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Battlestar Galactica Season 4


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totally legal divx quality streams. s'where I watch it.




Cool thanks but that Ninjavideo helper seems a bit shady...


Anyways what an awesome episode that was.


I'm very happy how much screentime Lee had got, to shine in this episode. He'd really make an excellent President.

The ending was brilliant - it took me a second to truly grasp that humanity nuked itself off the planet. I was sitting there thinking no, no... unbelieveable and then complemented the producers in my head for daring to make such a bold statement, although they're not the first to do it but for the last four years we've got hyped about earth being the promised land and then this.

Also I wonder how the relationship between Saul and Six will play out and who the final cylon will be and furthermore there are still the other cylon models who will certainly come to destroy them. The question is will the final cylon unite them all, will they defend earth or run again?


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Ok just finished watching ep 9 and 10.........













Finally the 4 Cylons are known to the fleet, the scene Saul and Adama was bloody awesome. I loved that the 4 (minus one) didn't jump ship to the cylons and Saul coming out and offering himself as a hostage was great.


And getting to Earth, holy crap, didn't think they'd get there till the final happy ending episode. And just as the were keeping the final hyper jump suspense I was having visions of a reinvisioning of the flying motorbikes from the original show (i love those bikes, one of my clearest memories of the original).


Then you see Adama picking up the dirt and you think, holy crap they made, then the pan up as he stands and you realise everything is dull and grey and you start to realise something is wrong.


When the buildings came into view I was actually expecting a Planet of the Apes style Statue of Liberty, haha.


So what does this mean now? What happened to Earth? Did the 13th tribe (us) wipe themselves (ourselves) out... or were the 13th tribe actually the 1st tribe and the people of the 12 colonies were actually the decendents of the surviors of Earths final war?




Bloody hell why must we wait till next year for the 2nd half of the season? Why don't they just at least call this the end of season 4 and we're now waiting for season 5, with such a long wait would make sense

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minor bumpage - but the show starts up again next week!


I've just finished watching episode 10, and of course zomg earth lol we're all dead. I concur with Cube; I think there'll be some survivors on earth to interact with, but I imagine the majority of the show will continue to be onboard BSG? Does the ship have the capability to do a star trek scan for lifeforms?


In terms of when or how Earth destroyed itself, I would suggest that the sweeping shot we had at the end of e10 shows a huge rise in sea levels. I don't think it's too reliable to guess how old/new the buildings are as those on the 'beach' were constructed from old stone blocks but those in teh distance looked more like skyscrapers. The buildings on Caprica weren't hugely different or bedazzling compared to our current cities here (consider Gaius' pad on the lake, or Starbuck's flat), it's mostly their technology that seems so futuristic.


Threads that seem still dangling from the BSG sweatshirt, that I can think of;


- Six's and Saul's bambino (though I doubt it's sauls, to be honest)

- Hera (she had a lingering shot, and she's a freaky lil' so n' so)

- the 5th Cylon (I currently favour the idea that it's on Earth already, though god knows how. I also raised a similar question to someone earlier in this thread about an 'architect' of the 12 models and believe that's something that should be answered)

- The non-rebel cylons (will they make a reappearance? At the very least, they'll be a reason for the old man to continue patrolling the stars)

- The rebel cylons (the Eights have frequently and narratively been presented as fickle, and always eager to jump sides when the going gets rough)

- Laura's Death (she's found earth now, so she can die, innit)

- The opera house dream (... yeah, no guesses)

- Balthar (is the Jesus stand-in ever going to get over himself?)

- The unveiled 4 cylons (will at least produce lots of awkward back-to-work scenes and interactions that will take up valuable story-telling screen-time)

- Starbuck 'harbinger of death (Personally I wonder if this might just relate to giving the cylons 'death', as she played a crucial role in ending their res ship, but then again she pointedly told other cylons not to tell anyone else, so I'm sure it'll be a plot factor for an episode somewhere)


... I'll stop now.


Ooh another quick idea - an earth-based Cylon form? They've had presumably just as long to go all Skynet, so maybe some of them will be around? Heck, maybe a two-season plan would be "yay we found humans!" then "noo turns out they Earth's version of Cylons!"


Double heck - maybe the nukes were Cylons, and we'll get some sort of awesome Terminator Galactica movie... *brain fizzles with ingeniuity*


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I can't wait until it's finished. Battlestar Galactica is such a drag, but I seem to watch it anyway and even bought Razor. They ruined it with all of those silly boring episodes that shouldn't have been made (Razor was the king of these episodes).


I wish that Battlestar Galactica never existed, but as long as it exists, I'll watch it.:(

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umm...I dunno actually. I suppose with all the other kinds of munitions in space thatthey use (bullets, flak shells, rockets) they clearly have a way of doing something. It's not much of a suspension of disbelief to say they simply worked out a way to do it around the time they started building Battlestars.

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New episode :D! Will put it under a cut just to be safe.


Some great shocking moments. Chief's flashback to Earth that was which lead to the reveal that they were infact Cylons on Earth (or perhaps the Cylon models are based on former Earth inhabitants...?) Dhualla! Frakkin' Dhulla. Well played, a completed shock. Poor girl. And of course the end. The very end.


Good times :D



Everything has happened before and it will happen again

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Oh holy Fracking shit that was awesome.



Damn so many unexpected things.... ok so not only did Earth nuke itself but Earth was inhabited by Cylons... the 13th Tribe were Cylons, WTF? As if a Nuked Earth wasn't shock enough, how the hell did they have the balls to throw that in aswell.


The Chiefs flash back seeing the imprint of when he originally died on Earth was awesome too and the revelation that the final 5 were all originally from Earth. But where does that leave the other 7? Were all 12 originally from Earth? Were all the Clyons on Earth models 1 to 12 only? Or were there more? Were the "final 5" the only ones who managed to be reborn and are infact the ones who then built models 1 to 7?


Dee killing herself... WTF, how do you go from being so bloody happy to shooting yourself so quickly, I litterly jumped up and shouted WHAT THE FRACK.


The end, with Ellen being the 5th... WTF? if she was the 5th then what the fracking hell is Starbuck?


Man I can't wait to see how this all ends up


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