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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I kept waking up last night discovering that all of the plaster on my bedroom walls had disappeared, but I must have been dreaming because the plaster is still there! Each time I woke up to discover this, id really try and focus on the walls and would then be able to see the plaster... I think I was drifting in and out of my sleep every time this happened and the whole experience was very odd...

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I dreamt that people were singing and dancing. Went outside and people were singing chav-like (my area is quite chavtastic) and I actually remember some lyrics:


Chav 1: Oi blud, get out of my face

Chav 2: Oi bro, you're mom's a disgrace

Yo yo, you mom's a proper ho

She like a fairground ride, everyone's had a go


Then they both started fighting. More stuff happened but it'd be too long to type. The funny thing is, I remember the first dream so well, it felt real, lmao.


Was proper odd. Then I dreamed Freddy Kruger was after me then he said he wanted to be mates so we went to the pub and had a pint. It was right odd. I had a few others but I vaguely remember them. All I remember is me fighting 100 people Kill-Bill style, lmao.

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Wow, giant rabbit O_o


In one of my dreams last night my entire bottom row of teeth came out. As if I were wearing false teeth but...not as they were my actual teeth. It was freaky so I woke up.

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Had a dream that the girl who lives with me who has sabotaged her chances of ever coming back to school after blowing up a tiny situation unbeleivably, came back to school. She just cried the entire time, and I kept ignoring her by mistake.


Guess that means I really don't care about her anymore? Big surprise. She has a persecution complex, that won't go away until her parents stop letting her run away from things she does/ she stops sabotaging her own recovery.




Also had a dream I missed an exam because I was smoking outside the exam room. (Possibly same dream, different time of day)

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Wierd dream involving Bette Davis Eyes and making out with Buffy. Odd mix.


I was on a coach with what looked to be some other people from my year at college. Lydia (Girl from Psych class) started saying how she loved "Bette Davis Eyes", and I remember wanting to say I adored Leighton Meesters version but can't actually recall if I did. I was very aware of the fact something bad was about to happen, but for some odd reason I wasn't at all alarmed by this fact. We got off the coach, and started running because we were being followed by something, and then (this is where it gets brilliantly unbeliaveable) Buffy just suddenly appeared from behind us and began fighting this "thing" that had been chasing us.


I then became very aware of the fact Buffy and I were either an item, or had been recently which seemed odd, even to my dream self. She walked over to me, and we began making out...which seemed incredibly strange at the time considering my entire year group, and some of the other Buffy characters were watching. Though, what happened next was amazing. As we stopped, she hugged me, and I remember looking over at Xander, and giving him a total "take me now" look. Yup, even in my dreams I'm a massive gay, I love it.


Then, the entire dream switched completely, and I was back on the coach, talking to Lydia again. I can't tell if it was either some from of dream inside a dream, or just a random shift. So utterly strange.

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Had a dream that the girl who lives with me who has sabotaged her chances of ever coming back to school after blowing up a tiny situation unbeleivably, came back to school. She just cried the entire time, and I kept ignoring her by mistake.


Guess that means I really don't care about her anymore? Big surprise. She has a persecution complex, that won't go away until her parents stop letting her run away from things she does/ she stops sabotaging her own recovery.




Also had a dream I missed an exam because I was smoking outside the exam room. (Possibly same dream, different time of day)

Be careful not to read too much into it.

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Be careful not to read too much into it.


No, I really don't. She's annoying as fuck, and her personality/affectations offend me. This dream was just a confirmation of that.


What she's done to herself just makes me feel absolutely nothing anymore, where once I was sorry for her.

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No, I really don't. She's annoying as fuck, and her personality/affectations offend me. This dream was just a confirmation of that.


What she's done to herself just makes me feel absolutely nothing anymore, where once I was sorry for her.

Fair enough, it just sounded like you felt the dream had "told" you how to feel.

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The night before last I had a dream I was kicked out of uni. I probably should have wrote about this yesterday as I'm forgetting things but I was in a dorm and helping someone out and then afterwards she chloroformed (sp?) me because she said I needed rest. I remember being half awake and hearing people talking/plotting and deciding best to play asleep.


Anyway then Nightwolf came and rescued me (I have met her in real life so its not so strange she's in my dream) and lugged me over her shoulder. Then later the principal (I know unis don't have them but I don't know what the head of a uni is called and never met ours...chancellor is it?) came and kicked me out of uni and I argued I didn't have long left but he wasn't having any of it. GUTTED.


Then last night it was the next day and I needed to go back there for some reason so Nightwolf helped me sneak back in (although to be fair its not like uni have guards unlike SOAS) and I was doing stuff but got caught and kicked out again. So then me and Nightwolf got into a taxi but she suddenly remembered she had to grab some stuff so went in. The taxi driver however had started the meter and I argued we hadn't started yet but he carried on. NW was a fair while so the taxi driver just left. The bill was thus huge and I asked him to drop me off at a cash machine but he didn't go near one so I had to run to one, but then got lost and he was still charging me. Last I remember. Oh wait no I wasn't liking the dream so I woke up.


