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Best Game Stories??


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Portals? Nahh it was more good gameplay with some very good jokes along the way.


My personnel favoutire story´s (no particular order) would be the Max Payne games, Planescape Torment, Bioshock and the first half of Fahrenheit and of course Psychonauts, I love that game

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in short, no. They're a self canibalising, ridiculous story book of a genre that went stagnant in about 1994. Their stories are uniquely perposterous, pretentious bollocks as far as the eye can see and show about as much craftsmanship as your average morning dump.

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Guest Jordan
in short, no. They're a self canibalising, ridiculous story book of a genre that went stagnant in about 1994. Their stories are uniquely perposterous, pretentious bollocks as far as the eye can see and show about as much craftsmanship as your average morning dump.


I love you Dan...

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in short, no. They're a self canibalising, ridiculous story book of a genre that went stagnant in about 1994. Their stories are uniquely perposterous, pretentious bollocks as far as the eye can see and show about as much craftsmanship as your average morning dump.


XD awesome post

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I think Deus Ex (first one) had an amazing story too, although nostalgia maybe clouding my judgement, but I am pretty sure that I was genuinely intrigued by the twists and turns of the plot. Most, if not all that has been mentioned has been worthy, especially SotC which still leaves that sad creepy feeling in my stomache when i remember it. Epic ending. MGS3 hasnt been mentioned for some reason i think.

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ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! oooooooooooooooh!


Second Sight!


Totally forgot this gem. Again, it's good because it uses player agency as a story tool and completely pulls the wool over your eyes in doing so. Very well written, very stylistic and the actual game is pretty fucking good on top of that. Home of the most satisfying sniper rifle in yonks, I'll have you know.

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I agree with the half life series, but also mention a little know PC RPG called Anachronox. That had a brilliant story, which even saw a release on Video CD which was basically a compilation of all of the cutscenes. Here's a link to one of the cutscenes which still is one of my favorite cutscenes of any game.



Also honourable mentions go to, Giants: Citizen Kubuto and Armed And Dangerous for comedic writing. And I think the story in Hostile Waters is pretty good too, although I havn't managed to get to the end of it.

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Also honourable mentions go to, Giants: Citizen Kubuto and Armed And Dangerous for comedic writing. And I think the story in Hostile Waters is pretty good too, although I havn't managed to get to the end of it.


HOLY MOLEY!! I loved that game!!

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Gotta say that sotry lines in games are still pretty poor. Dialogue and general writing has got better with some honourable mentions but the market thrives on archetypes. This makes all things a bit difficult.


Only one that I thought was particularly well written was Eternal Darkness, I've heard very good things about Call of Cthulu as well but I've only played a bit of it.

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Gotta say that sotry lines in games are still pretty poor. Dialogue and general writing has got better with some honourable mentions but the market thrives on archetypes. This makes all things a bit difficult.


Only one that I thought was particularly well written was Eternal Darkness, I've heard very good things about Call of Cthulu as well but I've only played a bit of it.


Ah thats the other game i wanted for my xbox. To the ebay! But before I go, i think the legacy of kain/soul reaver games deserve a mention, specially the last one (the one that I actually completed) as you play as both kain and raziel, two mortal enemies who now have to fight on the same side, sorta, but one of your characters

ends up dying to become the sword for the other. I was seriously shocked and saddened by this ending.

Really liked that character and really felt for him as he had to suffer alot, mostly because of his misplaced trust in kain whom he has to trust again.

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LOL please tell me you didnt read the spoiler. Because you know, it was a spoiler :P


EDIT: I have only played really number one (didnt complete it, too scared :P) and a demo of soul reaver 2 but legacy of kain made me stick and complete it

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LOL please tell me you didnt read the spoiler. Because you know, it was a spoiler :P


EDIT: I have only played really number one (didnt complete it, too scared :P) and a demo of soul reaver 2 but legacy of kain made me stick and complete it


Hehe... nah i didn't. I was good :) You're just making me want to play more games that i dont have time for! But yeah, finish SR, its good but be warned it does end very abruptly.

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Hehe... nah i didn't. I was good :) You're just making me want to play more games that i dont have time for! But yeah, finish SR, its good but be warned it does end very abruptly.


The spider vampires, the way they moved just creeped the hell out of me. And then the water vampires were such a pain in the butt...hmm i got really far in this game. Makes me feel as if i did complete it...Or maybe I am just getting it confused with the last game.

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I have to agree with Soul Reaver. I played 1 and 2, and I must say the story was the only saving grace of the second game.


Sadly, I could never play Defiance, due to technical problems. I need to give it another try, one of these days.

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I have to agree with Soul Reaver. I played 1 and 2, and I must say the story was the only saving grace of the second game.


Sadly, I could never play Defiance, due to technical problems. I need to give it another try, one of these days.


Seriously do it. The story is so awesome, especially the final twist. And then the game itself is super fun too.


EDIT: I really think that I did complete the first one. Why is it so hard to remember how it ended?

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The Darkness - the story itself was good if a little standard, but it was perfectly told, and the music/ atmosphere of that game was astounding.

Chrono Trigger! - I agree with what Dan said about JRPG's. But most rules have their exceptions ;). A charming tale.

Beyond Good and Evil


I guess those are the ones that stand out in recent memory. I would have suggested Metroid Prime, but I know that it was pretty thin in terms of story...


And for the record; all Zelda games have shite stories. No really.

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