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Football Season 2008/2009


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Wow, we lost again. Kind of a frustrating time. The only time our keeper did anything was when he took Blackburns two shots out of the net - one which he initially pushed into Bardsley whom then became the unlucky culprit of an own goal.

Luckless at the moment.


We also hit the bar for the fourth game in a row. Snooze...


Robinson also made one of his traditional "I'm better than Gordon Banks" saves.

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That spurs Liverpool game had some of the worst defending i've seen and as for gomes god damn he is a joke when it comes to crosses, they need to offload him. Can't see how he is any better than Robbo?


Nice to see Campbell doing well too :)

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Why? He's barely played for you, so it's not like he'll be missed. Terrible purchase in my opinion.


He's been unlucky with injuries, but he has looked great and fitted in well whilst playing.


Or, is that just diddums because it was he who scored the winner against you last year? :heh:


Seriously though, great player, imo. I want him to play more often.

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Plattymonster, how do you feel about the news about Owen Hargreaves?


I think I almost cried inside. :(


Why? He's barely played for you, so it's not like he'll be missed. Terrible purchase in my opinion.


Goota agree with the gooner, im not too upset as he hasn't really shown his quality for us yet. He has only played about 35 games for us in 2 years. Hopefully this operation will sort him out.


I like him and im sure he'll be a key player in the future but we have Carrick back from injury now and Anderson is also playing very well. Scholsey will be back soon too so I think we'll be alright. :smile:

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He's been unlucky with injuries, but he has looked great and fitted in well whilst playing.


Or, is that just diddums because it was he who scored the winner against you last year? :heh:


Seriously though, great player, imo. I want him to play more often.


Last season is last season, once August roles round I'm over it. It's all about Samir Nasri this year, you not get the memo?

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Last season is last season, once August roles round I'm over it. It's all about Samir Nasri this year, you not get the memo?


Pfft, til he gets off-loaded somewhere else.


Anyway, I think once Hargreaves gets back from this injury, he'll be all the better for it. Like I mentioned, when he has played, he's shown great promise and has settled in really nicely. Him and Anderson in midfield look the shit.

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I really don't know what Spurs have done to Gomes. I remember watching PSV several times in the champions league and he was outstanding. A couple of games against Arsenal come to mind immediately. Maybe Robbo isn't actually crap and whoever is Spurs GK coach is actually useless.

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What's going to happen about Drogba twatting a coin into the crowd then? If it'd been Barton he'd have been banned from football and on death row by now and there'd be tabloid pull-outs with pictures of some 9 year old girl with stitches above her eye talking about how she was too scared to go to a football match ever again. Apparently if the fan who threw it originally is found he's going to be banned from all stadiums for life, does that go for Drogba as well?

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Right, I have a bit of a rant coming up here and I know I most probably feel this passionately because I'm a Barnsley fan, and this incident has happened to a player that plays for my team. But, why on earth has it taken the FA less than 48 hours to investigate and charge Drogba with a relatively minor offence of throwing a coin into a crowd (obviously unacceptable), but almost a week after Iain Hume, of Barnsley, was elbowed in the head by Chris Morgan, of Sheffield United, and left with a fractured skull and internal bleeding, nothing has happened.


Here is a video of the 'challenge': Click Me


The case is still under investigation but I have a feeling that Morgan is going to get away with this, he'll most probably be playing for Sheffield United tomorrow afternoon, whilst Hume will be out for at least six months and I fear he will never be the same player again. I hope I am proved wrong on both counts.

Andy D'Urso, the supposed 'Premiership standard' referee gave Morgan a yellow card for this reckless and dangerous challenge, which by anyones standard is the wrong decision. Morgan should be banned for a lengthy period and punished heavily. I just hope that the FA has the balls and decency to correct the mistake of one of their officials.

I know the Drogba case is completely unrelated to the Hume incident but the way in which the media, and the FA and its referees seem to have a bias against any team outside the 'big 4' or even the Premiership is really starting to get on my wick.

Drogba is undoubtedly deserving of any punishment he is given but I think the most important thing is the welfare of Iain Hume and his family, I wish him a speedy recovery and I hope he is back playing the game he loves sooner than expected.


Well, I'm done.


(Reading this back, it seems like a little bit of a toothless and poorly worded argument I'm trying to make, but this is just a way of expressing my frustration towards the incident and the way with in which it has been dealt.)

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Chris Morgan is a dirty scumbag, the elbow he gave Hume was disgraceful and he deserves a lengthy ban.


I remember the bastard punched Van Persie a few years back, dirty little prick more concerned with hurting others than playing the game.

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