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You can in your own home from the age of 5. Stop bitching.


Chill dude, it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I wouldn't really do that at all. Hence the :heh: but obviously my meaning has been betrayed by the format of text >_>

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Kind of agree with the second, but is still a bit hit or miss. As for the first, it's a dangerous drug, and for it's non-recreational benefits, there are better alternatives.

I shall prefix this by mentioning that I've only tried weed once and people who showboat it piss me off. But as I understand it and from all evidence I have seen, weed is less harmful than cigarettes.

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Obviously by the state, that goes without saying, but by family too. It's not giving them a choice in the matter, and will automatically presume their parents are right, even if they start to think otherwise. It's trapping them with the little thing at the back of their mind that says "what if I'm wrong" when they start having doubts. They're trapped within one of several systems, which all are regarded at being excellent at bullshitting. There is only one "truth", and that is Pastafarianism.


So who's views do you push on them instead then? The State's? Or do you let them work things out for themselves?


Children need to be taught right from wrong by they're parents, religion is a way of doing this. It's healthy to the development of a child, it builds boundaries and feeds the imagination.


As for the first, it's a dangerous drug, and for it's non-recreational benefits, there are better alternatives.


There are far more dangerous things that actually are legal. The harm the weed can do is pretty debatable anyway, as with anything it's only harmful when people abuse it. Take it in moderation and Marijuana won't cause lasting damage.


The same prinipal goes for food. Eat too much and you get fat and die from heart failure. Eat the right amount an you're fine.

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Agree with the indoctrination thing in principle. I wouldn't arrest people for it though! Unless it's in public, like the Phelps family.


I think Footballers shouldn't be paid that much. It's just silly. And let's be honest, it's always the football fans that defend it. Of course it's not their fault, but when people are making the art of music and are struggling to pay bills or are underappreciated, it's plain wrong that these men who are playing a game get paid this much.


So who's views do you push on them instead then? The State's? Or do you let them work things out for themselves?


Children need to be taught right from wrong by they're parents, religion is a way of doing this. It's healthy to the development of a child, it builds boundaries and feeds the imagination.


Can't they just be told what's right and wrong without having to read it from a contradictory holy book?


I did pretty well being just told by my parents. I actively chose to go to church with my religious aunt for a few years, until I found my own beliefs, which terrify me, as now I know there is no God, so I'm terrified of death.


Was probably better off pretending I believed, lol.


But yeah, I generally hate contradictory shit. (That promotes hate)

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So who's views do you push on them instead then? The State's? Or do you let them work things out for themselves?


Children need to be taught right from wrong by they're parents, religion is a way of doing this. It's healthy to the development of a child, it builds boundaries and feeds the imagination.


Teach kids how to think, not what to think.


Let them make up their own mind, and in the mean time, promote secularism.

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Teach kids how to think, not what to think.


Let them make up their own mind, and in the mean time, promote secularism.


So you teach Children the Law whilst making them aware of all Religions, but without being influenced by they're parent's views on Religion?


That is an impossible task, even before you look at how to enforce it!


In theory it's fine, but how exactly do you teach kids how to think without teaching them what to think? It's impossible, how to think comes from the experience of knowing what to think. You can't remove all influence created by Society whilst still teaching a Child what to think.


I'll be honest here Fish and say that i really don't like you're political views. You basically want to make laws to force people to think Liberally, taking society back 700 years to the days of The Pope and enforced Religion. I see this happening a lot in politics at the moment and i really, really don't like it. Religion has a new face, and it's a damn sight uglier than it was before :(

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Agree with the indoctrination thing in principle. I wouldn't arrest people for it though! Unless it's in public, like the Phelps family.


I think Footballers shouldn't be paid that much. It's just silly. And let's be honest, it's always the football fans that defend it. Of course it's not their fault, but when people are making the art of music and are struggling to pay bills or are underappreciated, it's plain wrong that these men who are playing a game get paid this much.




Can't they just be told what's right and wrong without having to read it from a contradictory holy book?


I did pretty well being just told by my parents. I actively chose to go to church with my religious aunt for a few years, until I found my own beliefs, which terrify me, as now I know there is no God, so I'm terrified of death.


Was probably better off pretending I believed, lol.


But yeah, I generally hate contradictory shit. (That promotes hate)

I'm not a football fan, but they DO earn their money. Like some one said supply and demand.


