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Football Season 2008/2009


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What a farce. Liverpool are desperately looking to raise money which isn’t there basing it on selling players later. Its pathetic and crazy criminal that this money we that is not even there is being spent on Gareth Barry.


But you see it isn't. In case you didn't already know: Barry's staying.


Some newspapers may have said otherwise. But you're a pillock if you believe everything that the papers say.

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But you see it isn't. In case you didn't already know: Barry's staying.


Some newspapers may have said otherwise. But you're a pillock if you believe everything that the papers say.


Case in point: my dad gets the Daily Mail (yeh I know) and in the sports section, they were going on about how Barry is gonna be going to Liverpool "...last ditch attempt...going through at last!" etc etc. Seriously its total rubbish what the papers say most of the time. P.S any quotes from agents are pure BULLSHIT!


Anyways, more importantly, Adebayor is staying at the Arsenal: http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_3896905,00.html


Tbh, I never thought he was gonna go anyway. His agent was making up most of it just so he could pocket a couple more grand. :heh:

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Speaking of newspapers: There's a story in the Daily Mirror about Martin O'Neill and Rafa Benitez bumping into each other in a work permit office waiting room, both not exactly getting along.


If you read this article, you'll see that it was written in a biased manner towards Liverpool. (As if the writer was a Reds fan.)


Having said that. Brian Reade, a known Liverpool fan, has a good story in his column about Martin O'Neill and the Barry transfer "saga".


Fuck, looks like Barry could still be going to Liverpool after all. :(





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Well Emirates Cup was a let down today.


Zero Atmostphere.

Mexican waves that I refuse to take place in.

People using umbrellas.. WTF..

And we lost, though thats not really that important. More worryingly we barely had any shots on goal.


It's horribly elitist, but plums get on my nerves.

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Well Emirates Cup was a let down today.


Zero Atmostphere.

Mexican waves that I refuse to take place in.

People using umbrellas.. WTF..

And we lost, though thats not really that important. More worryingly we barely had any shots on goal.


It's horribly elitist, but plums get on my nerves.


I had tickets for today too but had work so couldn't go (N). But from what your saying... I shouldn't be too disappointed.

Still would have liked to have gone (and joked around about the umbrellas)

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Well Emirates Cup was a let down today.


Zero Atmostphere.

Mexican waves that I refuse to take place in.

People using umbrellas.. WTF..

And we lost, though thats not really that important. More worryingly we barely had any shots on goal.


It's horribly elitist, but plums get on my nerves.


Any excuse;


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Well Emirates Cup was a let down today.


Zero Atmostphere.

Mexican waves that I refuse to take place in.

People using umbrellas.. WTF..

And we lost, though thats not really that important. More worryingly we barely had any shots on goal.


It's horribly elitist, but plums get on my nerves.


I'm going tomorrow looking forward to it. As long as Madrid don't win :shakehead

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As a neutral in the north east war, I think Newcastle will finish lower than both Sunderland and Middlesborough, they have a terrible squad of players and a truly, truly, truly AWFUL manager. Some quality individual players though, and colocini is an awesome signing for them, but they need to make way more signings to have any hope of even thinking about the top half.


Sunderland have done amazing in the transfer market, as a die hard yiddio I can safely say Tainio is a fantastic player (if a little injury prone), Chimbonda is a also a quality player who can play across the whole of the defense and Malbranque, again is fantastic, I wouldn't of minded keeping him to be honest, but I think we have enough midfielders :)


May I say, and I'm being 100% honest and realistic, I think Tottenham could get top 4 this year. If King and Bale can stay fit then we have an incredible back 5. I think our midfield speaks for itself (though would like a battling defensive midfielder if we play with 4) and our strikeforce has potential though for obvious reasons is completely uncertain. Though Bent has been incredible form - scored 8 goals in the last 3 season friendlies. Always said play the man and he will score, well lat season we never really played him (though still had a better goals per minute ratio than anyone else at the team); but Berbs could stay, Ive got afeeling about it, we'll see. Dos Santos will blow the premiership away next year, again, been absolutely incedible in preseason - its like Gazza or Ginola or Waddle is back :) Also looks like Arshavin is a done deal....it's looking good for Spurs




Bentley--Jenas--Modric--Dos Santos



Subs: Alnwick, Dawson, Gunter, Zokora, Lennon, Huddlestone, Bent


Plus I think we'll pick up a new CB, maybe a DM and AT LEAST one more striker

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Can't wait for the new season to start!


