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Has Nintendo really lost it?

Chris the great

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I think its awesome how all the negative internet furor over E3 has put Nintendo in damage control mode. Hopefully they will see fit to react accordingly


Reggie Fils-Aime: The recognition is — and I think this is really the point — we’re not going to tease you over 18 months or 24 months. We’re going to show you something that’ll make your jaw drop and make it available shortly thereafter.


That sounds good on paper but Zelda TP, Smash Bros, Mario 128, Project Hammer and Disaster beg to differ

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I think its awesome how all the negative internet furor over E3 has put Nintendo in damage control mode. Hopefully they will see fit to react accordingly




That sounds good on paper but Zelda TP, Smash Bros, Mario 128, Project Hammer and Disaster beg to differ


So they have to mantain the same strategy forever? What he's saying is absolutely in line with what they've been doing recently with Fatal Frame 4 and Wario.

If Nintendo didn't say anything "ZOMG DEY ABANDONED US!1!ONE!", they answer the complaints and it's damage control. Well, it is damage control, it's just that the expression usually takes a negative conotation.

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It is a sort of damage control. I believe Nintendo when they say that hardcore games are in the works and understandably, these take time. Trouble is this is still a sort of negative damage control because Nintendo are defensive about the fact that they haven't got a AAA hardcore game for xmas and that's a problem for many people.


This is all a matter of timing though, over the generation we'll get as many, probably more infact, AAA Nintendo titles as we always do. Given some time to look back maybe it would have been better if Nintendo had perhaps "saved" Mario Kart for xmas.

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I think nintendo realised that smash bros brawl marketing was a failure as most lost interest when most the secrets were revealed. BORED


Zelda TP created anger, as it just took too long with small amounts of marketing TEASING.


Mario GALAXY made other wii games look rubbish which was a marketing failure a wholesome way CANNABILISM


Therefore, the apple stye SHOCK AND AWE tactics are the best marketing possible (I believe anyway)


So look out for zelda confirmation in september and instores for christmas CONFIRMED

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I just found out that there are more third party games I am interested in than I thought (it has only to do with this topic as I believe third party was a reason why there wasn't much from Nintendo themselves) - though probably none will get released in 2008 in Europe (if those even come to Europe) but there are games like "Arc Rise Fantasia", "Little King Story", "Fragile", "Fatal Frame 4", "Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World", "Oboro Muramasa Youtouden", "The Conduit", "Rune Factory Frontier" and maybe there are some more...

Though I still don't know which games of those I will really buy or will really be worth buying BUT I am at least intersted in those...

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To me, Nintendo are always working on something big. News of their teams working on a new Mario and Zelda doesn't surprise me, because you always feel that they're working on their bigger franchises, and they don't get much bigger than Mario or Zelda.


I can't honestly believe that people think that we're only getting what we saw at E3. Did the remote just get plucked out of thin air? Did Mario Galaxy give birth to itself? It took a lot of refinements, a lot of new ideas, collaboration within the team, planning, all sorts.


Nintendo could never host an E3 conference ever again, and I wouldn't be worried in the slightest. The games will come.

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For me it wasn't the lack of Mario and Zelda, because we've already had them on the Wii, what made it sad for me was the lack of the other franchises. Where's Starfox, where's F-zero, where's Wave Race, where's 1080 etc etc, ok saying there's another Mario and Zelda, but I want more than that :(

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For me it wasn't the lack of Mario and Zelda, because we've already had them on the Wii, what made it sad for me was the lack of the other franchises. Where's Starfox, where's F-zero, where's Wave Race, where's 1080 etc etc, ok saying there's another Mario and Zelda, but I want more than that :(


I think they'll come, or rather we might see something to their equivalent or equally as awesome.


There has been an F Zero on every Nintendo home system since the SNES. Same with Starfox. Wave Race and 1080, they're a bit funny. I'd be surprised to see a Wave Race game, but it would be welcome surprise, since I love it. 1080, wasn't that by Leftfield studios or something, or have I got that horribly wrong? Didn't they disband? Same reason we're not seeing another NBA Courtside game, right?