If a musicians music is in demand then they would get paid as much as the football players.

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Obviously by the state, that goes without saying, but by family too. It's not giving them a choice in the matter, and will automatically presume their parents are right, even if they start to think otherwise. It's trapping them with the little thing at the back of their mind that says "what if I'm wrong" when they start having doubts. They're trapped within one of several systems, which all are regarded at being excellent at bullshitting. There is only one "truth", and that is Pastafarianism.




Kind of agree with the second, but is still a bit hit or miss. As for the first, it's a dangerous drug, and for it's non-recreational benefits, there are better alternatives.



I take my niece to go to school almost every day. She's 4 years old, almost 5, and I watched one of her school plays. After the play had finished, they made all of the kids prayer. I came out of the school, and I was absolutely furious. I almost started yelling at all of the teachers around me. I thought they may have stopped that shite since I left school, but no, it's still there. State schools and religion have no business being together. If religious people want their kids to have religion in school, they should send them to a private school.


I am a big atheist, I don't like religion at all, but it's really none of my business what parents teach their children. Banning parents from teaching their children about god, and jebus, just takes away the parent's liberty. Once you let the state interfere like this, then where does it end? The state can just come in and say parents aren't allowed to punish their children if they do wrong because of some horse shit child development theory. You really don't want to give the state any more power, they already have far too much as it is.

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I take my niece to go to school almost every day. She's 4 years old, almost 5, and I watched one of her school plays. After the play had finished, they made all of the kids prayer. I came out of the school, and I was absolutely furious. I almost started yelling at all of the teachers around me. I thought they may have stopped that shite since I left school, but no, it's still there. State schools and religion have no business being together. If religious people want their kids to have religion in school, they should send them to a private school.


I am a big atheist, I don't like religion at all, but it's really none of my business what parents teach their children. Banning parents from teaching their children about god, and jebus, just takes away the parent's liberty. Once you let the state interfere like this, then where does it end? The state can just come in and say parents aren't allowed to punish their children if they do wrong because of some horse shit child development theory. You really don't want to give the state any more power, they already have far too much as it is.

At our primary school we had to pray, until about 5 of us said its not fair. There werent only christians i our school, and they had to do it too.. UNFAIR!
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dude if you offered most people a regular wage, say, £20-£30k a year to play football for a living, I'm sure they would.


It's not about their skill or their dealing so excellently with the press or the fans or whatever, it's just that it's a ridiculously massive amount of money.


Football brings a lot of money to society, if they weren't getting paid big wages the money wouldn't be coming back to us from fans coming over from Europe for games etc. You could say that musician's bring nothing to society, so why are they allowed to be paid so much? It's exactly the same thing. Talent is in demand, and you have to pay for it.



I would ban mandatory P.E. Lessons for under-weight children in grade 9 and up.


Errr.... PE is about getting fit, not getting thinner/fatter.

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stop all foreigners from working in the uk


raise the speed limit on motorway to 80


make the 1st and 2nd severn bridges free to cross


make using a moblie whilst driving even more punishable by banning for a year from driving, £1000 fine and community service.


all drivers must give way to white van men (i,e me :P)


if in school a child/mother goes and complains that there son/daughter is being bullyed then if can prove it then the bully will be expelled. And more methods to prevent bullying put into place.

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No new cars with a fuel consumption of under 50 miles per gallon.


Obviously not put in to place instantly, but phased in over time. The technology is there but the manufacturers currently gain nothing from it's costly implementation.


I'd go for something like:


6 Months - No new cars with less than 35mpg

18 Months - 40mpg

3 Years - 45mpg

5 Years 50mpg


Then with a 10 year plan of phasing out ALL cars below 35mpg. Probably through taxation.

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Well, that's a pretty dreadful idea. Foreigners are often much, much better workers than homegrown ones in the UK, and often are willing to do jobs people here aren't.


True. I would change it to "No foreigners without a skill." and "No benefits to be given to foreigners."


And I would clamp down on benefit theives and dossers. Fucking waste of space scum.

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True. I would change it to "No foreigners without a skill." and "No benefits to be given to foreigners."


And I would clamp down on benefit theives and dossers. Fucking waste of space scum.


Also every household should have to contribute to society. Make it a requirement of recieving benefits.


If nobody in the house has a job then they should be required to do volunteer work and "community service" until they get one. This way they are effectively earning the benefits they are being given.

