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N64 Week - Day 5 + 6: Ocarina of Time Vs. Majora's Mask

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Oh my oh my, you are in for a treat, ladies and gentlemen.


Wednesday is the day, and our objective is to look at Nintendo's 2 smash hit adventues on the N64...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.


Why the "Versus" in the title? Well, simple. We at N-europe want to know which game you think is the better one, and why exactly.


Now, before you all jump on your horses and shout "OCARINA!"...we're asking you to give each game a fair chance, and not to think about what you remember of each game. Try not to look at this through rose-tinted glasses. Look at both games and then decide.


I, for one, cannot wait.

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This is gonna be really difficult and I don't think I will be able to give a fair view..


Ocarina of Time was an amazing game and one I completed back on the N64. However, I only got Majora's Mask a few years ago via the Stars Catalogue in the form of The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition. I have never got overly far in it so unfortunately I can't compare the two (though I do remember doing a snow section and perhaps a little after that!)


The one thing I will say, though, is that in my time with Majora's Mask at times I got a little frustrated with the system for saving the game and the 3-day deadline.. but I haven't given it the attention it deserves..

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Who could forget the infamous 'girl' slander advert for OOT?




So, whilst thou?




NOTE: Feel free to take as long as you want to play these titles, I'll get ALL impressions up whenever they are complete. I've been playing OOT for a good week now (currently stuck on water temple..aaaah!) and so I'll have something to go up. But take your time, there's no rush. I can always put a reasoning in and say come back in a week, we've locked the doors as the impending moon falls lower and lower in the sky.

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Ok, in that case:


We'll be playing Ocarina and Majora for two days. That should be adequate time.


So, this will be day 5 and 6.



OK, I've changed the main page to say day 5 and 6. Just request a thread title change and change any previous threads to say day 5/6 and we're all good to go.

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..what will be happening on day 7? If I don't jump into the Zelda titles I could perhaps get a headstart on whatever the final day has to offer :heh: ..or perhaps even appreciate certain aspects of the Nintendo 64 such as the controller and rumble pak..

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...or perhaps even appreciate certain aspects of the Nintendo 64 such as the controller and rumble pak..



Great idea! I was going to do something like this too - like an overall look at the system so yeah, the more the merrier.

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..what will be happening on day 7? If I don't jump into the Zelda titles I could perhaps get a headstart on whatever the final day has to offer :heh: ..or perhaps even appreciate certain aspects of the Nintendo 64 such as the controller and rumble pak..


Day 7, is a nice relaxing end to the week. You'll find out in good time.


As TeeDee says though, you could do your idea as well, if you don't jump into the Zelda-ness.


It's funny, we haven't even begun the Zelda-ness, and already the news article on the front page has more comments than the Day 4. The POWAR of Zeldaaa.

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I only have Ocarina of Time with me ATM, and I never really like that game. I'll give it another go, but the first impressions left a scar for me - after a few months of owning it, the game collected dust for around 3 years until I got Majora's Mask, loved that game and than went back to finish OoT.

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I will likely put them both on briefly (maybe Ocarina a little more so :heh:) just to refresh my memory of how much I loved them (again.. maybe Ocarina a little more so :heh:)


The N64 was the best games console ever (for me) and I don't think I will ever have as much fun with games as I had back when I was growing up with that :smile: ..perhaps I'll write about what it meant to me and why I regard it so highly.. and why I still play it regularly!


I'm assuming perhaps day 7 is just.. everything else? No specific game or genre?

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I only have Ocarina of Time with me ATM, and I never really like that game.


I've never known anyone not like it :o


It's STILL (in my eyes) one of the greatest living, breathing worlds on put onto silicon. Amazing, believalble astounding and gut-wrenchingly beautiful.

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I've never known anyone not like it :o


It's STILL (in my eyes) one of the greatest living, breathing worlds on put onto silicon. Amazing, believalble astounding and gut-wrenchingly beautiful.


