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It looks like Gamespot are at it again with their questionable scores. They gave Lost Winds 5.5 and said the following about it.


The Good


- Unique control scheme

- Some gorgeous environments.


The Bad


- Lack of energy

- Too many ugly environments

- Only three hours long

- Sometimes unresponsive controls

- Lacks personality


Now I havent played the game but from what I have seen the game has loads of personality.


Also you cant mark a game down for being 3 hours long, especially as its a WiiWare game! I bet they didnt mark Gears of War or CoD4 down when they are 5 hours long a cost £40 quid a pop! I mean you just have to take Super Mario Bros which can be beaten in less than an hour, are they saying thats a bad game? Muppets!

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It looks like Gamespot are at it again with their questionable scores. They gave Lost Winds 5.5 and said the following about it.


The Good


- Unique control scheme

- Some gorgeous environments.


The Bad


- Lack of energy

- Too many ugly environments

- Only three hours long

- Sometimes unresponsive controls

- Lacks personality


Now I havent played the game but from what I have seen the game has loads of personality.


Also you cant mark a game down for being 3 hours long, especially as its a WiiWare game! I bet they didnt mark Gears of War or CoD4 down when they are 5 hours long a cost £40 quid a pop! I mean you just have to take Super Mario Bros which can be beaten in less than an hour, are they saying thats a bad game? Muppets!



the masters of odd review scores hit again....there is no doubt when the dust has settled their review will stick out like a sore thumb.

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Seriously, do you really think it's an AAA title deserving a 9+ score? I know this game have gotten a lot of hype, but this is really stretching it. Yes, I haven't played it, I haven't even seen a single picture besides the logo, but if the game has the cons and pros I have been reading about I don't see why it should get anything higher. First you hear all about review sites being biased and throwing 9 and 10s to please everyone but when a game finally gets a low score you all go crazy looking for excuses. I like Gamespot. They're honest and don't bow in for hype.

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Seriously, do you really think it's an AAA title deserving a 9+ score? I know this game have gotten a lot of hype, but this is really stretching it. Yes, I haven't played it, I haven't even seen a single picture besides the logo, but if the game has the cons and pros I have been reading about I don't see why it should get anything higher. First you hear all about review sites being biased and throwing 9 and 10s to please everyone but when a game finally gets a low score you all go crazy looking for excuses. I like Gamespot. They're honest and don't bow in for hype.


I find it odd that every review and every person who has played this game has said nothing but great things about it and then Gamespot comes along and gives it this score. I trust Eurogamer a hell of alot more than I do gamespot, especially after that whole Kane and Lynch business.


Come monday I guess we will find out for ourselves what the game is like and I for one am looking forward to it.

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It looks like Gamespot are at it again with their questionable scores. They gave Lost Winds 5.5 and said the following about it.


The Good


- Unique control scheme

- Some gorgeous environments.


The Bad


- Lack of energy

- Too many ugly environments

- Only three hours long

- Sometimes unresponsive controls

- Lacks personality


Now I havent played the game but from what I have seen the game has loads of personality.


Also you cant mark a game down for being 3 hours long, especially as its a WiiWare game! I bet they didnt mark Gears of War or CoD4 down when they are 5 hours long a cost £40 quid a pop! I mean you just have to take Super Mario Bros which can be beaten in less than an hour, are they saying thats a bad game? Muppets!


I wouldn't say CoD4 or GoW are good comparisons in length terms considering the potentially endless hours of gameplay in the online multiplayer :blank:


And I haven't played it, so this might be completely wrong, but from what I've seen (videos, screens, etc) I'd tend to agree with that summary. Other than the initial coolness of the control scheme, it seems clunky and inprecise to me, I haven't seen any videos of particularly interesting gameplay and length is definately an issue.

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I've played it etc and can say it's a great game. Best WiiWare launch title I think. And most WiiWare games are gonna be short cause of the 45MB restriction. You get really immersed in the game and it's really fun controlling Toku and Enril.

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Seriously, do you really think it's an AAA title deserving a 9+ score? I know this game have gotten a lot of hype, but this is really stretching it. Yes, I haven't played it, I haven't even seen a single picture besides the logo, but if the game has the cons and pros I have been reading about I don't see why it should get anything higher. First you hear all about review sites being biased and throwing 9 and 10s to please everyone but when a game finally gets a low score you all go crazy looking for excuses. I like Gamespot. They're honest and don't bow in for hype.


That's you're problem.


And Gizmo, you can apply that to any game really.

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Gamespot have become less and less intelligent if you ask me. When the purpose of a website is to provide accurate, 'general feeling of the public' reviews so that people can make a judgement on whether to purchase a game, they should review things properly. By this, I mean not giving games like Halo 3 a 9.5, which is essentially a reused game format. And particularly worse, giving a game that's clearly rather good a rubbish score.


It's just rather irritating because I seriously think Gamespot must receive payments to give games good scores. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I for the life of me cannot grasp, and never will grasp, why Halo 3 got anything above an 8.

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Halo 3's score was absolutely shocking. Good game in multiplayer, but near-perfect? No. It should have gotten an 8 at the highest.


They tend to not like the Wii as well. Here, a developer is doing something different, fresh and new compared to all the other crap on the Wii, and Gamespot decide to crush possibly hundreds of potential sales (let's be honest, it has a massive userbase, far larger than N-Europe and other proper gaming websites, who don't let their opinions be influenced by whoever's slipping the most cash into their pocket).

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Just because a game offers different, fresh gameplay doesn't mean it's an automatic AAA title. They have faults as every other mainstream game, you can't just ignore that because the game is unique.


and Gamespot decide to crush possibly hundreds of potential sale

So you want them to give games good scores so they can sell better? That's no different than giving good scores based on ad revenue.

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Just because a game offers different, fresh gameplay doesn't mean it's an automatic AAA title. They have faults as every other mainstream game, you can't just ignore that because the game is unique.



So you want them to give games good scores so they can sell better? That's no different than giving good scores based on ad revenue.


I never said it was an AAA title, but based on impressions from everybody else, people who have played it on this forum, and opinions of the general public, it doesn't deserve a 5.5 (I realise this will make no effect on you since you've decided that you don't like it based on the logo)...


And no I don't want them to give scores so they can sell better, they should give a game the score it deserves, not a score that sticks out like a sore thumb so they can get more hits.


GTA IV and Halo were extremely flawed, why the hell did they receive near-perfect scores? I'm sure you didn't object to those.

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I never said it was an AAA title, but based on impressions from everybody else, people who have played it on this forum, and opinions of the general public, it doesn't deserve a 5.5 (I realise this will make no effect on you since you've decided that you don't like it based on the logo)...

I never said I don't like the game. I said that I don't like the hype.


The game may be awesome for all I know, but the gameplay just doesn't interest me and I have wasted enough money on VC games people have said are awesome, only to delete them from the refridgerator a couple minutes later.

And no I don't want them to give scores so they can sell better, they should give a game the score it deserves, not a score that sticks out like a sore thumb so they can get more hits.


GTA IV and Halo were extremely flawed, why the hell did they receive near-perfect scores? I'm sure you didn't object to those.

I don't understand the Halo score. Single mode was awful and online made me wonder if I had bought Wrestlemania 2007. I agree with GTAIV. But because they give on odd score(ok, I know a few more..) doesn't mean Lost Wind's is wrong.


Shino: Talking to me? I don't know, I haven't played the game. Guys, I'm not bashing the game or score or anything like that. I have seen a lot of this praise about games like Ar Tonelico and Okami and I just wanted to get my opinions out, I don't like to see games praised only because they are different than the usual mainstream title.

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