to exchange 16 digits, likely on a forum. Their downloadable service will likely improve. Better netcode and servers for fast downloads perhaps game demos and background downloading. If we're lucky the VC will actually be utilized to great effect (the classics you want to buy again as opposed to Donkey Kong Jr. Math)


Hopefully an HD will be standard, or at least supported in the case of game demos or DLC.

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Surely Nintendo realise that friend codes HAVE to go? It makes no sense whatsoever. Absolutely none. There's not one reason fro them to exist!


Ultimately, Wii HD that uses all of Wiis peripherals, lose friend codes, infinitely better online system, a more diverse Mii channel and an even more strealined interface and that'd be awesome!!

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Wii 2 must have these things for me to even consider buying it:


-free online tied to a personal account, not the machine number. Just like the PSN. I know Nintendo likes to be different, but different isnt acceptable when its just stupid (friend codes).


-VC and Wiiware purchases must immediately be transferable to the Wii2. I have a bad feeling about this one....


-no more 'graphics dont matter' drivel from Nintendo PR. Fairplay to Nintendo if they want to appeal to everyone, but doesnt 'everyone' include graphic whores?


Even then, ill be taking a wait and see approach instead of blindly buying one on launch day as is traditional for me.

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-VC and Wiiware purchases must immediately be transferable to the Wii2. I have a bad feeling about this one....


Yep, so do I. They'll probably be slightly different, and therefore not exactly the same purchases (ie. 60hz, upscaled, reframed etc).


-no more 'graphics dont matter' drivel from Nintendo PR. Fairplay to Nintendo if they want to appeal to everyone, but doesnt 'everyone' include graphic whores?


Couldn't be more true. I also think there's a massive contradiction coming from Nintendo. They say the power of a machine is dictated by what the designers need it for (fair enough) and they've always said the Wii has all the power a console needs, it just can't do HD graphics. However, Miyamoto then says the reason Super Mario Bros Wii hasn't got an online mode is because it's already using all the Wii's power.


I love graphics, but this further shows power is not just needed for graphics.


Now, regarding the Wii 2, my gut feeling is it'll arrive in 2012. Iwata says it might be in "three, five or eight" years - I'm hoping for three! Plus, there are rumblings of Ubisoft currently having about 10% of their staff on next-gen platforms: http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ubisoft-gearing-up-for-new-hardware


I've got a feeling Xbox 3 will be double the power, but with Project Natal included from the beginning (Microsoft's Wii, in effect) and I'm hoping Wii 2 matches the power exactly, so we can get back on track and not always be one generation behind.


There is another idea: Nintendo keep calling motion control "red ocean" now, so it's possible they might do something completely different.

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Its possible MS and Sony (especially Sony) don't improve their console's power all that much next generation and do what Nintendo did this generation. But with the Wii brand, Nintendo may still be able to hang onto the casual gamers, and perhaps even steal the mainstream by being slightly more powerful possibly, or by doing something different yet again. Its possible their intent with the Wii all along was to try and trick Sony and MS to appeal to a market they perhaps will have a hard time winning.

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Couldn't be more true. I also think there's a massive contradiction coming from Nintendo. They say the power of a machine is dictated by what the designers need it for (fair enough) and they've always said the Wii has all the power a console needs, it just can't do HD graphics. However, Miyamoto then says the reason Super Mario Bros Wii hasn't got an online mode is because it's already using all the Wii's power.


I was wondering if this wasn't actually some stupid argument to stop them asking any further questions. Because Super Mario Wii is more or less 2D, has very simple AI... how could that eat up all of Wii's resources?



In any case I also want the next console to be on par graphics wise with the competition not only because I'm a graphics whore but that way we'll see more multiplatform titles as well and I don't want them to make sacrifices hardware wise so the thing fits on my DVD shelf.


Support for external harddrives would also be cool but I doubt that's going to happen and I want one (or less) friendcodes per console (which won't happen either).


I also want the Wiimote to be shaped more like the nunchuck.

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I can't believe this is news! It's not like any of the big three won't be working on a follow up. Companies pump huge amounts of resources into R&D. I also think this talk of a 10 year lifespan for certain consoles is nonsense.


The console wars have always been like an arms race, as soon as one side gets a bigger and better weapon the others have to play catch up. Currently wordwide weekly sales of consoles are:




So whilst Nintendo are still very much on top, the 360 is still (worldwide) outselling the PS3 by a reasonable margin.


