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Hype for the Revolution


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I'm wondering how hyped people are for the Revolution, the reasons for you being/not being so hyped about it and what you're looking forward to most on it.


I'm really hyped for the Rev, I haven't been this hyped for a console since the jump from SNES to the N64 and the era of 3D gaming and needless to say it's because of that controller! I say Nintendo seem to have hit the nail on the head with this one!


I really can't wait to take the Rev online, Smash Bros is what i'm most hyped about, i can't wait to get gaming with everyone! I'm looking forward to see Nintendo and others create some "new" genres geared around the controller and also how they tackle current genre's to add to the gaming experience.


WOOOOO i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

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I'll wait until I know more until I start to really care, there's so little known that I don't think hype at this point is warrented. I guess you can hyped as much as you want, but I'm keeping the slate clean until I have a real reason to wet myself... if I ever get one.


The whole thing has a Nintendo DS gimmick style cloud circling around it if you ask me.

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I'm realy hyped. This looks like Nintendos best conslole ever. I love the control. I love the viritual Console, I love the design I love every thing about it. Most games has started to bor me.. I cant play a game for more than 3hours if it istent realy good.

360 is just better graphics... Revolution is a totaly new world :)

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After TGS I was really hyped, I thought I must get a Revo within a few days or at least more details otherwise I'm going to go crazy, I actually was crazy before so everything stayed the same :D :D :D


At the moment I'm moderately hyped, sometimes the Revo controller comes to my mind, mainly while playing Smash Bros with a few mates - what we started to do at least once per week - and so I'm pretty hyped up for the next Smash Bros.

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The great thing is that revolution shows how much Nintendo has changed and how much they havent changed. Its such a risky console but the risk is a very safe one, in classic nintendo style.


They've left very little room for error, rev is going to be the conclusion of the experiment they started with DS. And the DS was a bigger risk as the freehand controller is far more evolutionary than the dual touch screen of the DS was and it was going up against superior hardware. The difference in performance of rev wont be as great as DS / PSP.


And further more they are agressively going after 3rd parties, not just showing them their controller but demonstrating the functionality, presenting them with demos to show it works, this is a lot more agressive and friendlier than they have ever been.


But until we see games it is hard to get more hyped, but the potential of the machine gives me a lot of hope, especially as reporters have said that the controller actually works. So that variable has for the most part been eliminated.

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I'm not really excited about it, I do get excited when there's some info and I am interested and still think that I'll get one but not in an over the top kinda way.


Some screens or even more game info would get me more hyped but inbetween all of these little snipets of info it goes all quiet and gradually the excitement drains away again. Not like earlier in the year when there was lots more speculation.


Nintendo should probably try to get some info out there after the 360 launch but before Christmas.

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Nintendo need to crank up the level of hype now to counter the launch of the 360. For sure im hyped with all the possiilities that this controller presents. We just need to see some impressive footage or screenshots to keep building the momentum. At the moment it is hurting Nintendo by not showing anything game related. There are still skeptics out there who doubt the graphical performance, prove them wrong.

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The most important thing is that the hype doesnt peak too soon. you want all the hype to peak a week before release. building it slowly is the best way. i personnally am really hyped. i really can not wait. but i try to keep up to date with whats going on. how many casual gamers are thet bothered? not many they are the people that need to be hyped not us. most of us will get it so for the sake of the user base hype up casual gamers for god sakes.

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Im as hyped as I am for any Nintendo console + hype to see the awesome possibilities the controller creates. Still, it was a risky move and the chances that most games are mini games or stupidly done ports are high. Still the same was true for DS, and now it's one of the best consoles ever for me. Zelda is on the top of my hype list though

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