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it should have had a split screen mode in th first place.. I hate people who say it;s dead..


Its by no means dead. Its still much more fun having everyone in the same room than all over the world. I think the problem here was they didn't want to adapt the engine more than anything.

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Just been reading some impressions of this game (G4 and.....somewhere else) and boy are they effing idiots. They say the game is good but the controls are bad because the wiimote ISN'T as good for FPS as a gamepad. Saying the cursor is too shakey!! Fuck me are they retards or something! These are game reviewers aren't can't control very well using the wiimote!! This shows to me completely that they don't play on the wii much. At first it's a bit weird, but the controls are INFINITELY superior to a gamepad, so much more accurate (they tried claiming it wasn't as accurate). Honestly, these people are supposed to be professional, working for a multiformat game site!!


Really frustrating!!

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Calm down a bit Daz, frustrating it may be but we haven't played it yet and they have... though from the sounds of it yes, it's a multiformat site who don't spend enough time playing the Wii as the other consoles and as a result when a really AAA Wii game comes out, they are underwhelmed by certain things about it because they are too used to using a conventional controller.


Maybe they had the sensitivity up to high, maybe they didn't take playtesting it seriously, maybe they were just crap at it or maybe they were right; the point is though, without playing it... we just don't know for sure, I'd like to think that after the sublime controls of Metroid Prime 3 and Resi 4 Wii that any other games would at least be half as good as this from a control perspective and if thats the case then there really isn't much to worry about.


From what I've seen, the developers have put their heart and soul into developing this game from day one and I'm sure that it won't be anything less than a solid third party effort at the very worst and the next big Wii game of the moment at the very best. :)

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it's amazes me that people still don't undestand the wii.. would you believe some people believe 4 player split isn't even possible on wii.. amazes me..completely that red steel is probably still the wii's only decent enough one..


mario kart wii is the only example of a goodish one and even mario kart wii was an afterthought after the on-line mode..


what happened here? You may think I bitch about this an awful lot but it's something I never thought could be replaced and it's something casual gamers REALLY care about too but why is there so little example of split screen on wii?


When did gamers become loners? What hapened? On-line is good but it's not THAT good.

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Calm down a bit Daz, frustrating it may be but we haven't played it yet and they have... though from the sounds of it yes, it's a multiformat site who don't spend enough time playing the Wii as the other consoles and as a result when a really AAA Wii game comes out, they are underwhelmed by certain things about it because they are too used to using a conventional controller.


Maybe they had the sensitivity up to high, maybe they didn't take playtesting it seriously, maybe they were just crap at it or maybe they were right; the point is though, without playing it... we just don't know for sure, I'd like to think that after the sublime controls of Metroid Prime 3 and Resi 4 Wii that any other games would at least be half as good as this from a control perspective and if thats the case then there really isn't much to worry about.


From what I've seen, the developers have put their heart and soul into developing this game from day one and I'm sure that it won't be anything less than a solid third party effort at the very worst and the next big Wii game of the moment at the very best. :)


But they weren't talking particularly about this games controls, they said in more general terms that the Wii's controls, particularly the IR isn't as accurate or precise (he must have Parkinsons). Also read G4's Madworld report, and they even have a dig at the IR in that report too (they're glad it doesn't use it).

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I don't think I remember hearing anyone who played the game at previous trade shows complaining about the IR. They all said the controls were really good. Wasn't G4 really biased against Nintendo though? After playing FPS games on the Wii, I just can't use Dual Analog anymore. The Wii controls are just so good for FPS games.

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I have no faith whatsoever in the N-E forum community to deal with this one sensibly...


Conduit Could Become Wii's Halo?


You might be getting sick of all this The Conduit news, but frankly, we're not. The technical marvel is due out in June, and anticipation levels are sky high after a strong showing at New York's Comic Con.


Founder and CEO of developer High Voltage Software, Kerry Ganofsk, recently sat down with The Bitbag to answer all things Conduit related and more. The following portion was perhaps the most interesting of the interview.


  • The Bitbag: Now that you’ve created this game, if it’s a big hit, could it possibly go over to the PS3 or 360?


