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Nintendo Media Summit 2008


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Guest Jordan
Gone are the days where core gamers could rely on just one console to satisfy their gaming needs... Nintendo still make their handful of outstanding games a year but the rest of the release schedule is populated by mostly half decent titles, the odd outstanding third party effort and the rest which is sadly ported or poorly put together rubbish. :/


If you want to be truly and honestly satisfied as a gamer, you'll allready have or will be considering owning two or three of this generations home consoles as they all have decent games to offer.


I have to agree with this. Being a fanboy or a dedicated fan these days is just not an option for people who have spare cash lying around.


I personally own all three consoles and both handhelds as well as a good spec PC. I play such a huge variety and have basically no alligence to any company... I wish more were like this.

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well I promised myself that I would only buy one console this generation.. but about a year ago I could see that it just wasnt possible. I would be bored shitless by now. So I got my good ole 360 to keep me going between the nintendo A+ titles.. I honestly can't see the next wii title to buy.. probably Smash Brothers.. whenever that is

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4 titles I want from that 360 list... 1 from PS3... still it's more than anything that I want thats coming out on Wii, there probably will be stuff I want on it, I just don't know what it is yet because Nintendo haven't announced it >< frustrating...


In the meantime before Nintendo even announce what they have in store (if anything) I'll be allready playing games like GTA IV, Ninja Gaiden II and MGS4...


Oh well, at least I have Brawl and MK to sort of tide me over... :heh:


Pretty much well my sentiments. It's not that there's no games coming, it's just that we don't know about any of them yet. Nintendo need to let people know so they don't get ready to spend their money on games not on their platform.


And Pedro, if I hadn't had been such a little Nintendo fan back at the beginning of the GCN then I would have got a PS2. I think that I would have only felt genuinely anoyed about missing 6 games or so. That's not really that many...

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I honestly can't see the next wii title to buy.. probably Smash Brothers.. whenever that is


I was thinking about this last night, and you're right, I can't think what the next big thing is. I'm not getting WiiFit (yet) cos of the price and I can't think of anything else- Okami is probably my next buy at this point. In a weird way, I'm not too worried about it and heres the strange reason why: since getting Fire Emblem, Pro Evo and now Mario Kart, I'm genuinely quite satisfied with what the Wii is currently offering. I've bought a new Wii game every two weeks there so its kinda nice to know there isn't something else I absolutely need next Friday too.


The summer and winter will take care of itself, for the meantime enjoy what there is and if you boys really need it, then get GTA IV- even if its just to clear your conscience of being a Nintendo fanboy. :p

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Gone are the days where core gamers could rely on just one console to satisfy their gaming needs... Nintendo still make their handful of outstanding games a year but the rest of the release schedule is populated by mostly half decent titles, the odd outstanding third party effort and the rest which is sadly ported or poorly put together rubbish. :/


If you want to be truly and honestly satisfied as a gamer, you'll allready have or will be considering owning two or three of this generations home consoles as they all have decent games to offer.


A sad truth.

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I was thinking about this last night, and you're right, I can't think what the next big thing is. I'm not getting WiiFit (yet) cos of the price and I can't think of anything else- Okami is probably my next buy at this point. In a weird way, I'm not too worried about it and heres the strange reason why: since getting Fire Emblem, Pro Evo and now Mario Kart, I'm genuinely quite satisfied with what the Wii is currently offering. I've bought a new Wii game every two weeks there so its kinda nice to know there isn't something else I absolutely need next Friday too.


