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Put my new level up. (After two days! of graft). It's called "Eldorado" and it's easily the best level I've made. I planned it meticulously and tried to make it like Uncharted or sommat! Kinda tells a nice story too I guess. :D

Anyhoo, give it a whirl and lemme know what you think in-game or on here - cheers :)




Miyamoto will retire if he sees Eldorado! :p




EDIT: Hardest thing: Judging the difficulty level when you've made the level yourself.

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Put my new level up. (After two days! of graft). It's called "Eldorado" and it's easily the best level I've made. I planned it meticulously and tried to make it like Uncharted or sommat! Kinda tells a nice story too I guess. :D

Anyhoo, give it a whirl and lemme know what you think in-game or on here - cheers :)




Miyamoto will retire if he sees Eldorado! :p




EDIT: Hardest thing: Judging the difficulty level when you've made the level yourself.


Its a superb level but i keep getting stuck at the bit where you pull the whte cylinder to proceed.


Miyamoto wouldnt make that mistake. :heh:

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Put my new level up. (After two days! of graft). It's called "Eldorado" and it's easily the best level I've made. I planned it meticulously and tried to make it like Uncharted or sommat! Kinda tells a nice story too I guess. :D

Anyhoo, give it a whirl and lemme know what you think in-game or on here - cheers :)




Miyamoto will retire if he sees Eldorado! :p




EDIT: Hardest thing: Judging the difficulty level when you've made the level yourself.

Make sure you back it up in case the nazi moderators remove it because there was a film called Eldorado

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Will try out your level tapedeck when I get home from work.


My first level is very nearly done...it has taken me ages to get it going and its not even that great, it is very workman like and there are some very crude methods used to achieve the results I wanted. But bar from a few switches that need adding and some enemies its pretty much done.


My next level will be a very different beast all together.


On problem I have is how do you curve off material blocks, to give it a more organic look, alot of the shapes I have edited are very angular and ugly looking. I want majestic slopes not janky jagged edges.

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On problem I have is how do you curve off material blocks, to give it a more organic look, alot of the shapes I have edited are very angular and ugly looking. I want majestic slopes not janky jagged edges.


The only thing I could suggest is by adding material over in a smooth shape, like a circle, then cutting out bits with indented...etc...etc. But yeah I know what you mean. Its quite difficult.


I love this game now I've got into it though. So awesome. Tapedecks level I played yesterday was wicked, but I couldn't find the key. Such a n00b. :)

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Can't wait to try everyone's new stages. I was thinking of doing a Daft Punk 'Around The World' stage which is just on a giant wheel. But I'm not sure if I can be bothered with getting the music right. Takes so much effort and there is no guarantee it sounds any good...like my other Daft Punk level. :heh:


I also have one other idea which I'll probably do first because it's a bit easier to do.

It was the one that plays the Daft Punk tune. It was not so much the level design, it was the mood and the way you use the lighting that I liked.


Yeah, I like messing with the lighting.


I might put poisonous fumes on the floor so it looks all misty. :smile:


cheers rez that kinda makes sense thats how I may some clouds now I come to think of it...


anyone up for some 4 player headset LBP shenigans tonight?


Yes yes yes!! Roughly what time?

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I'm gonna attempt to do a proper roller coaster tonight, using all three plains, and proper roller coaster wheels (at least top and bottom).


Potentially should work...have a feeling it might not. ;)


I still havn't played Chozes yet though! Booo. It came up last night "someone just got x score on Roller Coaster mayhem blah" but there was no option for me to actually play it.

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Ppl keep asking me where the key is. What's that all about?! Are you meant to put the key in your level or sommat?


Serebii...Hope my level stays up. It's teh roxxors!


I've decided my next level will be a musical one like Dafts. May do "clocks" by Coldplay. Talk about making it easy! :o

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Yeah, I like messing with the lighting.


I might put poisonous fumes on the floor so it looks all misty. :smile:




Yes yes yes!! Roughly what time?


Er...sometime soon I will be on, need to balance out my time between creating and playing though as my level is hanging from neck like a boulder!


Ppl keep asking me where the key is. What's that all about?! Are you meant to put the key in your level or sommat?

Serebii...Hope my level stays up. It's teh roxxors!


I've decided my next level will be a musical one like Dafts. May do "clocks" by Coldplay. Talk about making it easy! :o


Will have to try out this level you speak of...as for the key perhaps you need a magnetic key? I'm not sure as have not played it yet?

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Are the servers down?


yeah I have tried to do the business and get the first version of my level up published! Annoying!


Please everyone play it...its not that great, and there are a lot of crude ways I have done things but it has 2 endings a good one and a bad one...so please try them out, tag it and heart it and me (I want the trophies! :heh: )

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hear me too! Plus i need the 4 friends complete level trophy.


Will try out your level tapedeck when I get home from work.


My first level is very nearly done...it has taken me ages to get it going and its not even that great, it is very workman like and there are some very crude methods used to achieve the results I wanted. But bar from a few switches that need adding and some enemies its pretty much done.


My next level will be a very different beast all together.


On problem I have is how do you curve off material blocks, to give it a more organic look, alot of the shapes I have edited are very angular and ugly looking. I want majestic slopes not janky jagged edges.


Everyone's first sucks. By my 5th i was good.


Think so. They are down for me.


Seriously.....Im doing my coaster design now. If this works....this car design will be amazing.


Yes, yes do it. I am working on an improved concept so the rollercoaster dont mess up.


Plus i forgot how do you ake it so you use a button to spawn items?


My internet connections ucks at the mo. Something wrong at Sky's end.

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Make sure you test and retest levels. I frequently get stuck in levels because of broken switches or something.


I am making an extended Mirror's Edge. But my main a dream is not ready quite frankly so i need to spend time making huge changes. Some of you got a sneak peak. Its the one with crazy lighting and sci fiish look.


Check out http://www.littlebigworkshop.com

great website by Media Molecule to share and get new deas. I am going to put afew things up. Just look me up (Tegg).

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well my level is up please everyone try it.


couldn't manage to get online with people last night I kept getting disconnected from the servers all the time!


Cheers or playing my Eldorado level matey : peace: Good, bad, fugly?


I'll try yours later on. It's great fun seeing what you guys have all created. Best aspect of the game! I've not really played the single player much. Got to the temple and stopped as the create mode is uber addictive!

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