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Ferrari challenge


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In some games... yeah (forza 2 cars comes to mind), but in this one... there's simply no lightning, the sky is blue and that's it, there's not a place where it's brighter... nothing... really bland looking.


I can see lighting in the pictures. And the sky is brighter in some places, too.


What I can't see is totally unrealistic levels of bloom lighting.

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I can see lighting in the pictures. And the sky is brighter in some places, too.


What I can't see is totally unrealistic levels of bloom lighting.



I still don't see realistic color differences in the sky that suggest it, but I'm not suggesting overused bloom either. See... it's stuff like the trees edges ahead of the light should be clearer, stuff like that; that's not unrealistic, on the contrary.

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  • 6 months later...

Looks much much better though. As for Gran Turismo 4, I love that game, but the textures in it are crap compared to the textures in Ferrari Challenge. Over all it looks better than this though for sure. Bear in mind, these don't look like bull shots either.

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Ferrari Challenge looks better than Forza IMO, I think it's looking quite good!
he chose a bad screenshot of Forza...




That's from forza 1... now... this one doesn't even come close.


the reflection on the cars is kinda like "metal cap" effect in Mario 64 too, instead of a real reflection, as I remember Forza 1 to have (might be wrong on this one)... textures are downright worse too, and have a lot less colors...


Dinamic light at place doesn't even come close to forza's:




As does colisions:






And here is forza 1 ferrari's for comparison:








This game... is in a completly different league from forza, and if anything Wii could do Forza at 60 frames (considering Xbox did it at 30 frames); this said... this game has also come a long way from since it was announced, but that's about the only praise we can do, "hey it doesn't look that bad", but never compare it to forza.


Also note that the excessive anti aliasing in some photos is due to being bullshots, while others have too much compression on them; still.... you guys get the picture.

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he chose a bad screenshot of Forza...


True true. I was just trying to find a gameplay screen shot, and used the first one I came across.


Has anyone else played PGr 2 on the Xbox? I did the other week again out of curiosity. Man, that game has aged well.

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It would be nice to see a PGR port for wii. Anything really, just to get a serious racer onto the platform. PGR is a possibility and it would make money I'm sure. Ever since Nintendo showed off the Gamecube car demo I've been wanting a seriously awesome realistic racer on a Nintendo platform. Burnout was the closest we ever got to genial (and arcadey!) yet we never even saw the epic Burnout 3. EA, get on the case please! At least on the N64 this was addressed with Nintendo themselves getting Digipen to do Ridge Racer (which in places, was better than Namco's efforts)! A repeat would be nice...


I know it's hard to take a step 'backwards' when you've just made Burnout Paradise/PGR4 but I wish devs would think of it as a step 'sideways'. Create something new. I can think of thousands of great ideas for racing games on Wii. And not just by adding a wheel.


Where are our racers!

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