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I think you're quite right. Alot of FPS games make you feel like you don't really control the player. Games need to be made more so the player can do what they think will work in a situation, sometimes the way to make something work, is just to far from reality that people wouldn't think of it unless they knew already. This makes it hard to make split second decisions because rather than thinking of how you could achieve your goal. You need to think how you could achieve your goal only being able to do what the game designers allowed you to do. How many times do you think when playing a game, if this were real life I'd just do such and such to get through this rather than what the game developer wants me to do.

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Reading the article on the front page, I noticed it said split screen multiplayer. I thought they said they weren't able to do this... Does anyone know for sure.


Anyway I guess its time to predict the publisher:









With our Luck:



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Reading the article on the front page, I noticed it said split screen multiplayer. I thought they said they weren't able to do this... Does anyone know for sure.


Anyway I guess its time to predict the publisher:









With our Luck:




Talk about shooting themselves in the foot...

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Dragging things back to Dan Dare and his claim of Halo being revolutionary, I would like to point out that Halo and Call of Duty set the new standards for console and PC fps's respectively in terms of graphics, controls, AI, story telling, and, especially for CoD, making every component click together nicely. Everything just worked. I was a very nice feeling.

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Dragging things back to Dan Dare and his claim of Halo being revolutionary, I would like to point out that Halo and Call of Duty set the new standards for console and PC fps's respectively in terms of graphics, controls, AI, story telling, and, especially for CoD, making every component click together nicely. Everything just worked. I was a very nice feeling.


Some people need to brush up on their PC gaming seriously. Call of Duty set the standard for PC fps!?!?!?!?! Jesus christ. Half Life 1 set the standard for single player PC fps - every single game since has been in it's shadow. As for multiplayer PC fps Counter Strike set the standard and even more so than with Half Life every single online fps has been in it's massive shadow. All Call of Duty brought was an alternative, certainly no trend setter. Though it did refine the MoH method of set pieces quite nicely.

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Dragging things back to Dan Dare and his claim of Halo being revolutionary, I would like to point out that Halo and Call of Duty set the new standards for console and PC fps's respectively in terms of graphics, controls, AI, story telling, and, especially for CoD, making every component click together nicely. Everything just worked. I was a very nice feeling.


Halo may have been revolutionary, but there are many gamers out there who just didn't enjoy the game(s), plain and simple.


After venturing into a corridor and a room, which looked the same as the last sixteen, I couldn't help but feel, hows the way we describe it here...bored shitless, to say the least.


It's set a new standard, alright. Where everything has to be technically superb. If you were to compare these games to music, they would be akin to a band like Tool, or Rush, where everything was technically perfect or complex.

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Well, anyone who reads Nintendo forums is going to know about it, but there are alot of hardcore gamers who own Wiis who don't. So yes, it will need some. But probably something like just having a little add within the box for Disaster maybe. Or adding it into the boxes of any new copies printed of Brawl, or TP.

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there are alot of hardcore gamers who own Wiis who don't [read internet gaming forums].


I'm sorry, but anyone who's seriously into gaming (aka, a hardcore) reads internet news/forums about gaming and/or magazines and already knows about The Conduit for months (and especially those who own a Wii).

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Halo may have been revolutionary, but there are many gamers out there who just didn't enjoy the game(s), plain and simple.


After venturing into a corridor and a room, which looked the same as the last sixteen, I couldn't help but feel, hows the way we describe it here...bored shitless, to say the least.


It's set a new standard, alright. Where everything has to be technically superb. If you were to compare these games to music, they would be akin to a band like Tool, or Rush, where everything was technically perfect or complex.


You've summed up a lot of my thoughts on Halo. Although I liked it quite a lot, in fact certain bit were great, I thought so many areas were generic. Just the same textures, the same corridors, the same buildings. Every structure was just the same concrete building with the same interior.


I think people are knocking the Conduit, saying it's not going to be the next revolutionary FPS - well it's not claiming to be. The developers just want to make a damn good game on the Wii and push the system.


I find it odd the way this game is getting knocked. Killzone 2 on the PS3 gets every going, why? It's the sequel to an underwhelming and easily forgetable title, all that ANYONE talks about is the graphics and the few that have played it claim it's underwhelming where it counts - the gameplay. Yet people are hyped for it!


This looks nice, it apparently plays well, those who have played it love it and it's a developer doing something on Wii that isn't just mindless shovelware. Why the hate?

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Get real, they marketed Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 3 and even No More Heroes.


Firstly, No More Heroes was not published- in any territory- by Nintendo. Capcom published RE4 in Japan and the US, although i believe Nintendo do distribute Capcom games in Europe (but as to whether its NOE who set a marketing budget up is open to debate).


And Metroid Prime 3 barely had any marketing, minimal and short TV campaign, minimal print campaign, no in-store campaigns. In short, MP3 was advertised poorly, and as a result underachieved in sales.

