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haha. I read that GamePro review last night and it's ridiculous. The guy'll get into a hell of a lot of trouble for that one, probably fired, because he simply hasn't played the game how it was meant to played and hasn't done the key thing for any review which is checking out every aspect of a game. Think the site will take it down at some point soon and redo it because it's not in line with what others have said.

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Just read the review...bloody hell...what a knob. Don't like the game? Fair enough, it's subjective after all; but this guy hasn't played it's biggest draw and makes some insanely inane comments and it's obvious he's anti Wii. Anyone who starts off their Wii by saying should he blame Nintendo for the game shortcomings by handcuffing any developer who tries to make a next gen game.... there are some people that baffle all intelligent life...

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I've got the Game.


Its Awesome. The single player campaign is short, I've only got 3 levels left, but its hard I played on the difficulty 1 higher than the easiest and died several times. I wasn't using the lock on feature though. In the first few levels you don't have regenerating health, so you need to find health packs. Some bits are annoying. Especially when you need to find a bunch of things to either destroy or use the ASE on. This gets more annoying with stronger enemies. Especially the suicide bomber enemies. There are some really great weapons. The Ghost mines are annoying. I'm not really finding it to have the Perfect Dark vibe to it though. The default controls do really need to be changed a little bit. The graphical quality is a bit variable. The enemies and a lot of the models look good, but there are some bits that look more like red steel (though, these aren't that common).


I only played one multiplayer match. It was Team Reaper (TDM) with a weapon set that had you starting with the scar (assault rifle) and spas (shotgun). There were also deatomizers and strike rifles that could be picked up (both are more powerful than the starting weapons). It was on the streets stage. Not the best stage ever, but it was still fun. I'm not to sure about the no Wii Speak with random people though. It gave me the options to mute and un-mute players and said I was entering a Wii Speak zone when I started the match, but nobody else on my team had Wii Speak so I wasn't talking to anybody. The LED didn't come on, so I'm not sure if they just left in the dialogs in the random matches, or you can use Wii Speak. I think they said you couldn't before the game came out though. The online system is very good though, better than anything else on the Wii. It could use a little more time to vote though. The match I was playing took a while to connect to. There wasn't much lag either.


I'll post more when I finish the game.


So far, I think the 8.6 from IGN was about right.

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Just curious, is it possible to have friends join you and then search for extra players?


As far as I know, you can't.


A few other things I've found:


The game seems to have no proper sniper rifle. Its not listed in the manual, so unless one of the prototype weapons works like one... ...But the strike rifle when changed is just as good, and better as you are able to fight with it in close range also. It feels very much like the beam in Metroid Prime, especially that in 3.



Human Weapons:


USP45 (Handgun)


SCAR (Assault Rifle)

SPAS (Shotgun)

SMAW (Rocket Launcher)


Trust Weapons:


Deatomizer MK4 (A blaster that can be charged to fire 3 shots that spread out)

TPC Launcher (Basically a plasma grenade launcher)

Carbonizer MK16 (I haven't used this one yet, but it shoots out a beam that damages anyone who enters the beam)


Drudge Weapons:


Warp Pistol (a chargeable pistol blaster thing)

Strike Rifle (A blaster that has a scope and can fire sniper rifle like charged shots (takes a while to charge))

Hive Cannon (rapid fire of explosive bugs that can either be concentrated or more spread out depending on how you twist the Wii remote)

Shrieker (Shoots explosive projectiles that you can control by twisting the remote)


Prototype Weapons (ammo is rare):


HVS45 (A more powerful handgun with a laser scope)

2nd Deatomizer (Deatomizer that only shoots the charged shots from the first one (can't remember the name).

Striker (Looks like the strike rifle, haven't used this one yet, I don't know what it does)

There might be more prototype weapons.




Flash Grenade

Frag Grenade

Radiation Grenade (Stays in one spot and damages anything within it, enemies get stuck on them)






I'm not going to talk about the actual story, but its not that bad. Its not presented very well though. Its presented as discussions over a device similar to the codec(SP) from the MGS games. It would be much better through actual cutscenes. As a result, the main plot twist seems to happen to fast and isn't very effective. I haven't got to the end yet.


The repeated enemies don't bother me that much. The AI is bad at some points, but not as bad as the MoH:H2 AI that just sit in one spot and allow you to walk right up to them. Sometimes they're coming at you, and they sneak off, if you try to follow them they will eventually come up behind you, but you can trick them by turning around and going the other way that they're going to go. They do charge you sometimes. They also will occasionally use charge shots, which will take half your health on the difficulty I'm on.


Also, I just have the normal (non special) edition on the game, but I'm still able to use the agent skin in multiplayer.