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To me, Nintendo are always working on something big. News of their teams working on a new Mario and Zelda doesn't surprise me, because you always feel that they're working on their bigger franchises, and they don't get much bigger than Mario or Zelda.


I can't honestly believe that people think that we're only getting what we saw at E3. Did the remote just get plucked out of thin air? Did Mario Galaxy give birth to itself? It took a lot of refinements, a lot of new ideas, collaboration within the team, planning, all sorts.


Nintendo could never host an E3 conference ever again, and I wouldn't be worried in the slightest. The games will come.


I don't think that everyone sees it as that bad but certainly people are pissed about the line up for the next 9 months. That Gametrailers vid is EXACLTY why I am angry at them. They actually think that AC is a core game that will keep us happy.

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I don't think that everyone sees it as that bad but certainly people are pissed about the line up for the next 9 months. That Gametrailers vid is EXACLTY why I am angry at them. They actually think that AC is a core game that will keep us happy.


If it's going to be a dry period, then surely there is a huge opportunity there for third parties to promote their games on the Wii?


The trouble with third party games is that they're living in the shadow of Nintendo's own franchises. So, if they're in a transitional period with the Wii, then surely third parties have the chance to fill that hole?


Just an idea.


And that Gametrailer's video, Reggie is very good at PR. That's all he's doing there, not answering that guy's actual questions, but hyping them up for their E3 conference. Has their actually been an official lineup for the next 9 months? (I haven't seen one, but if there is one, then I'd like to see it).

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If it's going to be a dry period, then surely there is a huge opportunity there for third parties to promote their games on the Wii?


The trouble with third party games is that they're living in the shadow of Nintendo's own franchises. So, if they're in a transitional period with the Wii, then surely third parties have the chance to fill that hole?


Just an idea.


Chance being the opporative word. So far there's still nothing that I want to buy even 3rd party wise for the lineup to xmas. Maybe Nintendo could help devs shine by not screwing them over by not informing them about major hardware developments? I personally think that that would encourage good game making.




And that Gametrailer's video, Reggie is very good at PR. That's all he's doing there, not answering that guy's actual questions, but hyping them up for their E3 conference. Has their actually been an official lineup for the next 9 months? (I haven't seen one, but if there is one, then I'd like to see it).


So he'd good at PR. All that means is that you're good at lying! Nintendo's offering is a sham for the core gamer and a complete contradiction to what was suggested. The reason why the guy from GT even asked him about game announcements was because Nintendo had been quiet since just after xmas. There was no new titles announced until E3 and the GT guy was basically saying "wtf?" and Reggie said "well wait til E3, that's when we are bringing it all out".


From Nintendo, the Euro lineup is done. You've seen it. Whatever was at E3, that's what you're getting because we will be lucky to have all of those game before xmas here. Maybe in Feb/March we might get teased with something being released in the stated but we will be left on our asses like usual.

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For me it wasn't the lack of Mario and Zelda, because we've already had them on the Wii, what made it sad for me was the lack of the other franchises. Where's Starfox, where's F-zero, where's Wave Race, where's 1080 etc etc, ok saying there's another Mario and Zelda, but I want more than that :(


What made me sad was the fact that they gave two massive slots to Ubisoft.

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And when they've publicly stated that they create low-budget, quick, crappy games on the Wii and DS which sell loads of copies to fund PS3 and 360 projects. The company just went completely downhill since they declared they were trying to take on EA to become the largest videogame publisher this generation...

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You can't really blame Ninty for throwing out content that will probably generate more revenue than a Zelda or Mario.


This conference reminded me of that dreadful connectivity E3 from a few years back. But with the lackluster showing this year and fanboy reaction, surely Nintendo will be especially compelled to put out something excellent next time.


Just something to think about, like maths.

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