The summer and winter will take care of itself, for the meantime enjoy what there is and if you boys really need it, then get GTA IV- even if its just to clear your conscience of being a Nintendo fanboy. :p


I was thinking similar thoughts just last night. I've got 10+ quality, unfinished games that I'm eager to complete , but every week there seems to be another must-buy title for one platform or another. In some ways i'm glad of the lack of titles announced for the summer - so I can catch up with some awesome games I've still yet to play/complete e.g SMG, LOZ:PH, Mass Effect, MKWII, FF: Renevant Wings, Lost Odyssey, Resi 4 Wii, Puzzle Quest, Ikaruga. Seriously WTF; I have so much to play, yet I'm prevented from doing so beacuse i'm hooked on Halo and Cod 4. As multiplatform gamers, I think we're in a golden age. Oh and add all the impending games from Owen's list: Fable 2, LBP, MGS , SC4, Alan Wake, and a little game called GTA IV - where can I find all the time to play these! I'm personally spoilt for choice; I've got plenty to play yet I can't stop making 'compulsory ' purchases. I'll be getting Pro Evo Wii next week,( I've heard such great things from this title, especially from you Darksnowman),I don't know when I'll get to play it though...

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I meant to say, as far as the Summit is concerned, I'm a bit shocked to see that head tracking has apparently been removed from Boom Blox.


Wasn't that only in an extra level?


Lazy, you're getting things mixed up just because I'm arguing with you and using the ocasional snide remarks (it's what I do) doesn't mean I'm having a go at you or going crazy. If someone insults you or swear at you by all means, feel insulted, but this is the internet if you can't handle sarcasm and only 100% serious write-ups do the job, you're not in the right place.

My point is very simple, this happens every conference, yet we always get the games, I see no reason why this isn't another of those ocasions. HOWEVER since we already have Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart and Brawl (in USA at least), we have to expect a different line-up and with the launch on WiiWare, I'm also expecting a focus on that, specially in conferences.

Also, I'm pretty pumped about Lost Winds, Fragile, Samba de Amigo, Tales, Sonic Unleashed, Star Wars, Okami, Opoona, World of Goo, Boom Blox, Sonic Chronicles, Guitar Hero DS, Wii Love Golf, Factor 5's project, The World Ends With You, FFIV, Trauma Center Wii 2, Trauma Center DS 2, Baroque, Valkirir Profile, FF:TA2 and others. And obviously we'll get Nintendo games, the rumoured Kid Icarus, Disaster, probably Pikmin and Animal Crossing. I just don't see a drought ahead for any console. Also, do you already have every good Wii game that's already out, or at least every one you like?

Let me take a wild guess, do you only have a Wii (as in no PS3, 360)?

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Ooooo wiiware is like having a whole other ickle console built into Wii. Nice. Some of the titles may get rid of the SHITE we are currently seeing. I don't see why something like Carnival Games/Ninjabread Man couldn't be released on Wiiware instead. (I just hope wiiware get's SOME advertising).


I was impressed by the IGN Rockband coverage too. It looks awesome. But the price of it is just horrific. (No DL content is a bit of a gripe too). I hope I can rent it...That would be one AWESOME weekend of fun.

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I have to agree with this. Being a fanboy or a dedicated fan these days is just not an option for people who have spare cash lying around.


I personally own all three consoles and both handhelds as well as a good spec PC. I play such a huge variety and have basically no alligence to any company... I wish more were like this.


I disagree, I own all three consoles too and I don't ply anything other than the Wii!! For me the Wii offers EASILy the most balanced gaming catalogue. The Wii has too many games that I own and want - more than enough!

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I agree with dazzy. I bought all three consoles because i see it like this: First and most i am a Nintendo fan boy but secondly i am a gamer and i don't want to miss games like GTA, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Halo, Fable II etc.


But i keep finding myself playing the Wii. First i thought "ok Wii has too many party games and i have my friends here and we have our fun".


But you know what? 14 days from now i'll buy GTA for either PS3 or 360 (i don't know yet) but something tells me that in 3 weeks i'll be playing Twillight Princess and i will trying to finish it for the 7th time!!!


Not because i won't like GTA.. But because Nintendo has something in their games that keeps me to go back. Call me what you want but i would play Wii Sports 4 players from GTA any time!

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I agree with someone and I'm sure I disagree with someone else here too.


Anyhoo, I too own all three consoles, and I too play the most on Wii. The PS3 is second, and last is my 360... of which I have to admit I haven't bought a single game for for 18 months. :hmm:


The Wii keeps calling me back, but I wouldn't say I have a favourite console. They all have their strenghts and weaknesses. They all have killer-titles and craptastic games.