It'll be cool to hear his thoughts tomorrow.


Check your PM box TeeDee. :)

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Copy pasta from Wii board:


I prefer Ocarina of Time, not only was it an incredible revolution and felt fresher than any game would ever feel (only Mario 64 can compare), I love the scale of the quest, the instantly classic characters, the music mechanics, villages and... well, everything. It's simply breath-taking. Not much to be said, a game that after 10 years is still considered by many as the best game ever was already discussed to the bones. Ocarina of Time is a breath taking testament to game design. Twilight Princess might have stolen its "favourite game" crown for me, but the impression it left on me can't be rivaled.


Remember these?









More here: http://zelda.pocitac.com/z64beta.shtml.htm



Ah, Majora's Mask, despite everyone at the time saying it was a carbon copy managed to inovate imensely on a lot of aspects. The most obvious being the mask mechanic which adds a lot of variety to the gameplay and the 3-day limit that creates a feeling of urgency and, together with the notebook, allowed for incredible gameplay with a focus on sidequests and original story situations, giving depth and spotlight to the characters. That quirky, dark mood is also unparalleled and is something that completly stands out. It's a game that managed to innovate again, mixing together very odd and distinct elements in an incredibly cohesive manner. Despite all this, there isn't a lot of credit given to the game outside of the more "informed" gaming circles and none of these special attributes were ever seen again in any game, for the better or the worse.


With that said, I still prefer Ocarina of Time, but there's no reason to pit both games together and say which one's the best :P

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I knocked in " + 6" to the title. Pity I wasn't on last night to counter the idea of taking two days for these. They are both huge games, but we did the platformers all in a day and they are, by nature, giant games too. Its not like we are gonna be able to complete OoT and Majora in two days. :p


I'll be on them later for a romp round Clock Town and Termina. It will be a joy... then I'll stick on Ocarina and have a scoot about Hyrule Field. :zzz: Majora winz! Doing some OoT v Majora is a good idea, I like it... bitta competition.

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Wow, I was playing OOT (water temple finally done) yet I decided to start a new file. The cutscenes are still excellent and (in particular) the Kokiri forest scenes are really emotional. I loved the whole creation of Hyrule scene and the spinning Triforce. Still looks nice today. Saria's goodbye is still excellent and the moment where the camera pans out on her just standing there is really powerful and provides a nice juxtaposition to the whole "leaving the forest" idea. In some ways it's actually nice to have a "home" in these titles.


The fact that Link is lost and is looking for a way home in Majoras Mask definately evokes determination from the player. It's as if you want him to return to Hyrule to the characters you fell in love with in OOT - and so you plow on in vein of that sweet return.


Both excellent plot devices which enhance the gameplay. Things you don't really realise when your younger (or just looking for your next heart piece)!

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Started playing this game about half an hour ago, and my Mum has just watched me defeat Queen Gohma. Hahah. She loved it.


Edit: I'm playing this game and falling in love with it all over again.


I've always thought there was symbolism in this story, it's like a "coming of age" story.


The fact that each kokiri has a fairy, and that Link finally obtains one. How leaving the forest would certainly mean they're dead, but Link is the only one able to. The fact that Zelda is very naive, and sets Link on a quest to save the world, based on a dream. It's great. :)

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Not to mention that Link lost a chunk of his childhood, then was forced to be a kid in an adult's body and in an adult's quest. At the end of the game (just like with WW and TP) it really feels like things changed and Link has grown, without things being told in your face. Simply awesome.

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Guest Captain Falcon

OOT may have come first, but even so, I still think MM is the better game.


OOT did the traditional Zelda as well as anyone would have expected but if you think about the game, it really is just like ALTTP but in 3D. ALTTP had already given us different height levels on a single screen, so the transition to a fully 3D game shouldn't have been as taxing design wise (i.e. the overworld, both versions, the dungeons and even the story) because the foundations were clearly already in place. On a technical level though, at it's point of release, it was unmatched by any console effort.