IF, and it's a big if, the PS3 overtakes the 360 and sustains that week on week, and it actually gets to the point that it looks like the PS3 will move into second place, that may well be the factor to trigger the release of the next MS console.


Personally, my hope for the Wii successor is that it is on a par with the other consoles from a technical standpoint. This would allow more multiplatform games and boost the quality of third party software on the system.

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I believe that the Wii will have a very long lifespan. Maybe 10+ years.

However, I think that the Wii2 could be announced in two years and be released by 2012-2013.

Nintendo will probably keep the same architecture and make development very similar to how it is on the Wii. I think that Nintendo could release games the same way that many Game Boy color games were.

In other words the games will make use of the next consoles new stuff (even better motion sensing, HD and maybe something else), while still making it playable on the new one. This will however only be done with the not so graphically dependent casual games, while traditional games like Zelda, Metroid and Mario will make full use of the new hardware with higher polycounts, better physics, quicker internet and so on.

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I don't really see why the Wii needs a successor so soon. Nintendo could easily hold off another 5 years, and I think they will. It isn't like sales are slowing down.


People didn't buy a Wii for the graphics so why would they go out and upgrade when they already have a perfectly good console at home?

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I don't really see why the Wii needs a successor so soon. Nintendo could easily hold off another 5 years, and I think they will. It isn't like sales are slowing down.


People didn't buy a Wii for the graphics so why would they go out and upgrade when they already have a perfectly good console at home?


People didn't buy a Wii for graphics. But a lot of us thought there would be a lot more multi-console games on it (and major 3rd party exclusives), especially since its the sales leader.

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People didn't buy a Wii for graphics. But a lot of us thought there would be a lot more multi-console games on it (and major 3rd party exclusives), especially since its the sales leader.


You've got to look at who's buy the Wii though. It is mainly marketed at people who don't care about graphics and people who want an upgrade are vastly outnumbered.


Likewise I don't want the next Wii because I didn't buy the console for the graphics. It isn't even a given the the next iteration will match what the 360 and PS3 do, personally I'd be surprised if it did.


Also, with WiiFit selling over 20 million units what is to stop the Wii from becoming a standard platform with added hardware?


Nintendo have talked about disrupting the industry. What better way than to not release another console, make the Wii a central platform and build products and services around it?


I just can't see any reason at all for Nintendo to release a successor any time soon.

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You've got to look at who's buy the Wii though. It is mainly marketed at people who don't care about graphics and people who want an upgrade are vastly outnumbered.


Likewise I don't want the next Wii because I didn't buy the console for the graphics. It isn't even a given the the next iteration will match what the 360 and PS3 do, personally I'd be surprised if it did.


Also, with WiiFit selling over 20 million units what is to stop the Wii from becoming a standard platform with added hardware?


Nintendo have talked about disrupting the industry. What better way than to not release another console, make the Wii a central platform and build products and services around it?


I just can't see any reason at all for Nintendo to release a successor any time soon.


That would be assuming that the Wii casual market is the only market Nintendo will ever try and reach. Even if they're not going to be hardcore focused, there's no reason they wouldn't create a new console to appeal to a new demographic yet.


Nintendo's strategies are Blue Ocean focused, perhaps now that other companies seem to be producing a lot of casual games, Nintendo will move on to something else. Someone (Can't remember who, I think it may have been Iwata) said that the health type of game was becoming a Red Ocean, and that Nintendo would be trying to find another Blue Ocean instead of trying to compete with other health games after Wii Fit Plus.

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That would be assuming that the Wii casual market is the only market Nintendo will ever try and reach. Even if they're not going to be hardcore focused, there's no reason they wouldn't create a new console to appeal to a new demographic yet.


Nintendo's strategies are Blue Ocean focused, perhaps now that other companies seem to be producing a lot of casual games, Nintendo will move on to something else. Someone (Can't remember who, I think it may have been Iwata) said that the health type of game was becoming a Red Ocean, and that Nintendo would be trying to find another Blue Ocean instead of trying to compete with other health games after Wii Fit Plus.


And I'd agree if it weren't for the indisputable fact that the "casual" market, whatever you want to call it, is vastly bigger than the core. This is what I'm saying though, they wouldn't need a new console but maybe a new peripheral, like WiiFit, to appeal to this new demographic.


If Iwata thinks health games are becoming "Red Ocean", what do you think he makes of more traditional game?