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Firstly, No More Heroes was not published- in any territory- by Nintendo. Capcom published RE4 in Japan and the US, although i believe Nintendo do distribute Capcom games in Europe (but as to whether its NOE who set a marketing budget up is open to debate).
Doesn't mean they can't advertise it:

And Metroid Prime 3 barely had any marketing, minimal and short TV campaign, minimal print campaign, no in-store campaigns. In short, MP3 was advertised poorly, and as a result underachieved in sales.
It was the fastesest selling game in the Metroid Prime series, outselling Bioshock at release, and it's bound to overtake Metroid Prime 1 in the next few months. 1.3+ million sales is really great - and a big improvement over MP2.


I saw MP3, RE4 and NMH ads many times myself, and I practically don't watch TV (and even less commercials).


Get your facts straight before posting nonsense like that.

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It was the fastesest selling game in the Metroid Prime series, outselling Bioshock at release, and it's bound to overtake Metroid Prime 1 in the next few months. 1.3+ million sales is really great - and a big improvement over MP2.


I saw MP3, RE4 and NMH ads many times myself, and I practically don't watch TV (and even less commercials).


Get your facts straight before posting nonsense like that.


I saw ads for all three too. And why do people say MP3 sold badly? 1.3 million copies is very good.


Bioshock sold 2.2 million copies between the PC version and the 360 version. Perfect Dark Zero sold 1.5 million, Tom Clancy's GRAW sold 1.2 and GRAW2 sold 1 million (XBOX360), Rainbow Six Vegas sold 1.3 million (XBOX360). So when all is taken into account it kept pace with other very good FPS games (don't start shouting saying it's not an FPS, I'm comparing it with other games played from that perspective and aimed at that audience).

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Doesn't mean they can't advertise it:

It was the fastesest selling game in the Metroid Prime series, outselling Bioshock at release, and it's bound to overtake Metroid Prime 1 in the next few months. 1.3+ million sales is really great - and a big improvement over MP2.


I saw MP3, RE4 and NMH ads many times myself, and I practically don't watch TV (and even less commercials).


Get your facts straight before posting nonsense like that.


I saw ads for all three too. And why do people say MP3 sold badly? 1.3 million copies is very good.


Bioshock sold 2.2 million copies between the PC version and the 360 version. Perfect Dark Zero sold 1.5 million, Tom Clancy's GRAW sold 1.2 and GRAW2 sold 1 million (XBOX360), Rainbow Six Vegas sold 1.3 million (XBOX360). So when all is taken into account it kept pace with other very good FPS games (don't start shouting saying it's not an FPS, I'm comparing it with other games played from that perspective and aimed at that audience).

I quote these posts, because they bring much needed wisdom to these boards.

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Prime 3 is perhaps Wii's most unrealised triumphs. Going from some people's posts, you'd think it sold about 100,000 copies since launch.


Anyway, yes. I'm not quite sure why there are two strands of conversation on this thread. So we're talking about Call of Duty and PC FPSs now?


Unfortunately, this bozo pointing out that most people are laughably off topic isn't going to change future posts on here. So by all means: dog away.

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Doesn't mean they can't advertise it:

It was the fastesest selling game in the Metroid Prime series, outselling Bioshock at release, and it's bound to overtake Metroid Prime 1 in the next few months. 1.3+ million sales is really great - and a big improvement over MP2.


I saw MP3, RE4 and NMH ads many times myself, and I practically don't watch TV (and even less commercials).


Get your facts straight before posting nonsense like that.


I'm sorry but they could have done A LOT more with metroid, considering it was the first game to truly show off the potential of Wii controls. Instead of showing off it's greatness they did those bloody 'Wii would like to play' ads where a bunch of middle aged women point at the screen and go 'wowwwwwww'.


I remember when it came out and my local Game weren't even aware of it (Gamestation were better, they had 10 copies out and i got the first of them).

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Unfortunately, this bozo pointing out that most people are laughably off topic isn't going to change future posts on here. So by all means: dog away.


Haha. As I'm sure we're all aware by now, the most famous of the unwritten rules of the internet is that all new FPS games MUST be compared to Halo and Metroid at some point.


Not forgetting the slightly less famous rule where all non-FPS games must also be compared to Halo and Metroid at some point.

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But I would reason that someone who doesn't keep up with the news in gaming is not seriously into gaming. And that goes for any subject, be it sports, movies, music, etc.


But there are still people who own Wiis and buy hardcore games that don't really keep up with it online. There's also the parents of kids who bought Wiis who sometimes want to play more serious games after the kids have gone to bed.

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Wow that was worth wasting time typing, wasn't it?




At least I had a point and an opinion!!


And graphics :D




It was an Hyperbole (does this word exist in English?), still, some points to add:

-Fallout 3 is not a FPS

-Bioshock is boring and easy as hell (played it in PC)

-CoD 4 has a great multiplayer mode, so i guess you're right in that one, and i can't find any possible argument to attack back.

You know what would be awesome? CoD 4 with WiiMote controls




I could, the single player is insultingly short; its amazing, but a few hours...pitiful. If conduit has an increidble multiplayer and a great single player, there you go! Plus the controls will lift it!!


Its all about the controls it really is, after I blitzed Metroid and Medal of Honor it felt so cumbersome to plat Halo and CoD4, it really did.

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