MM on the other hand surpassed that game on a technical level and in terms of it's design. Had Nintendo not supposedly interfered, or the guy not tried to fake his own death, and the OOT 2D project been completed, we would have seen that OOT probably could have been quite accurately converted to that style.


The changes MM made to it's dungeon design, the three day clock cycle, the actual impact on all the NPC and locations because of the clock cycle, the changes caused to the land due to completion of temples, the masks and the changes they made to you and the NPCs, plus a whole host of other things meant that the game could not have been made before that point in time (technology didn't allow) and it could not be really be converted in line to match the older titles in 2D.



You could probably have a real good go at converting both WW and TP to 2D and be quite successful, but MM was such a leap that was only possible because of the hardware it was on.


For me, that's what marks it out as the definitive 3D Zelda title.


It was wildly different but still retained the spirit of the Zelda design (explore overworld, enter dungeon, get weapon and defeat boss until end) whilst applying it to a unique setting.


Plus the PAL MM box art is greatest box art ever.

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Normally it would have been more painful to go back to these games after having played the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, but seeing as this has been a week of N64 love, I barely noticed that I was playing some old games.


First the Worst

Standard setter for every single game that has been released since, Ocarina of Time is the game everyone looks back on with the fondest of memories. And why not, because there are all those stand out moments like stepping out into Hyrule Field for the first time, becoming sworn brothers with Darunia, and jumping the broken bridge with Epona. So how does it all hold up today? Its still a kick ass game but... it seemed a bit more boring and less epic than my young self thought. The charm is still there (like waking Talon up from his slumber outside Hyrule Castle) but if you take your rose tinted glasses off, the games not as perfect as you would have yourself remember. I enjoyed making a return, growing from young fairyless Kokiri to the Hero of Time... but dare I say it was sort of boring in places? It was like I was trying too hard to like it and to relive that Christmas OoT came out. You can see why Ocarina of Time is still so highly regarded, but I found I had to force myself to replay and I don't think I could fully enjoy it. I always loved the scene where you see Link's opening dream get played out. You arrive at the draw bridge, it opens and Zelda flees. Then Ganondorf Dragmire rides out on his black steed and asks you what you saw. Its all played out in the rain, and was always THE turning point in the game for me. Everyone knows the gravity of this scene... but this time round it was all a bit boring. Not much happened and it was over before I knew it.


The other few moments I had time to experience were also lacking in that old magic. Maybe it was cos I was trying to force myself through the game a bit... or maybe its actually not as good as we remember? :o


You can take my ocarina, but you'll never take my freeeeeedom!

Majora's Mask had the hard task of following in Ocarina of Time's near perfect footsteps. Many thought (and still think) it failed miserably, but you have to wonder if they played the game much at all. It picks up with young Link and Epona finding their way into an alternative universe- Termina. Some Skull Kid wearing a mask takes the Ocarina of Time off Link and turns him into a Deku Scrub. You lose everything, including Epona, and are left in a new body that you've never controlled before and you have a new fairy companion who would rather not be your companion at all.


From the very start, things are turned on their head. As the Deku Scrub, you make your way to Clock Town where you find everyone you knew from the Hyrule in OoT, except they all have different names and lifestyles. You find that all is not as it seems either because with the power of Majora's Mask, the Skull Kid has pulled the moon from orbit and its set to crash ontop of Termina in just three days time and obliterate everything.


Like Ocarina, its a weird one to go back to and try to experience in a short period of time. The graphics are absolutely fine it uses the expansion pak and its always good to return to Termina and see everyone again because MM is much more alive than OoT. Everyone goes about their daily routines and its up to you to learn where people go and what they do and manage your time accordingly. Add all the surrealness to that and its a recipe for success! I think MM is my favourite Zelda to date but its maybe an acquired taste. I think Link's Awakening is fantastic too, and they are both surreal games, in alternative universes.


Fierce Deity Link wins this battle of the Zelda 64's! : peace:

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