The Wii isn't just a console, it's a brand; WiiFit, WiiPlay, WiiMusic. There is no need for change when there is so much to build on.

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And I'd agree if it weren't for the indisputable fact that the "casual" market, whatever you want to call it, is vastly bigger than the core. This is what I'm saying though, they wouldn't need a new console but maybe a new peripheral, like WiiFit, to appeal to this new demographic.


If Iwata thinks health games are becoming "Red Ocean", what do you think he makes of more traditional game?


The Wii isn't just a console, it's a brand; WiiFit, WiiPlay, WiiMusic. There is no need for change when there is so much to build on.


Who's to say the next demographic they target is the casuals again though. They created a new market with the Wii, they can do it again, and it may require a new console. Wii fit made sense to do with the Wii because the market for it was partially intertwined with the casual market they had already built. Other things may require a new console. Yes, Nintendo is a business, but they're one that seems to be taking risks. Expanding the market again, perhaps with a new console could be another risk that pays off quite well.


I never said the hardcore was a blue ocean, or what they'll be going for next.


Also, you may want to re-read the original post of this thread.

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if nintendo want to make the wii2 to sell like Hot cake, they have to bring some of there top listed games out at launch , a new mario, zelda , Starfox , f-zero , mario kart , smashbros, Pokemon adventure if they only anounce those games for launch it will sell really good,

and 3rd partys need to support it also, with games like final fantasy, good first person shooters with top quality online support , Etc and more

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if nintendo want to make the wii2 to sell like Hot cake, they have to bring some of there top listed games out at launch , a new mario, zelda , Starfox , f-zero , mario kart , smashbros, Pokemon adventure if they only anounce those games for launch it will sell really good,

and 3rd partys need to support it also, with games like final fantasy, good first person shooters with top quality online support , Etc and more


Nope, they'd just need backwards compatibility and Wii Fit HD!

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You've got to look at who's buy the Wii though. It is mainly marketed at people who don't care about graphics and people who want an upgrade are vastly outnumbered.

Nintendo do have a tight grasp on the casual market. However, the Wii has much less third party support than expected and the Wii isn't really popular among the mainstream and core players.

Nintendo undoubtedly want to win over these demographics too, and they will have dificulties to do so with a non-HD format.


Likewise I don't want the next Wii because I didn't buy the console for the graphics. It isn't even a given the the next iteration will match what the 360 and PS3 do, personally I'd be surprised if it did.

It most definitely is a given it'll surpass the PS3. The PS3 was pretty much state of the art on release, but now not so expensive PC's can surpass it.

Compare how high-end the Dreamcast was in 1998 and how old it seemed when it was discontinued in 2001. The PS3 will be quite acceptable (if even that) by 2012 when compared to PC equivelants.


Look at the PS2! In 2001 it was a technical marvel with a fairly high price tag. Remember how it was 5 years later when the 360 came out? It was old and inexpensive. Even when the PS2 was 2-3 years old, PC magazines were complaining that the graphics in certain games were crap due to them originally being released for the PS2.


The next gen Nintendo console will be more powerful than any format we have right now. The later the release date, the more power. Nintendo really don't have a reason not to do so!


Also, with WiiFit selling over 20 million units what is to stop the Wii from becoming a standard platform with added hardware?


Nintendo have talked about disrupting the industry. What better way than to not release another console, make the Wii a central platform and build products and services around it?

The Wii has its limits. It'll need faster internet, a proper hard drive and a VASTLY imroved Wiimote in the future, among other things.


Plus how many different adons can you release for a single format? Both Sega's 32X and Mega CD and Nintendo's expansion pack have proven that requiring even gamers to get certain accessories to play certain games has proven quite unsuccessful.


I just can't see any reason at all for Nintendo to release a successor any time soon.


Define any time soon, and define successor.

I believe that the Wii will have a very long lifespan as a casual format. A format that will recieve first and probably third party support over very many years to come.

However I think that Nintendo will release another console earlier. A format that'll be firstly be marketed at the mainstream and core, and first after pricedrops will be marketed towards the casual.

'Cuz let's face it, the casuals won't pre order the Wii's successor no matter how long it'll take. They won't pre order it in 2010, they won't preorder it in 2015 and they won't preorder it in 2050.

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Nintendo do have a tight grasp on the casual market. However, the Wii has much less third party support than expected and the Wii isn't really popular among the mainstream and core players.

