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Getting rid of all the original cast members for series 3


Original cast members April Pearson, Mike Bailey, Hannah Murray, Joe Dempsie, Larissa Wilson, Mitch Hewer and Dev Patel will not have their contract renewed


So, they're just starting all over again basically. (Then again, just take this with a little pinch of salt considering the source, Wiki)

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seems to be confirmed:


The executive producer of Skins has confirmed its entire cast will change for the next series.


Bryan Elsey said: "There are risks associated with dumping a cast, but we just did it. There was some disquiet at the channel, but then they told us just to go with it.


"It's exciting - we never stand still and we can tell our stories in a new way."


Speaking at Broadcast's television drama conference this week, he also confirmed the show would stick to its pattern of introducing college-age characters, moving them on in the next series, then letting them go.


"The first year is about getting to know the kids, and the second gives us the advantage of being able to explore their psyches a little more," said Elsey.


The show will also continue to use a team of up to 20 writers, including newcomers.

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Because Shell won't be in it. :(


You realise the characters will probably be basically the same, just different looking. It'll just be like they've changed appearence and got younger again. I swear by the second episode of the new series you'll be saying "Who's Shell?".


R.I.P Cassie! :( - She's awesome.

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