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The Official Fire Emblem Thread


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Ive got back to this while having a brief pause from Baten Kaitos. Its needed the getting back to cos I was only on mission two or three! Then in one sitting, what do you know but the game becomes unputdownable and Im up to like mission ten atleast now. Its my first Fire Emblem game and its great... I kept hearing the graphics are fantastic in this but in my opinion they coulda done with some work to some characters - the pirates looked horrendous. One other thing is maybe the running patterns coulda been smoothed out a bit? The directions people run can be very angular.


All in all its a great game and Im definitely thinking seriously about getting one or both of the GBA games now... the only thing is Im using my time to game to the max at the minute and get caught up with these games and I dont know how much longer Ill be able to do this... so much to do and so little time!

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i found it for 25 brand new :D lol thank god for indie game stores :)


im going to start playing this proper now the exmas are over-im only on the abush level where you gotta sneak round the side of a group and make it to the exit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been trying to get a copy off eBay these last few days but its not easy to get as cheap as I want to. Can't wait to get it :smile:


:eek: :eek:

Exactly what I've been trying to do!!!! I finally got it for $57.00 Australian including postage and handling. I'm expecting it to arrive by Monday the 10th of July. After playing the first 2 (to come outside of Japan) on gba, I'm very excited about this one.


Well good luck with finding it cheap on ebay Stocka.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well after buying this pretty much on release day I have now finally started to play it. I am on chapter 3 at the moment and so far I think its great. I love the anime style characters they all look so cool especially Shinon (sp?) Hopefully I will keep playing this and not stop til its done.

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I just beat it not too long ago. Very cool game, im starting a new one on Normal difficulty now.


The only thing i would have wished for was more sweet cutscenes, they were absolutly gorgeous and the voice acting was decient aswell.

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Im managed to get to Chapter 7 after playing on and off all day. The first magic dud that you get is pretty cool looking aswell. A problem Im having is trying not to use Titania much as I know its gonna hurt me in the long run.


same here :S my 360 is keeping me busy so i dont have time for nintendo right now :(


i feel so unclean

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It's like Advance Wars but in Medieval. More complex, more RPG, more story-based and normal characters with their own personality. All in anime style. For me too this is my first Fire Emblem and believe me not the last. I will definitely buy the Wii's Fire Emblem.


This convinced me to buy Fire Emblem:


Only 1 person gave 4 out of 10 and all the others 8,9 or 10 out of 10 as a rating!

If you like easy tactical strategy games with the genuine nintendo gameplay, then buy it.

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Hint: Talk to Zihark with a Laguz to join you and when the Black Knight appers, then try to calculate his moves. I think that he can move up to 6 squares. Be careful and DON'T try to kill the south-east enemies. Try to avoid at all costs, the girl with the dragon because if you don't kill her, she will aid you later.

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Thanks for the hints. I already knew about Zihark ( he looks cool ) and Jill. I managed to do it eventually. It was Mist who kept getting killed as the guys on G-faqs said its best to level her up as you need to use her later in the game. Im looking forward to getting Shinon back as I need an archer and Rolf sucks.

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im going through the game without Oscar or Boyd but im trying not to let anyone else get killed. Also im on the level where you get Shino back but nothing i do will convince him to rejoin so i had to kill him. meh.


Great fucking game though!

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To get Shinon back I think you have to talk to him with Boyd and then "kill" him after the fight he will join you.


Im now on Chapter 14 and Im still loving it. It has some of the best and funniest dialogue that I have seen in a game also Soren is the man. I levelled him up quite a bit and he destroys just about everything with 1 magic spell.

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Hey all!


Ive just completed this about an hour ago, what a game! A great and complicated political, racist story... good tactical gameplay, lovely cutscenes - poor in game graphics - but that didnt matter because I kept playing and playing. It took about thirty hours and Id add a good few onto that to account for all the restarts I had to do.


I thought I was pretty thorough in this but your archer guy, Shinon, didnt rejoin me and ** MILD SPOILER ** there were two other "??????" on the artwork list at the end... hmmm.


Anyhow, twas my first Fire Emblem and it comes greatly recommended.

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Im on chapter 19 now. I managed to recruit Shinon back as hes awesome, also on chapter 19 I thought you had to kill the Raven King but I just read you have to let Reynson talk to him to allow him to leave the battle field and take his men with him. This little tactic should make the battle easier, also Soren still ownz all with perhaps the exception of Stefan.

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Well I finally finished the game and I have to say that I wasnt that impressed. The gameplay was solid enough and enjoyable but it was the presentation that lets the game down.


I wouldnt call myself a graphics whore but the ingame graphics were pretty poor. Also when playing a game with a decent storyline ( which this has ) music helps portray various emotions. Now this is where the game falls flat on its face. The game has very little speech in it so you cant get the emotion from the sound of their voice so you try to listen for a change in the music to get a sense of what you are supposed to be feeling. The music that is used is very flat and not inspiring at all and in some cases the music isnt even present!


What started off as an enjoyable game turned out to abit of a disappointment, the only saving grace is the the story is really good with many a meaning to it.

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Oi can anyone tell me how to start a new game so it will contribute to the hidden character counts?


do i have to do something with my epilogue file?


Do i just go to a blank file and choose "new game"?


And is it possible to copy a file with the last level and just complete it over and over, successfully cheating to get the secret characters?


Well who ever answers my...complication, thanks in advance:grin:

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