I hope it carries on tonight. I like it when my dreams carry on.

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I'm sure my brain has gone off dreams recently OR i'm just not sleeping long enough to enter REM sleep. :)


Coolness Bears Dream: A visual tale.


The last dream I had involved me being stuck on the ledge of this town house while zombies were trying to claw at my legs with their claws. They looked like the zombies from Left 4 Dead.





The bizzare thing was that they were wearing




This exact dress Miley Cyrus wore. Which made me much less frightened of them.


Meanwhile Miley Cyrus




and Emily Osment




Were down in the basement of the town house trying to fend off more zombies with some




Then strangely the whole dream changed completely and I was in this




That had a




on the wall and a




Miley Cyrus and I were sat on the sofa watching the TV when I realised that it was my friends birthday so I wrap up the..




and Suit Up!





Then my dream ended! :p Yes in my dreams I visualise myself looking exactly like NPH!

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A dream with Miley Cyrus in, Coolness? I'm so jelous. Last night I seemed to have a bunch of them, but the wierdest was this one.


I was walking along the side of some river, when a fight broke out infront of me and I felt the urge to get involved even though I had no idea why or who was fighting. As the fight progessed, I realised it was Xander from Buffy, and some random guy I didn't recognise. The random guy seemed to be winning, and he knocked Xander in the river. As he celebrated, I dived in after Xander, and kept trying to grab hold of him and move him to the river bank, but he was very adament he didn't want to be saved.


I kept trying to grab him, and we both seemed more and more annoyed at each others presence. It then began to develop into one of those "Omg you're so fucking annoying, but damn I want to rip your clothes off right now" moments...and it did. I don't think I've ever had such a wierd filthy dream, usually they're so simple.

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I dreamt (I think I wrote this somewhere else) I was a student at the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters, showing prospective mutant students aroudn the school on an Open Day (except it was on a rainy night. I noted how little we see fully lit areas full of people at night that isn't for the nightlife or the like).


My mutation (I swear to god) made me look almost EXACTLY like this (just not "cartoon");



So I assume I'd have similar abilities to those of Beak (from New X-Men) back in the day, but with really good added strength. I was also pretty tall.

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I was heading towards a Britney concert, and Kelly Clarkson was in the reception area. She ran across to me and was like "Omg, I'm so glad people are starting to arrive! Going to be so awesome!". Then, I headed inside, and it looked like a bigger version of my already huuuge sports hall at college, with seats and numbers marked everywhere. Sophie Ellis Bextor then said "Hey, we're sitting quite close!"...and I woke up. Odd.




This ones a bit wierder. It involves Giant dinosaur like birds, scary man eating fish, wierd dog like creatures and a really annoying erection. :p


I'm working on this boat, which at first doesn't seem that large, as though it's just us workers on it. Things begin attacking us, and we know we have to get off. As we get to the entrance of the boat, we see that there's some creatures in the bushes on the mainland (It was this wierd tropical rainforesty place). Knowing we're stuck, I tell everyone to into the boat, and keep their heads down. We get to the room at the top of the boat, and use tsome plastic sheet to cover up the large hole in the roof. As I'm finishing doing this, I see a figure above us in the air, and scream so loudly. It's this what looked to be giant bird like thing. Everyone runs down to the next level of the boat, and I try to get everyone into this room but people are being so slow. This dog like creature attacks me, and I kick it square in the face. As go over to see if it's dead, It looks amazingly cute, so I pick it up and head into the room. (I'm so dumb).


Everyone finally gets into the room, but one of the doors is busted and fly's open. I know someone is going to fall out of it, but at that moment all I could think about was myself. One of them flies out of the door, and I "become" them. I see something swimming towards me and I swim for my life towards the boat, and somehow manage to get onto it, before switching bodies again. The whole dream then shifts, and I'm all dressed up in some waiters outfit, though things are still attacking, the boats just much bigger and has all these posh guests on-board. I realise I'm working for the army, as are the other workers. I'm standing in some kitchen like place, and this guy walks up behind me and just stands there, hands round my waist...and there's 'something' pressing into my back. I realise who it is, but my dream self does nothing (Which, if you knew the person, is horrific). There's an announcement on the speakers that we have to get shipped out and get off the ship. The posh blonde woman comes over and says something like "Hang on, I thought this was supposed to be my ship coming. I have a ticket".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a dream last night for the first time in months and it's weirded me out. The thing is no one else will see why it's weirded me out or really get it. Or perhaps someone will. Anyway, it went a little like this:


I was in a room with a whole bunch of people who were split into their social groups. Didn't really know who they were at first and then I realised that they were all my high school friends from art class. So anyway, the people who I'd normally hang with were elsewhere and being generally nasty to me and I was with a completely different group of people, ones that I didn't normally hang with when at high school but did often. So we were all sitting and talking and there was a girl sitting next to me who I had a crush on and she and I were getting on really well, flirting, and at this point it turned into a lucid dream because I was totally aware of everything happening and totally aware of this girl. She was tired and rested her head on my shoulder and it was like I could physically feel it.