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I've been a Nintendo fanboy ever since the days of the original Gameboy, but I traded my Wii in for an Xbox 360 a month ago and I don't regret it in the slightest. I hate Microsoft, but it was worth it... You dont need 2 consoles, you just need an Xbox 360 or a PS3.


I didnt buy a single game that was worth playing on the Wii and the graphics made games unplayable. 1st party Nintendo games on the Wii seem to be either GameCube games with slight improvements or non gamer tripe... It was horrible owning a console and wanting to play games, but not having anything worth buying. On the Xbox 360 and PS3, developers actually want to make decent games, while Nintendo are more concerned about making games for your grandmother/500lb sister to play.


Anyway, knowing Nintendo, they will release a Wii with a DVD player and built in hard drive and you will all have to buy the console twice. This is the company that sold me 3 Gameboy Advances and they are bound to give the Wii a make over if sales ever drop, because the current console is a bit of a joke.


Online Call of Duty 4 > Super Smash Bros Brawl.

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...and the graphics made games unplayable.


I nearly stopped reading at that point...



This is the company that sold me 3 Gameboy Advances and they are bound to give the Wii a make over if sales ever drop, because the current console is a bit of a joke.


Then I saw that and nearly spewed. Did YOU buy all three GBA's? I know what your saying but c'mon...And the graphics made games unplayable?! Why did you buy Wii when you knew what it would look like?

There are so many connotations in there (from all sorts of sides) that I'm not even going to elaborate on anything. I just think some "play" for too-serious reasons.

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I did :( *is embarassed*


tsc tsc ;) I don't really like baseball, I liked it in WiiSports, because it came with the other ones and were cool for quick fun, I can't see myself buying this at full price. Then again, I don't like Golf or american football sims and liked the 08 Wii versions :P

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I have to agree with this. Being a fanboy or a dedicated fan these days is just not an option for people who have spare cash lying around.


I personally own all three consoles and both handhelds as well as a good spec PC. I play such a huge variety and have basically no alligence to any company... I wish more were like this.


I have to admit having now bought a PS3 (having previously hated all things Sony) and got into PC gaming a bit more it has really opened my eyes and that the last however many years solely as a Ninty fanboy may have made me so biased in the past. Now its easier to look at things objectively.

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Nintendo started cashing in on Mario sports titles when the GameCube was dying... They probably dont have any decent ideas for original games anymore. Disaster will probably turn out to be a disaster.


Mario was always like that, we've had a gazillion Mario games since he was created.

Disaster's developer is very very good, so I doubt it.

So, Animal Crossing and Pikmin aren't original ideas? What about WarioWare and Rythm Tengokou? The simple series? No?

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So the last time Nintendo released an original IP was 2001/2002?


Yeah, because other companies have fantastic IPs that stand the test of time coming out all the time! And they don't cash in on them!

Nintendo is a company with human beings not Gods that make new IPs every year that live up to their name. I'm grateful that even their old IPs always feel fresh everytime and we don't have to put up with space marines.

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I'm grateful that even their old IPs always feel fresh everytime and we don't have to put up with space marines.


Weren't there Space Marines in Metroid Prime 3?...


Actually no they were federation troopers. My mistake.


I'm just getting tired of all the kiddy games Nintendo makes, I wish they'd make some new cool IPs about motha-fuckin space marines! Hell Yeah!

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Weren't there Space Marines in Metroid Prime 3?...


Actually no they were federation troopers. My mistake.


I'm just getting tired of all the kiddy games Nintendo makes, I wish they'd make some new cool IPs about motha-fuckin space marines! Hell Yeah!


lol touché my friend, touché.

But you get the point, making original IPs that live up to the expectations Nintendo created isn't something very easy to do, yet, they've been creating some that still hold their classical charm. Except Disaster, which isn't very Nintendo like, but has a great concept. It's much more important that the games feel new, than to have new IPs if they're just like the next game.

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