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Fable 2


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What is the FREE DLC?

All i have is some items which seem crap :S


A free island without the story and the dungeons items ie Knight amour


I found that straight away in Fairfax gardens... O_o I got all 100 points from the DLC, pretty easy really.


Same here.

I got it straight after finishing the DLC download and leaving the Fairfax gardens to go the sub.

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How do i get there?

He wants me to pay to go.


He should be in docks by the pathway under bridge near the town sqaure.


I didnt have to pay for it in 800 DLC.



Enhance your Fable II experience with this free downloadable content. Meet Gordon the submariner in the Bowerstone Market docks, where you’ll be showered with unique gifts from Knothole Island. You will also be able to check your standing in over 50 new Leaderboards on Lionhead.com. If you want to play co-op with a player who has already downloaded Fable II Knothole Island content, you will need to download the Fable II Knothole Island (Free) pack, To play the new quests and enjoy the complete Knothole Island co-op experience, both co-op players must download the Knothole Island (Premium) pack.


The free version is only allow you to go to the island if you play coop with someone who paid for the DLC. So if you want to go there on your own, you need to pay. If you want to visit the new content in coop online, get the free version.

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He should be in docks by the pathway under bridge near the town sqaure.


I didnt have to pay for it in 800 DLC.





The free version is only allow you to go to the island if you play coop with someone who paid for the DLC. So if you want to go there on your own, you need to pay. If you want to visit the new content in coop online, get the free version.

Aw =[

I dont know anyone who has paid for it :s

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wen u go to knothole without paying ur invisible, me and my mate went, he cudnt do damage to anyone, and you could barely see his character. Basically, if you want to play knothole you have to pay! Iv played it though twice on a good and bad char, id say it was worth the 800 points, it got me back into fable for a few days, and i hope thers another on the way.

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It arrived! Yippee-aye-yay. I have to say, NEVER seen such a big hyped game with so many bugs. Having a whale of a time though. Regretting being a man. I think. Will keep you updated.


Bugs like what??


I finally broke into this on friday night, though I should have slept. Awesome game so far, got to go find my third person like. Wasted alot of time doing jobs(pulling pints with my own music on, awesome!) and that, to get monies, then buying properties to bring in some cash(it does come in rather fast, I played after two days(sun-yesterday) and it hit me with about 190k when I turned on! Naturally I used most of this to go buy more property! Bought most of the shops in Bowerstone already, few more to go and then the houses...then I'll move on to my next town! Currently a bit teetering between good and evil, doesn't seem to move much(maybe cos I keep robbing cupboards) but I'm as pure as the driven snow otherwise! Slightly fearing the game might be short main quest wise, but I'm really taking my time with that anyway, doing the odd side quest and job here and there. I'm a bit iffy about a few quests though, I can't tell if doing them will get me evil points, I don't want evil points!


It's a different game to the first, but all in good ways I'd say, though the experience side of things seems a bit slow/hard to be levelling up, and I feel adverse to using those potions and stuff that you can buy that give you experience. Also, how the hell does the combat multiplier work and that?! I really liked that in the first one, bit of a shame how they changed it :(

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Slightly fearing the game might be short main quest wise, but I'm really taking my time with that anyway, doing the odd side quest and job here and there. I'm a bit iffy about a few quests though, I can't tell if doing them will get me evil points, I don't want evil points!


Its reletively easy to work out which quest gives the good points and which give the evil points. An example evil side-quest is "Red Harvest", the opposite one for good points is "Cold Comfort Farmer". A sample quest which can give either good or evil points depending on what choice you make is "Til Death do us Part". These are just an example of what is good and what is evil, in the case you are looking to make a pure and good character.


It's a different game to the first, but all in good ways I'd say, though the experience side of things seems a bit slow/hard to be levelling up, and I feel adverse to using those potions and stuff that you can buy that give you experience. Also, how the hell does the combat multiplier work and that?! I really liked that in the first one, bit of a shame how they changed it :(


Best place for experience is inside the Crucible. Keep playing through it and you should be able to max out any skill or will area you wish in about an hour or so.


As for the combat multiplier, keep blocking with "X" which should result in an attack at the same time on your behalf.