Right so I can't remember what happened immediately after this but the next thing I remember was that all my stuff (bag, jacket, MP3 player, you name it) had been stolen. Eventually found out it was this girl and then found out it had all been destroyed/ripped/smashed. So went to find her, passing friends who had been being nasty to me on the way to finding her. So climbing the stairs in this estranged building and I'm passing people from my college classes in there, which weirded me even more, and it seemed that there was a party in this place. Surged through the crowd and found her, pulling her aside angrily and started telling her why I was angry and the dream ended on the sentiments of me saying 'you have no idea how much I like you' and the dream ended and I woke up.



So it doesn't sound strange but I haven't seen these people for years and yet they were all in my dream replicated perfectly as I had forgotten them. I hadn't thought of thus girl or these friends for nearly three years so why in the hell has it come into my dreams now and done that? It's trying to tell me something but I don't know what. As it ended abruptly, I'm hoping it continues tonight so I can find out what else happens but yeh, it's weirded me out.

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I've been having some odd dreams recently! I had one the other Night involved Haggis and I going up by train to this fun fairground type place, which had a completely blue Cinema! The film we watched was a mix between Charlie's Angels and Pokemon! :D


Then another dream involved me being on a boat with my parents and an oldman who realy wanted to drive the boat as he had learnt how to on this simulator but he soon figured out that the controls where completely different! So we got this woman to take us out to the sea instead!


Next we jumped off and swam and realised underneath as was a 72ft deep cavern my Dad started to swim down but my mum stopped him next thing I know we are on this island at the edge with Crocodile type things bursting out of the water at us...


There was some more stuff but it is hazey now! :)


Finally last night I had a dream...


Coolness Bears Dream: A Visual Tale 2


It started off normal enough as I was sitting in a:




I was next to my friend. Anyway the movie began and it was apparently a movie I had watched before as I commented on this. About 5-10 minutes into the movie a lot of people including my friend began to leave the cinema disgusted.




After this commotion Paris Hilton got up and answered a phone call:




and apologised to the stewardess for doing so! The next thing Paris Hilton was on her:




Everyone was just watching her now and not the movie. My other friend walked over and I said to him "See Paris Hilton isn't so bad she has a mac"


Anyway the scene changed to me on




There was a BBQ going on outside. I went into the:




in my:




and started cracking




On one of the surfaces. Then someone burst in and commented on the fact that "They couldn't believe Paris Hilton was here and how she annoyed them" I replied and said "I could listen to her voice all day" I then cracked another egg and scooped it up with a spatula and put onto the guys plate....


THEN IT ENDED! : peace:

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You rock, Coolness! :bowdown:


Anyway, I had one of those dreams last night. So yeah, my reaction when I woke up: "Aw, damn."


It's funny, though. Dreams of that kind - almost without exception - always feature the same girl which I've been friends and neighbours with since we were both very young. We were kinda BF/GF when we were about 10, but it was never serious - we were just kids. Since then we've just been very close friends, but nothing more than that. I don't have any special feelings for her - except, it seems, feelings of sexual attraction. I don't know if it's because we're so close or if it's because we've more or less seen each other naked - she's pretty ordinary when it comes to looks and body - but she seems to occupy a special place in my mind.


I don't even know why I'm telling you this. *shrugs*

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Last night, I dreamt I was on some sort of "trip" with people from school. Not close friends, but still friends. We were at some sort fo holiday house and were just chatting around the sofa, with the TV on in the background, when I overheard the news reader announcing "Beyonce Knowles sudden death is being investigated.."


I was really distraught (in my dream).

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I had a really weird dream last night.


I was visiting my friend Jenn in a ultra-modern block of student flats (which she doesn't live in in real life) and I couldn't find her flat, so I jumped through the window into a random flat, which two guys were having sex in, and I was like "Oh shit, sorry!" and ran out into the hallway. Jenn was there in the hallway, randomly dressed like a big plump black woman (like the one in Tom & Jerry) and ushered me into her house. I then helped her prepare a meal, but somehow I ended throwing the cut-up potatoes in the bin, and got really scared she'd notice, so I ran away to outside.


Then suddenly (for whatever reason), I was in a massive complex, with really long diagonal bleak corridors, and there were a group of people there, and we were told there was an alien on the loose.


Then somehow I was playing an N64 with a random 32 year old woman and a 7 year old boy, on a game which seemed to be the cross between Mario Galaxy and Pokemon and Grand Theft Auto, which revolved around collecting stars with random animals by commiting crimes. Then a rugby team knocked on the door, and I was annoyed that I had to stop the game and they asked if they could borrow the key to the changing rooms, and I told them I had no idea where the key was.


Then I don't remember anything else.

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