  • Kerry Ganofsk: I wouldn’t rule anything out. There’s definitely a market there. There’s been companies doing PS3/360 shooters several revs deep now. There’s a time and a place for everything. If Nintendo, Sega and High Voltage come to an understanding, I think The Conduit could become the Halo for the Wii.

The last entry in the Halo series has sold just over 8 million copies, so that's quite a figure to live up to. However, with the monumental user base of Wii, a hardcore market thirsty for fresh AAA titles and Nintendo's proven backing of the project, The Conduit could very well become a huge success.

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Perhaps it could eventually, yes. But I don't think this game can rival up to Halo. I think The Conduit can be pushed even further which I really hope the sequal will with a bigger budget to enhance it more.


I can only imagine the screaming fanboys if this actually outsold Halo. I don't think The Conduit will outsell it just yet, but I would of loved to of seen the reaction if it had.

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and they even have a dig at the IR in that report too (they're glad it doesn't use it).


Hmm wait the game doesn't use IR? i.e you don't control where you shoot by moving the Wii-remote? I thought it did use IR, shows how misinformed I am >>' so how does it control then?

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In regards to it becoming the Wii's Halo, this first iteration into what is to become a series/franchise will need to do well at market. That means that there will be a substantial marketing push for it from all parties. Sega have said they'll be giving this a big market push and Nintendo are behind it so what I'd like to see from Nintendo is to pull some space between the Wii Fit and Brain Training adverts and put this up there to showcase it. Outside of those that already have a Wii and are really looking forward to it, when it's released it will be overlooked by others if they don't have the right marketing to show what the game is and what the Wii is capable. I admit it won't perhaps pull many from the shooters on the 360 but it may have them turning their heads and thinking about it instead of just instantly dismissing it. And a bit of word of mouth will help the game's sales also from the like of us who know of the game.


Like others have said, as the series progresses, it could well become the Wii's Halo. Whether it can hit the numbers that the Halo series has pulled in is another question.

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Yeah the online i'd agree with. You can spend a good amount of time having fun on it, and co-op is always a nice plus. The single player was a bit meh for me. I got it, played it slightly then left it for a while then done co-op with a friend. Should probably give it another try though.

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I'm hyped for game - but when developers start comparing their game to Halo it just sounds a little silly. Halo has set a massive bench mark for console FPS games, just like Goldeneye and Perfect Drak did before it.


I remember for years companies tried to make the 'next Goldeneye' or a 'Goldeneye beater'. No one managed it, other than Rare when they released PD.


Now it's Halo and it's sequels, and I highly doubt anyone will top them any time soon with a Sci Fi shooter.


By comparing your game to something like Halo (or if a developer compared their game to Mario Galaxy or Zelda or Mario Kart) you're setting yourself up for a fall - and for major ridicule.


This is more like the Wii's version of Killzone - you know it won't be as good as Halo, but it'll be ours. Let's just hope we're not as sad as the pathetic Killzone fans who are currently flaming any review which points out the games deficiencies.

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Halo's not all that great of a series anyway, nothing special about it so I don't see why not.


let's not push this now.. Halo may not be everything but it's the biggest series on 360.. heavily marketed with fantastic on-line It gives fans everything they want and fps fans almost everything they want.. It holds back on nothing except with halo3 the story a little..


the conduit is an ambitious title created by a small team.. It isn't going to get close to the marketing of halo and some are unconvinced it will even sell well.

Calling it halo for the wii is good for the title rep but it's unrealistic..

Already the game holds back on lan ,split screen multiplayer and co op and some sites are still(unfairly i'll admit)unconvinced about the controls.. this is before the title comes out.. it's look good but for a title lacking in multiplayer options like these it would REALLY want to have a longish good one player.


only time will tell but I think the conduit will become an excellent series providing this particular title sells well enough.


From what I've seen up till now it looks to me it's already better than Halo 1, visually at least, and the Wiimote controls for an FPS are better than any dual stick configuration if they're at least as good as Metroid Prime 3.


In terms of sales? Just no.

halo 1's graphics to me almost had no soul.. The first level had these really drab grey boring corridors.. hard to judge between them but it's been about 8 years it should look WAY better than halo 1 regardless.

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