Manchester United fan here, and after all the celebrations after the champions league final, there has been nothing but bad news (for Manchester United fans, nobody else in the premiership of course :p). With Queiroz leaving, no summer signings, a tough fixture set up next season and Chelsea's new manager, I can see this year being one that's very below-par. However! despite my pessimistic ways, next season will be fun as always...


Personally I see the top four ending up as 1. Chelsea, 2. Manchester United, 3. Liverpool and 4. Arsenal, don't hold me to that at the end of the season...unless i'm right of course!

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Lets not forget that a couple of seasons ago we only signed Carrick and he was a late buy but we still went on to win the league. Plus we have a very young team (Nani and Anderson still to full adapt), I think this season may be better than the last. Also we have all of Aug left to buy someone.

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Can't wait for the new season to start!


Manchester United fan here, and after all the celebrations after the champions league final, there has been nothing but bad news (for Manchester United fans, nobody else in the premiership of course :p). With Queiroz leaving, no summer signings, a tough fixture set up next season and Chelsea's new manager, I can see this year being one that's very below-par. However! despite my pessimistic ways, next season will be fun as always...


Personally I see the top four ending up as 1. Chelsea, 2. Manchester United, 3. Liverpool and 4. Arsenal, don't hold me to that at the end of the season...unless i'm right of course!


I really do think this year, we can win the premiership (Liverpool)

I think its been long enough, and most Liverpool supporters say this every year, but i have a feeling that we are gonna do much much better than before, and win! Hopefully....


About Tottenham... Ive also liked them and i would love to see them knock Arsenal out the top 4 :) :)

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I'm going tomorrow looking forward to it. As long as Madrid don't win :shakehead


Yeah I'm there again today, this one sold out quicker, so hopefully they'll be less idiots there. And by Arsene's squad selection yesterday it would appear we'll see more of the first team today. And hopefully Del Piero plays for Juventus, would be nice to add him to the list of quality players I've seen.


I swear if I see one umbrella go up inside the stadium I'm gonna rage flip.


About Tottenham... Ive also liked them and i would love to see them knock Arsenal out the top 4 :) :)


Not this shit again, didn't you get the memo they sold their top scorer not us. Last season I had to put up with 90% of this board saying Arsenal will knocked out the top 4 by the swamp dwellers and they finished bottom half of the table. Says it all really.

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Not this shit again, didn't you get the memo they sold their top scorer not us. Last season I had to put up with 90% of this board saying Arsenal will knocked out the top 4 by the swamp dwellers and they finished bottom half of the table. Says it all really.


Agreed 100% mate. As an arsenal supporter it was annoying how everyone was banging on about tottenham breaking into the top four. They did absolute shit in the league.


Although I must say, they have bought some good players and have a better manager now....they still aren't going to finish in the top 4 still. :indeed:

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Boys, Spurs will be top 4 this year; especially now we have Arshavin :D

I actually think we can finish above The goons and the scousers, so the two scum in red can fight it out for 4th. Though I would probably say Liverpool will be the ones to lose out

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I really do think this year, we can win the premiership (Liverpool)

I think its been long enough, and most Liverpool supporters say this every year, but i have a feeling that we are gonna do much much better than before, and win! Hopefully....


About Tottenham... Ive also liked them and i would love to see them knock Arsenal out the top 4 :) :)


wish you were right but I cannot see it. Robbie Keane is not enough, Liverpool still lack real quality wingers. This needs to be sorted plus the Full Back's are average and that includes the new guys Rafa signed in the summer.

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Boys, Spurs will be top 4 this year; especially now we have Arshavin :D

I actually think we can finish above The goons and the scousers, so the two scum in red can fight it out for 4th. Though I would probably say Liverpool will be the ones to lose out


Somebody save this post so we can show it to dazzy in 9 months time.

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Went to the Emirates cup earlier today. Was pretty entertaining as pre season matches go. Pretty amusing that the half a dozen Hamburg fans where the most liveliest and loudest there though.