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I am pretty sure that I have just experienced a game breaking glitch and if so I am far from happy.


I will spoiler tag it just in case as it is quite far into the game , but could anyone confirm if the thing has glitched and will I need to start the f'ing thing again (incidently , how lame is just having one save slot for each character ?)


Was doing this quest and made to the top of the Tower when I noticed that the gold trail thing just stopped , fair enough , I know that is pretty glitchy anyway , but then I suddenly noticed that Garth was nowhere to be found.


I backtracked a little and found him standing completely still by a statue and I wasn't able to talk to him , get him to move , nothing. I even took the safety off and blasted him a few times. Other than some throw away comment about 'only a fool would waste energy such a way' he did jack shit and then carried on standing around like a tosser.


So , is this thing screwed and have I wasted a massive chunk of the last week for nothing.


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Where's your last save? If it's just prior to that bit you're at or earlier in the quest then, and I'm guessing you've probably tried it, but just reload and try again. If it's still happening, then it is most probably a glitch and would seem to me that you're stuck. Just depends how far back your save file is. Might be able to get passed it.

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Where's your last save? If it's just prior to that bit you're at or earlier in the quest then, and I'm guessing you've probably tried it, but just reload and try again. If it's still happening, then it is most probably a glitch and would seem to me that you're stuck. Just depends how far back your save file is. Might be able to get passed it.


Unfortunately , the last save isn't that far back and I did try reloading from it a couple of times with the same thing happening so it does look like I am screwed.


My mantra of saving often seems to have bitten me on the arse , and it's a real pity because I was taking things slowly so it took me ages to get where I did and I had really enjoyed the game (despite some of it's other faults) until then.


Shit happens I suppose. :shakehead


EDIT - Reloaded my save again and decided to leave the area , it has let me go back to re-attempt the quest , so fingers crossed that it doesn't glitch this time.

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Unfortunately , the last save isn't that far back and I did try reloading from it a couple of times with the same thing happening so it does look like I am screwed.


My mantra of saving often seems to have bitten me on the arse , and it's a real pity because I was taking things slowly so it took me ages to get where I did and I had really enjoyed the game (despite some of it's other faults) until then.


Shit happens I suppose. :shakehead


EDIT - Reloaded my save again and decided to leave the area , it has let me go back to re-attempt the quest , so fingers crossed that it doesn't glitch this time.


It would be a bugger if you couldn't carry on with the game. You are quite far into the game and starting again would certainly be a nuscence and frustrating.


I think the only glitch i had was right at the beginning when you have to look at the tattered spire from Bowerstone, all she did was keep mentioning old Albion. Frustrated me then, but luckily it un-glitched so no restart required.

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It would be a bugger if you couldn't carry on with the game. You are quite far into the game and starting again would certainly be a nuscence and frustrating.


I think the only glitch i had was right at the beginning when you have to look at the tattered spire from Bowerstone, all she did was keep mentioning old Albion. Frustrated me then, but luckily it un-glitched so no restart required.


Thankfully leaving the area worked , but I was keeping a very close eye on Garth through the re-run :heh: , really wouldn't have been happy restarting.


The only other glitch so far was just before trying to leave the Spire , looked out the window and nothing further happened , but luckily on that one my last save wasn't too far back.

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I've got a few quests left to do, including the Graveyard Mansion one and the second half of the Fairfax Castle quest, and thats roughly it except for the odd job and quest here and there really.


Atm, i'm just leaving the game for a few weeks to build up some more money really.

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Every one stopped playing fable 2 then?

This thread seems dead now =[

I want to buy the DLC but, much as with Fallout 3, I'm not going to until it's been knocked down to 400MS. I think as a general rule all DLC is overpriced, and unfortunately my wallet's vote is the only say I have.


Damned principles.

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I want to buy the DLC but, much as with Fallout 3, I'm not going to until it's been knocked down to 400MS. I think as a general rule all DLC is overpriced, and unfortunately my wallet's vote is the only say I have.


Damned principles.


Its not worth the current price atm, as you don't really get a lot for the current price. All you get basically is a small town on an island the size of Oakfield, a few Temples with quests and a few exclusive items including a Weight Loss potion, Armour and exclusive clothing.


Wait until it goes down a little, then get it.

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