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Well, that's a pretty dreadful idea. Foreigners are often much, much better workers than homegrown ones in the UK, and often are willing to do jobs people here aren't.


I agree. I think we should be more strict on who we let in, but we shouldn't stop them from working here at all.

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True. I would change it to "No foreigners without a skill." and "No benefits to be given to foreigners."


It's the ones without skills who are doing the jobs that people here don't really want to do. The ones with skills are the ones who are apparently stealing all our jobs.

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Also every household should have to contribute to society. Make it a requirement of recieving benefits.


If nobody in the house has a job then they should be required to do volunteer work and "community service" until they get one. This way they are effectively earning the benefits they are being given.


That's what I've been saying for ages. There are plenty of jobs that needs doing so why don't these fuckers be made to do one of them. Instead of recieving benefits for doing fuck all they can go and clean the local park, or wash off all the graffiti, or pick litter up off of the streets etc. Then we'll see how many people don't work. They'll soon get off of their useless arses and get a real job.


It's the ones without skills who are doing the jobs that people here don't really want to do. The ones with skills are the ones who are apparently stealing all our jobs.


The first part would be dealt with by my benefits idea. (see above)


The second part would just bring in a healthy competition. If it continues to become a problem then that will have to be dealt with. But as far as I'm concerned benefit frauds are a much bigger problem.

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stop all foreigners from working in the uk


raise the speed limit on motorway to 80


make the 1st and 2nd severn bridges free to cross


make using a moblie whilst driving even more punishable by banning for a year from driving, £1000 fine and community service.


all drivers must give way to white van men (i,e me :P)


if in school a child/mother goes and complains that there son/daughter is being bullyed then if can prove it then the bully will be expelled. And more methods to prevent bullying put into place.

Agreed! Bullying is a problem that schools dont always take too seriously. The bully usually gets warned, then the bully wanrs the person who told not to tell again. The only way to stop being bullied to to show them your not gonna take it.


Also every household should have to contribute to society. Make it a requirement of recieving benefits.


If nobody in the house has a job then they should be required to do volunteer work and "community service" until they get one. This way they are effectively earning the benefits they are being given.

Some families truly cannot work due to illness, dissabillities, or being in full time education.


That's what I've been saying for ages. There are plenty of jobs that needs doing so why don't these fuckers be made to do one of them. Instead of recieving benefits for doing fuck all they can go and clean the local park, or wash off all the graffiti, or pick litter up off of the streets etc. Then we'll see how many people don't work. They'll soon get off of their useless arses and get a real job.




The first part would be dealt with by my benefits idea. (see above)


The second part would just bring in a healthy competition. If it continues to become a problem then that will have to be dealt with. But as far as I'm concerned benefit frauds are a much bigger problem.

^ My previous comment may apply.

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Some families truly cannot work due to illness, dissabillities, or being in full time education.


Yes I know. But most can. What about the Muslim teacher with 11 kids who gave up his £27000 job to recieve over 29K in benefits. And he's planning to have a twelth kid for the state to support. It's a fucking joke.

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Yes I know. But most can. What about the Muslim teacher with 11 kids who gave up his £27000 job to recieve over 29K in benefits. And he's planning to have a twelth kid for the state to support. It's a fucking joke.


If people are so keen to be taking money from the government they should be giving something back to the community.


Its like punching a hole in a bucket, it doesn't matter how much water you pour in its still gonna leak out.

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Some families truly cannot work due to illness, dissabillities, or being in full time education.


If you're in full time education then you're contributing to society, therefore you deserve the benefits you're entitled to. In this day and age of the Internet only in extreme cases of illness and disability can someone not work at all. If someone genuinely can't work then fair enough, they should be given enough money to live comfortably (i.e. more then a lot of them get at the moment).

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I know of somebody who doesn't work because he hurt his hand or something. He claims benefits. He also does labouring work on his siters houses. He hardly needs them.


Another person who claims benefits erected a fence for his daughter's school. If he can do that then he can erect fences for a fencing company.


Even people with mental disabilities get jobs. And that is probably the hardest disability to overcome.


If your legs don't work then you can get a desk job.

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Make it illegal to be a chav.

Why? Because i dont like them :P


Isn't it always nice that the more narrow minded among us have to post a comment shunning an entire group of people for no apparant reason?


I'd make house programmes illegal. I'm fed up with having to watch Location, location, lofuckingcation every Wednesday.

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