But anyway my mate cocked up when he bought the tickets and we ended up sat right at the front row level with the edge of the penalty box on the left hand goal. This meant I could basically see fuck all up the other end of the pitch. I did however have Del Piero Within touching distance for a lot of the first half of the Juventus - Hamburg match.


Even though he is in his twilight years he is amazing to watch, the ease in which he creates a yards space between himself and the defenders is awesome. I don't think he was closely marked for the entire match. Bit of a shame that the rest of the team Juve put out was so week I was looking forward to seeing Buffon and Nedved but it was not to be. heck they didn't even play Sissoko.


Real Madrid warmed up just in front of where I was sat and I must admit Raul is sexy, I'm comfortable enough with my sexuality to admit hes a handsome mofo. Madrid where pretty poor though and didn't really pose and problems for an Arsenal defense containing Senderos. Although the Spanish season doesn't kick off for another 4 weeks or so which probably explains it.


Nasri was pretty good but seemed to be lacking a bit of an end product, Denilson was excellent and appeared to be everywhere, Vela and Willshire both had good cameos. all in all a good day out.

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Boys, Spurs will be top 4 this year; especially now we have Arshavin :D

I actually think we can finish above The goons and the scousers, so the two scum in red can fight it out for 4th. Though I would probably say Liverpool will be the ones to lose out



Typically clueless..




You haven't signed him..


Anyway, as for today, was a much better day. Actually a bit of atmosphere today.


Got myself a good lecturing from Adebayor's #1 fan as well. When he scored I applauded, but then he kissed the badge so I shouted "oh fuck off" and I tell you I wasn't alone. Needless to say this guy thought I should get off our 24-goals-a-season-striker's back. The rest of the game he gave his undying love to Ade. And don't get me wrong I don't hate Adebayor, I just don't think he should be trying to win the fans over by kissing the badge, he should keep quiet and play his football in matches that count.

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I personally thing even without Arshavin Spurs could out Arsenal from the top 4. Spurs have done nothing but strengthen and Arsenal have lost a few of their key players. Yes we said this a year ago but this time they have a much better manager, a two time UEFA cup winner and who performed consistently in La Liga with a much smaller budget. Of course, I'm still not totally convinced.

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Typically clueless..




You haven't signed him..


Anyway, as for today, was a much better day. Actually a bit of atmosphere today.


Got myself a good lecturing from Adebayor's #1 fan as well. When he scored I applauded, but then he kissed the badge so I shouted "oh fuck off" and I tell you I wasn't alone. Needless to say this guy thought I should get off our 24-goals-a-season-striker's back. The rest of the game he gave his undying love to Ade. And don't get me wrong I don't hate Adebayor, I just don't think he should be trying to win the fans over by kissing the badge, he should keep quiet and play his football in matches that count.


Lets chat this time next week, trust me, Arshavin is a Yid ;)

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I personally thing even without Arshavin Spurs could out Arsenal from the top 4. Spurs have done nothing but strengthen and Arsenal have lost a few of their key players. Yes we said this a year ago but this time they have a much better manager, a two time UEFA cup winner and who performed consistently in La Liga with a much smaller budget. Of course, I'm still not totally convinced.


Wait a minute, we've lost key players? We lost Flamini, we lost one key player. Hleb was crap, and I'm positive Nasri will be a more than efficient replacement. Gilberto spent most of last season on the bench, although I am sad to see him go he was passed his best. So a team that spent the majority of last season top of table, finished only 4 points off the champions, will now slide down the table. Got to be careful I don't sound like Keegan here, I fucking love it when people write us off.

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I personally thing even without Arshavin Spurs could out Arsenal from the top 4. Spurs have done nothing but strengthen and Arsenal have lost a few of their key players. Yes we said this a year ago but this time they have a much better manager, a two time UEFA cup winner and who performed consistently in La Liga with a much smaller budget. Of course, I'm still not totally convinced.


Yes, you said this time last year that you were breaking into the top 4, but also remember that we were meant to finish in 5th cos we lost Thierry Henry. Now HE was a fucking KEY player wasn't he? And look how much better our team did than everyone else thought?


So shove that in your pipe and smoke it! :heh:


: peace:

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