GT Review is Up:






Overall positive, they didn't like the single player campaign though, which is understandable.

Edited by Emasher
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How's the online mode then, if you've had chance to play it yet?


Graphics take a noticeable dive. Still lots of bloom. The guns don't seem as powerful as in red steel. I haven't tried all the stages yet, although, streets is my favorite so far. The weapon sets make sense for the speed of gameplay, but it can sometimes be hard to find a decent weapon. The Near/Far one is my favorite so far, but I haven't tried all of them yet. The team modes are more fun if you have more players. I haven't had a chance to try free for all yet. Aside from streets, and perhaps some of the stages I haven't tried, I like the maps in MoH:H2 better. There aren't that many big open stages, most are hallways with open areas in the center. The rank system is probably going to be useless until the game has been out for a while. I imagine in a few months all the people that have had the game for a while will be at rank 24/24, and you'll be able to tell who the newer players are if they have a lower rank. I haven't tried Wii Speak yet.


Just preordered this now


How do you control the scope on guns? I hated Red Steel when you had to thrust towards the screen to zoom in.


You press the zoom button to zoom (binoculars for weapons with no scope), and press it again to come out. You can't shoot when using binoculars, but the shoot button will take you out of them. Press the zoom button again to come out of zoom. You can't control the zoom level.


Does this game have leaderboards?


I'm not sure, I'll check next time I play.




BTW, its actually 64 friends rather than 32.

Edited by Emasher
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There are random matches, you just can't have random people in private matches, if that's what you're asking?


Yea, that's what I'm asking. I don't like random matches, but I really like going up against random people when accompanied by friends.

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I searched through all the online menus and I can't seem to find any. The rank system feels good enough without them though.


How are ranks attributed? Do you get scores everytime you finish that adds to your rank which is then set in stone? Or is it a Mario Kart system of relative points that go up and down?


Does it track stats like Kill to Death ratio and stuff like that?

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How are ranks attributed? Do you get scores everytime you finish that adds to your rank which is then set in stone? Or is it a Mario Kart system of relative points that go up and down?


Does it track stats like Kill to Death ratio and stuff like that?


As a shooter the proper way to do it would be adding points per kill/objective complete and then a multiplier if you end up winning the round.


Thats what it is. 2 Points per kill, and I think you either get a multiplier or extra points if you or your team wins. You don't loose points. You also get multipliers if you kill 3 or more people without dying. I don't know how much it is for objectives, I've mostly been playing the TDM modes. The amount of points you need to reach the next rank also gets higher with every rank.


What's it like with Wii Speak? 16 people talking at the same time sounds pretty chaotic.


Or is that not how it works?


The game only has 12 player multiplayer. If you're playing a team mode you only hear your up to 5 teammates, and in free for all you hear the 6 players closest to you. I haven't played a match with Wii Speak yet though.

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I've beat the game now. The ending its much better than the reviews make it out to be. They seem to make it sound like there's no real challenge at the end. The final level is really small, but it really is the hardest in the game.



I'm skipping some of the other plot twists so this isn't going to make that much sense for those who haven't played it.


You find out the Prometheus is an alien that Trust captured to clone and create the drudge. Prometheus tells you to destroy him so that no more clones can be made. Adams congratulates you on killing prometheus as he was your only ally, and he was going to kill him anyway, He asks you again to join you. You refuse. You take an elevator to Adams' sanctuary. Guards shoot at you as you exit the elevator and you need to take them out. Once you do this, you head past a central pillar through an area with a bunch of drudge frozen behind computer terminals. A bunch of conduits that you can't destroy activate at the end of the room. Tons of every drudge enemy type come through them and attack you. You must kill them all. Once you do this. Adams (who has already escaped (or perhaps was never there)) tells you that he has shut down The Conduits, destroyed the elevator shaft, and has activated the self destruct system of the building. At this point Prometheus instructs you that he managed to save his personality in the ASE and tells you that you can hack the terminals in the room (the ones by the frozen aliens) and divert their power to one of the conduits in the room. He has no idea where this will lead though. Every time you hack a terminal, in a Metroid fashion the drudge (which are all the most powerful humanoid drudge) come alive and attack you. You only have 3 minutes to do this, and so you can either take time and kill them or risk being killed while hacking the other terminals. So by the end, you could have like 8 of them after you. Once you're done this. a conduit activates. One of them. You go through it. I'm thinking this conduit is The Conduit, the one the game is named after. You swear you will kill Adams. The credits role and during them, you hear John Adams talking to a high ranking drudge (not a clone). He's mad at Adams for failing, but gives him another chance (thats what I got from it anyway, it was hard to hear). At this point, I'm really hoping the game sells well enough for a sequel to be made at some point. It feels like the first part in a long story.




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