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No not at all!

Personally I'm not all that interested in anything I've seen from it, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love it to sell and perform incredibly well.


That's why I care about the boxart, and IMO that particular boxart is aweful!

For those who haven't been following it on the internet, I can't see one thing on it that explains the game, or would particularly draw your attention.


Washington DC is on fire, there's a big All Seeing Eye in the front (one of known conspiracy icons), a sea of alien runes and a "government" like font.

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Before you said Washington was on fire it just looked like a sunset to me, and still does, bar the one tiny explosion.

No one off the street knows about the All Seeing Eye, it just looks like a boring artifact.

Some semi-visible symbols in the water and a boring government font.

Again, I don't see how this sells the game in the slightest.


The US boxart is far better, excitment, chaos, drama, shows that it's a shooter, an alien invasion etc...

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Well, while the US boxart is good at showing what the game is about, it also easily carries the ability to turn more people off. People will see it on shelves and see the gun and think 'Can't give my kid that' and leave it (I'm sure there are parents/Wii owners out there that follow this mentality). The EU boxart is ambiguous; there's nothing really telling about the game from the front, like everyone has said and that could work in its favour as it'll mean instead of merely passing the game by because of a gun on the box, people will pick it up and look at it and see what it looks like on the back, potentially leading to more sales. That's how I see it really.


Don't think it matters in the end though. While it certainly won't hit the lows of the likes of House of the Dead Overkill or MadWorld in terms of sales, it probably won't do hugely well (I'd say it'll sell about 400K/500K+) but it'll do better than those purely because of the online multiplayer.

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So people will turn the box over and see guns on the back, how's that any better.

Plus the game will have a recommended age rating on it anyway no matter what the boxart.


They'd do better with a boxart more like the US one as that would at least attract the 16+ age range that might otherwise walk by it with that meaningless boxart!

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I'll make sure this Mario will be very lost and when he is, he'll feel the wrath of my shotgun.



Fused King: Hey Lostmario I'm behind you.

Lostmario: Huh, what? *turns around*


Lostmario: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.[/



What the hell is going on here!!


Now I have two of you after my blood. :cry:

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Got this in an e-mail today. Thought it was nice to share:



As we put the finishing touches on The Conduit (and finally find the time to take a quick breath of air!), we just had to send a quick email out to all of the fans to say thank you.


You all are what keeps us all going here at High Voltage Software (we really can’t emphasize this point enough) and we thought that you all should know it.


The letters of encouragement, cakes emblazoned with The Conduit, LEGO versions of our characters and weapons, forum posts, the fan sites, fan art (much of it is hanging up throughout our building), controller suggestions, Papier-mâché strike rifles, YouTube videos, and remixes have all really helped the late nights go a whole lot smoother. It has been as if each of you has been in the room with us saying, “C’mon. You can work a couple more hours can’t you?†And how can we say “no†to that?


Our process in sending this email out has been pretty unscientific (you’re getting this because you spent the time to email us sometime during our development process) and we apologize that we couldn’t have personalized this a bit more. Know though that we do read them all (there have been hundreds of thousands) and try to answer as many as possible, but we simply don’t have the time to answer each and every one. We’ve been working on the game as well. =)


So thank you. Thank you for the encouragement. It keeps the team motivated and working long hours to try to make sure that we meet your expectations. Thank you for the criticism. It keeps us honest and forces us to look very closely at some of our decisions, and in quite a few cases, make changes to our design to improve the experience. We don’t set out to upset folks – game development is a tricky, crazy process and we’ve certainly made our fair share of tough decisions to cut features that we really, really wanted but that didn’t fit within the budget or the schedule. Please be vocal about what sucks. Please be vocal about what you think is great. Please be vocal about what you’d like to see moving forward. We are listening.


And finally, thank you for the pre-orders of the game! This is a _very_ important benchmark used by publishers to help determine advertising budgets and future development dollars. We want to continue to make bleeding edge games like the Conduit for the Wii (we truly believe that there’s a market for ‘em) but sadly there is some apprehension on the part of shortsighted developers and publishers about making “core†games for the Wii. So, if you haven’t pre-ordered, and you plan on picking up the game, please do so and help send a strong message that the Wii needs more games like this. Plus, if you order at GameStop or Amazon, you’ll get neat goodies (an art book or comic book, respectively) to boot!


We can’t wait to start the conspiracy this June. We’re almost done – thanks for being there along the way. We feel we have something special on our hands. We hope that you agree.


The Conduit Team




P.S. And by popular demand soon we will have some killer Conduit merchandise for sale on our site in the upcoming weeks.


P.S.S. We obviously haven’t sent out many of these (and don’t intend on sending a lot of them) but if you see this letter as SPAM, please reply with “Remove†in the subject and we will do so. =)

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Got this in an e-mail today. Thought it was nice to share:


Thanks for that! Also, as they're still polishing it that makes the NP review pretty redundant as it's not final review code they have rated.


I feel that EVERYONE should support this game, just to send a powerful message. Plus, I'm pretty sure it'll be worth it :)

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£26.99 at Gameplay link


They have the 12th of June as the release date..


Has it been confirmed anywhere what the official one is - 12th or 26th?


I believe 26th remains the official date. A mistake in the release lists spread out citing it as the 12th, but most have reverted back to 26th now,

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That EU boxart is thoroughly fucking aggrivating. Someone should get on the case of the EU publishing team and point out that the US one is blatantly miles fucking better. Being subtle with the way you promote Wii titles doesnt really help! It's a system where if your game is a hardcore shooter you need to make it damn well known that it is.


The US boxart does that job well. The EU one looks like shit.


What the fuck is that big diamond thing too? Is that the age ratings system now? That's abysmal looking.

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That email from HVS, as impersonal as it may be, is why I am really starting to warm to them as a developer! The fact that they've stood up and asked fans what they want from an FPS on Wii and implemented these things into the game makes me have respect for them!


Plus it's helpful that I LOVE the look of The Conduit too! Haha

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That email makes me feel bad for not pre-ordering...


The only reason I haven't is cos I don't know where i'll be living then though, so will hopefully get that order in probably around a week before release.


That email from HVS, as impersonal as it may be, is why I am really starting to warm to them as a developer! The fact that they've stood up and asked fans what they want from an FPS on Wii and implemented these things into the game makes me have respect for them!


Completely agree. Also hard to believe such an impersonal email could, at times, sound so personal :P


Here's to HVS. *Raises imaginary glass*

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That EU boxart is thoroughly fucking aggrivating. Someone should get on the case of the EU publishing team and point out that the US one is blatantly miles fucking better. Being subtle with the way you promote Wii titles doesnt really help! It's a system where if your game is a hardcore shooter you need to make it damn well known that it is.


The US boxart does that job well. The EU one looks like shit.


What the fuck is that big diamond thing too? Is that the age ratings system now? That's abysmal looking.


German rating, they were pretty insane already but after that school shooting they went batshit crazy on games.

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