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Marijuana, The Good, The Bad, The Lolz.


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Ok that sounds like a fair outcome.


And I had heard about that (to a small extent) but how many teenagers do you know with parkinsons?


Hmm that's a fair point.


I know a few people that are around my age with arthritis. They find it helps dramatically with their symptoms, and suggested I try it too.


The stuff I have to take at the mo is pretty freaking lethal (think chemotherapy lethal) and does very little to help my symptoms.

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Is that a proven fact? I don't know much about that. I don't really know much about parkinsons.


*runs to wikipedia*


Yeah, I'll find the link. I was well surprised when I found out.


Also don't forget the pain benefits etc.


My fingers hurt, so i'm going to watch a movie. : peace:-out

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I know that this is moving away from the parkinsons arguement. But I'd say that most of weed users are in their teens and twenties. And therefore unlikely to have parkinsons.


The parkinsons topic brings out a debate of medicinal marijuana.


I probably phrase dit wrong, but it reduces the risk in later life, as well as reversing the effects in some cases.

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Well I used to do marijuana pretty often, and to be honest all it did was mess with my work ethic...which was bad enough. I don't regret it though, some of the happiest times of my life have been drug sessions with mates (call that sad if you will).


Some of my mates still do it regulary, and although i won't say it doesn't do too much to you, in my personal experience it seems to depend more on your personality how much it affects you than anything. One of the cleverest kids at my school does it multiple times a week, and he's still an outgoing straight-A student.

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Looks like Brown may reclassify it to Class B, going against the findings of his own policy advasiors who suggest it should remain as class C based on the "Hierarchy of Harm" table which puts it below alcohol and tobacco.


Don't really care one way or the other though, nothing changed when it went from B to C so I can't imagine a reclassification back to B is going to make a blind bit of difference for anyone who smokes it.

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Meh, go for it if ever offered in social situations. Wouldn't class myself as regular smoker though. Anyway it's always fun and fairly pleasant, but not massive lols-those have happened on mushrooms. Frankly I don't know how anyone could have a bad experience on weed, it's not like hallucinogens where you can have a bad trip.


Also yes it can screw some people up. One of my old housemates got through about a £10 bag a day for two years and ended up dropping out of university on anti-depressants. He's now cut down, got a job on the council and feeling fine. On the other hand another friend has smoked weed in moderation for about 8 years since he was 13, has never had any problems and holds down a £25,000 a year job. Different people have different reactions, the lesson to learn though is moderation, you have a glass of wine a day it wont affect you but you have a bottle of vodka a day and you'll become a wreck.

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Carl Sagan's views are very similar to mine so I will list a few nice quotes:


'The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.'


'There is a myth about such highs: the user has an illusion of great insight, but it does not survive scrutiny in the morning. I am convinced that this is an error, and that the devastating insights achieved when high are real insights; the main problem is putting these insights in a form acceptable to the quite different self that we are when we're down the next day.'


Obviously the work by Lester Grinspoon is very interesting too. I recommend reading his essay:


To Smoke or not to Smoke: A Cannabis Odyssey



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Meh, go for it if ever offered in social situations. Wouldn't class myself as regular smoker though. Anyway it's always fun and fairly pleasant, but not massive lols-those have happened on mushrooms. Frankly I don't know how anyone could have a bad experience on weed, it's not like hallucinogens where you can have a bad trip.


Also yes it can screw some people up. One of my old housemates got through about a £10 bag a day for two years and ended up dropping out of university on anti-depressants. He's now cut down, got a job on the council and feeling fine. On the other hand another friend has smoked weed in moderation for about 8 years since he was 13, has never had any problems and holds down a £25,000 a year job. Different people have different reactions, the lesson to learn though is moderation, you have a glass of wine a day it wont affect you but you have a bottle of vodka a day and you'll become a wreck.


Wise words *nods*


Think that statement applies to nearly everything in life.

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I know how you can have a bad experience on weed. I used to be the only person I knew who had, but now there's a fair few people I know who have felt The Bad come over them. It's not a great feeling, just massive paranoia that everyone else KNOWS and stuff. It's probably tied in with how you feel about yourself anyway, but yeah it's totally possible.


So is this just a weed thread? As I want to ask the few like-minded individuals out there if they've tried Salvia? I had it a couple of times last week and it totally blew my mind. Got probably another 10 goes worth left, but really I want to do it with someone else so we can talk about it after.

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^^ Kinda like an hallucenogenic, but with a lot more ego-loss.


Don't do Salvia too often I think is what is said.


Tolerance builds waaaaaaaaaay too quick.


Also, when you tried it did you break through?


break through? What do you mean? There's no guy that comes out and tells me whether i did or not so you'll have to explain it.


I certainly lost touch with reality for a bit. It basically made me realise how fickle our perception of reality is - and by reality I mean the mass of data that we interact with and 'see', 'hear' and 'touch'. It really was mind-blowing.


Somme; yeah it's a seriously strong, short-high hallucinogen that comes in a variety of 'strengths' (x10, x15, x40, etc) from your local bong shop. It's legal to buy for "horticultural use" and so on. I think you'd enjoy it :) I recommend researching it on wiki before use, or at least talking to a couple of people who have done it to know what you're letting yourself in for.



I've not heard about the resistance building up. In fact, the people I know who've taken it have had more intense trips each time. Of course, it's not something you do frequently so I can't speak for that.


And scubahood- glamorising drug-use... good debate! I'll attempt that when I'm a bit more sober.

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Can't help but think this thread is still glamorizing drug use. We have a lot of young members we need to set an example


We'r not "glamorizing" weed, im not gonna post bad stuff about a drug thats fun to use, in my opinion its a good thing, and people should try it at least a few times, not just shun it off. Its a good alternative to alcohol.


I wouldn't force anyone to smoke it, but i wouldn't tell anyone not too.

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I certainly lost touch with reality for a bit. It basically made me realise how fickle our perception of reality is - and by reality I mean the mass of data that we interact with and 'see', 'hear' and 'touch'. It really was mind-blowing.


Sounds like ketamine. I had a similar expeience on K. Never drink lots of booze and then do special k, it only ever ends in vomit and thinking that the bowel of a toilet is the only thing that exists.

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