Nintendo undoubtedly want to win over these demographics too, and they will have dificulties to do so with a non-HD format.


But it isn't like the Wii has reached any kind of limit. It's sold over 50 million units but that is just a fraction of what they could sell. I would think that working on lowering the price even more, maybe releasing it with an upgraded flash drive, would do a lot more from the console than attempting to launch a new console at which point they go back to square one, competing with Sony and Microsoft, both of which have become a lot more savvy since the Wii has come out.


Imagine if they got the price down to around £100. It would just be insanely appealing.


People who don't usually play games is a much larger market to appeal to than those who do. Why would Nintendo go backward?


I do



It most definitely is a given it'll surpass the PS3. The PS3 was pretty much state of the art on release, but now not so expensive PC's can surpass it.

Compare how high-end the Dreamcast was in 1998 and how old it seemed when it was discontinued in 2001. The PS3 will be quite acceptable (if even that) by 2012 when compared to PC equivelants.


Look at the PS2! In 2001 it was a technical marvel with a fairly high price tag. Remember how it was 5 years later when the 360 came out? It was old and inexpensive. Even when the PS2 was 2-3 years old, PC magazines were complaining that the graphics in certain games were crap due to them originally being released for the PS2.


The next gen Nintendo console will be more powerful than any format we have right now. The later the release date, the more power. Nintendo really don't have a reason not to do so!


Nintendo have a perfectly good reason not to do so, cost. The R&D that would go into matching what the PS3 does now is still not going to be cheap, especially considering the form factor Nintendo will want; small and discreet. Sony who have already done the R&D, have had the thing in production for 3 years no are still struggling to push down the cost, not to mention it has taken a long time for the PS3 to become the machine it is now through updates and such. Nintendo don't support their console as well and they certainly won't be able to jump in on par with something like the PS3 just like that.


Who knows, though? There's no point in even starting to speculate on it.


Even then, will Nintendo use Blu Ray or limit itself to DVD?


Will it have the services like the other consoles; Facebook/twitter/last.fm integration, VidZone, an decent video store? Really doubt it. Getting rid of friend's codes would b a start.


All Nintendo need to do is steal Apple's apps model. It takes about £100 to start developing an app for the iPod or iPhone. If Nintendo did this, they wouldn't have to bother doing any of this themselves.



The Wii has its limits. It'll need faster internet, a proper hard drive and a VASTLY imroved Wiimote in the future, among other things.


Plus how many different adons can you release for a single format? Both Sega's 32X and Mega CD and Nintendo's expansion pack have proven that requiring even gamers to get certain accessories to play certain games has proven quite unsuccessful.


Faster internet? It's not a complaint of the mainstream.

Proper hard drive? Why not do a DSi or a PSP Go and just upgrade the current one. They've given people the ability to use SD cards so no one with a Wii currently will be alienated.

Why is there a need for a vastly improved Wii controller? There just isn't.


As for Add ons, Wii Fit has sold over 20 million units. It just isn't comparable to the expansion pack. With the Wii you have an established audience, one that isn't fussed about upgrading, one that is fickle.

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But it isn't like the Wii has reached any kind of limit. It's sold over 50 million units but that is just a fraction of what they could sell. I would think that working on lowering the price even more, maybe releasing it with an upgraded flash drive, would do a lot more from the console than attempting to launch a new console at which point they go back to square one, competing with Sony and Microsoft, both of which have become a lot more savvy since the Wii has come out.



you see they're very iffy about lowering price ever since gamecube... even with gamecube argos lowered it for them and caused a lot of trouble..


but i think the wii is just better off offering a deal rather than a price reduction..

Bundle shit in with the console.. maybe the new controllers could come with motion plus.. maybe 2 controllers?


who knows. But I really believe them when they say that reducing price will be a shotterm solution.. the 3 want their consoles to last a while because in fairness the 3 manufacteres and all doing pretty well this time round..


there is no pressure for any of them to upgrade I wouln't think.


My biggest fear is that they won't let me transfer my Wii VC and Wiiware purchases to the new console.


Oh they can't pull that off... no siree.. It will be compatible although most likey they will release every game AGAIN upped to hd.. so.. chances are youll be buying your favourite games AGAIN anyway


Compare how high-end the Dreamcast was in 1998 and how old it seemed when it was discontinued in 2001.

off topic but specs wise wasn't the dreamcast actually more powerfull than the ps2?

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