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When this happened I was 14. Young and not really caring about the world. I thought it was tragic at the time (of course) but the ramification, what it meant and just the whole conecept just didnt really mean much to me and I didnt understand just how significant it was.


So a second ago I was just looking on YouTube and came accross this documentary. It is astounding, and I thought I would bring it to your folks attention as a lot of you being the same age (may not) but may be in the same boat as me.


(Oh and this YT video is just over an hour long.)




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It is a real shame we focus so much on a one off events like this yet at least double the number of people who perished on 9/11 die of starvation every day, something we could actually prevent.


Not to mention the people who have suffered and died because of Americas determination to get someone back.

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Good times.


The hell is wrong with you?


I expected these sorts of comments but dyson :(


Anyway was that documentary aired ages ago on bbc? I saw a bit of it it seemed familiar and is very good if it is that one.

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I found this on YouTube the other day, weird to hear them talking about it like it was an accident, and when the second plane hits, they're speculating that there's a problem with air traffic control.


They interrupted an advert too.



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I don't think particularly this is the subject to joke about.


Yes I believe what Daft said but I remember that day bloody clearly because of the conversation I had with my dad, he told me about what happened after and what is still happening now, before it even started, it was very strange and horrible to hear at 11.

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Seriously, this is not something to joke about. That's pretty offensive Dyson.




I remember the day clearly, coming home from school and watching TV. Plus the fact it's my sisters birthday makes it even more clear in my memory. We looked at this in Psychology, and the whole "Would you have jumped?" scenario. The fact the Government blanked out people Jumping in the pictures is just utterly wrong, as if doing it makes it any less of a tradgedy.


Are these not some of the most chilling picture ever? How someone could make a joke of it all I don't know.




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I was in year 5/6 at the time. One guy in my class was crying 'cos his dad was in the TA and he thought we might go to war. We were all trying to comfort him and it wasn't working. But he had a hoody on that said New York on it so one kid started making jokes about it. Funnily enough that cheered him up.

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I remember coming home from school and seeing it happen on tv. Saw the towers collapse live on tv (not sure I saw the second plane hit live). It was all very surreal. It still makes me cry to watch it now.

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I remember coming home from school in year 6 to see the second plane fly into the building. At the time I knew it was a major thing to happen, but it didn't really effect me. When re-watching it now it makes me feel abit sick, especially watching those who jumped fall to their death, knowing full well they are going to die.

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Actually one of the events to like ruin my faith in humanity. I hate mass death/religious extremists/religion causing really annoying things.


I remember a boy in my class from the US coming in and saying his Grandma had died in the attack, despite me thinking it'd be a massive cliche if someone he knew would be affected, as just because he was American didn't automatically mean he would be directly affected.

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I remember coming home from school in year 6 to see the second plane fly into the building. At the time I knew it was a major thing to happen, but it didn't really effect me. When re-watching it now it makes me feel abit sick, especially watching those who jumped fall to their death, knowing full well they are going to die.


and just liked it said in the video they could hear the people hitting the ground but not see them.

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A tragic day but so many more people were killed in the recent Earthquake in china... the cyclone... the tsunami a few years back. The only reason this sticks in so many peoples' minds is because they labelled it with a pair of numbers and installed the fear of terrorism into America's minds.

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I was in Grade 3. We were in some class that wasn't in our home room (think it was music or something) and then our teacher came in and took everyone out of the room. She told us that some planes had crashed into some office building in the states and assured us that it wasn't happening here. I obviously didn't see anything live. I wasn't really old enough to understand it much at the time, but I knew it was bad. I also remember my younger sister being mad that her favorite show wasn't on because of the news. And the next day I remember the teacher asking about our thoughts about it and one kid talked about how his mom thought there would be a WWIII and we had a debate about weather this could happen or not. But its one of those things that everyone old enough will always remember where they were when it happened.

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I alsoe remember coming home from school and seeing it on the telly. It didn't affect me too much at the time, I guess cus I was quite young, but it is a bit stomach-turning.



Tbh I don't think it's the kind of thing we should dwell on: a) it's depressing, b) as we have seen its so easy to cause offense, c) it can breed hate in people, d) it can frighten people unnecassarily

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Just to note, I only started this topic becuase it was purely something I couldnt understand when I was younger and that had me very choked up earlier when watching the doc. Its interesting to read and discuss now I can understand it fully, something which I have been able to do in the recent earthquake and such, but not for this particular event.

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A sad, sad day in humanity.


These people that blew the towers up weren't real Muslims. They may flatter themselves and call themselves Muslims, but I doubt the religion that promoted peace and deems God merciful would classify them as Muslims.

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To be honest, I'm more affected by reading stories about murder and rape in the paper (I've cried many a time on the bus on the way to school reading the paper).


To me, 9/11 just seems so much more political than personal thing. I don't really feel any emotion to/for it.



I guess the "One death is a tragedy, One million deaths is a statistic" thing is true. I somehow felt more upset when I read about a teenager that drowned on holiday on an adventure camp than when I heard about 9/11. I dunno if that makes me a horrid person, but it's true.

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