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The Bi-Annual Exam Thread!

The fish

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Yay, I know the names, structures and properties of the 20 main amino acids:


I walk into my year 8 form room, and notice the sum "1+2=3" marked with a tick on the door. My teacher is standing on a chair, afraid of a puddle. Alan Bennett is standing by the lockers; he looks lonely all by himself. I look round at the desk, and see a glove with an eye on it and pick it up, but it contains nothing. It is now that I notice a toilet dumped in the middle of the floor, with an arcane symbol on the lid. The water leaking out of it appears to have frozen, and leads in a trail to a poster, where a variation of the symbol is written. At the desk sits Takemiya Masaki, who has made a circular three stone moyo with tengen and two star points.


I've seen everything here, so I charge into the next room, and am greeted by a spartan who has knocked a car-like box from the top of a pile of three - he is unable to knock down the other two because they're glued together. Ignoring the angry warrior, I walk towards a friend of mine, who appears to have nits. I watch as he remove four white ones and one black one, and places them on the desk. Two more of my friends are fighting - the first punches the other three times, and in response the second throws a punch and grabs his opponent in a headlock. I notice a pyramid drawn on the board with a spike coming out of it... my French teacher appears not to like the picture, as she is hissing at it and rubbing it off.


I leave the classroom, and on my way down the corridor notice a sulphurous smell coming from the toilets. I go in to see what's going on, and am suprised to come across my sister, who silences me by holding a finger to her lips. I notice three scraps of toilet paper on the ground, and comment "you've made a bit of a me-", but she silences me midway. I give her a quizical look and leave.


Going through the stairwell I sense a far more pleasant scent, emnating from below. I lean over, and trip and nearly fall, but my bag catches on the railings. Luckily my teacher has arrived (I think she ran from more water); she lowers down a balloon to pull me up with, then insists I have to pay her a fee for this service. I leave, mumbling "God, what a tyrant...", but she shouts that she heard me, and throws the balloon, which is surprisingly heavy (I exclaim "oh!") and knocks me into another classroom.


There are polar bears in this room. Three of them protect some sort of holy man who is sat upon the ground. I look closer and see there is a plate in front of him, containing two pieces of asparagus, both blackened at one end. I watch as the man tries to pick up the longer of the two (it's about twice the length), but he can't pick it up as it's glued to the plate. I try to grab the other one before him, but he sets the polar bears on me.

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Is that some sort of memory aid? As that's an awesome dream sequence there :D


Just been on facebook and noticed pretty much everyone on my course is either a) still working on their quotation sheets or b) just generally giving up. I've decided to have a spliff before the exam tomorrow in a vain attempt to recreate a couple of previous successes when faced with impeding doooom...


Good luck again to all for the exams tomorrow!

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Ahh just had my English AS. 3 essays in a row... urgh


Modern Novel (spies): Alright i think, remembered more quotes than i thought i would

Poems (Larkin): Better than i was hoping, mainly cause our teacher made us do an essay last week that had the same title as one of the questions ^.^

Drama (Woman of No Importance): Alright, question was abit meh, to do with the ending which I hadn't looked at as much as the first half.


So generally not too bad. Ahh i want an A though, it's very touch and go :/


Yey i have 2 weeks till my next exam :D

Unforunately thats 2 biologys, followed by 2 chemistrys the day after. Jeez...

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How did physics practical go for you? I thought the first question was quite nice, although the table took ages, so many columns. As for the second questions, the experiment was so rubbish, so I had loads to write about for the evaluation.


Tomorrow, chemistry practical.

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French higher was the easiest public exam I've ever done.


The listening was very easy. Really slow, like only one sentence I didn't understand.


The reading was easy, you're a mongo if you fail the reading, since you get a dictionary.


The directed writing was harder than any past paper I've done, but still it was easy enough. As was the shorter essay on part time jobs (thought it was kinda a random topic - I didn't have that much to write, but I managed to flesh it out and got in a really good subjunctive clause and a "ce que" and a "dont", so I'm pretty confident about that)


One higher down, 2 more to go.






And then I can't look at Friday. Stats 2 is depressing me. I realised I couldn't answer a whole question of a past paper I did yesterday, and now I'm really worried.

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How did physics practical go for you? I thought the first question was quite nice, although the table took ages, so many columns. As for the second questions, the experiment was so rubbish, so I had loads to write about for the evaluation.


Tomorrow, chemistry practical.


That fucking magnet. Too much to write in the evaluation :)


Also, our school didn't have step-voltage power supplies, so we had to use a single voltage power supply with a resistor, ghetto expeirment++


I'm sure we had stepvoltage ones, maybe they were too shitty to use.

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Business exam done! Wasn't that bad, there was 2 papers, the first was pretty good, second one was abit tricky as on some of the questions (particually a 15 mark one) i couldn't think what to write to get 15 marks. I really couldn't see anyone thinking up enough things to get anywhere close to that amount.


Statistics tomorrow, i'm not looking forward to it at all. I hate permutations :(

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Geography Higher tomorrow, Im bricking it!!!


So, and other fellow Geographers (hate that word), how did you do?


I found it alright, it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be but I just don't think I said enough in all the questions to get me an A pass. I'm pretty confident I've passed it and got at least a B but you never know....

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So, and other fellow Geographers (hate that word), how did you do?


I found it alright, it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be but I just don't think I said enough in all the questions to get me an A pass. I'm pretty confident I've passed it and got at least a B but you never know....


I ran out of time on paper 2, last question! I thought we were to finish at 12:45 >.<


I did awesome though. I think I got 24/24 on the river basin management question.

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Apparently the last question on C4 (the parametrics one) was missing some information. Our maths teacher wasn't able to do it!


It's not just making the differential equal tu zero as there's no horizontal plane. (at Point A)



In other news, Electrons and Photons went better then I expected, apart from the last question in which I totally forgot the equation to use.

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I ran out of time on paper 2, last question! I thought we were to finish at 12:45 >.<


I did awesome though. I think I got 24/24 on the river basin management question.


We do Rural Land Resources instead of River Basins, what do you do for the human interaction?


The first question in paper 1 was annoying though, urban maps are so much easier.

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We do Rural Land Resources instead of River Basins, what do you do for the human interaction?


The first question in paper 1 was annoying though, urban maps are so much easier.


Development and health - Malaria basically.


I know! I hardly wrote anything for question 1, because it only said to describe, not explain. I was like, err theres a beach! lol!

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I had my chemisty practical today and then two physics exams..

I think it went well which hopefully cancels out the fact that i dropped a few marks in physics practical...


If I get an A in physics i'll be happy man.

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