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Woohoo my Wii has never looked so good!


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Finally joined the HD club yesterday and got an entry level HD tv!


Samsung 19" LE19R86BDX




Got myself some component cables and wow the difference is greater than I ever expected! Very happy indeed! Never thought the difference would make the picture so much clearer... Awesome TV for anyone on the look out for one... only bummer is stuck with analogue TV till I move house cos I have no aerial socket in my room!

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Finally joined the HD club yesterday and got an entry level HD tv!


Samsung 19" LE19R86BDX




Got myself some component cables and wow the difference is greater than I ever expected! Very happy indeed! Never thought the difference would make the picture so much clearer... Awesome TV for anyone on the look out for one... only bummer is stuck with analogue TV till I move house cos I have no aerial socket in my room!


But did you go from Composite or SCART?

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Probably better to buy a smaller HDTV when it come to Wii games.


Ones on my 32" Samsung look god damn disgraceful (apart from first party titles excluding Endless Ocean) due to the hurrendous jaggies.

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Ones on my 32" Samsung look god damn disgraceful (apart from first party titles excluding Endless Ocean) due to the hurrendous jaggies.


That's down to the TV more than anything though. Its certainly not the case for all HDTV's.

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I don't use the offical cables, i use... crappy Mad Cats things. I'll have to pick up some offical ones eventually.


Yeah, I have this Mad Catz one, it has this 3 cables in 1 thing for 360, Wii and PS2/3. I thought it was pretty good actually, there was a huge improvement in picture quality, but obv it isn't gonna be as good as the official cables.

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Ah, finally got it? Samsung FTW. Reds on HDTVs are...well REALLY red, thats the first thing I noticed. But also the whiteness on the Wii screens are...(well) REALLY white. Though i find it hard to see major differences with component cables and composite on games like TP unless I really dig deep. The main difference I see in that game are again the deep reds; like the dots on the map screen and sunset in Hyrule Field.


Has anyone got any good comparisons?

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I agree. When you switch from a DVI signal to normal analogue TV...:shakehead ...Alot of blur and colour bleed.


Yeah I have to agree, even though the TV had freeview built in, owing to a lack of aerial socket, I just have normal analogue TV and it looks awful...Moving house in a few weeks and will have digital then thank god! Plus hopefully getting a PS3 next month to!


One game that looks incredible on my new TV is Geometry Wars, all the colours are so bright and vivid, I love it!

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And yet they always look really bad (quality wise) in the shops compared with Sony, Panasonic and Philips?


While TVs made by Panasonic and Pioneer (I don't think I've heard a single reccomendation for a Sony or Phillips TV. Sony ones are average and noone cares about Philips) are better quality, Samsung ones are a lot cheaper.


Plus 90%+ of the time you don't really notice a difference.

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Sorry for invading ur thread Flameboy but I just hooked up my Wii on my 22" Samsung HD and...it looks SHITE!. Legend of Zelda looks friggin awful :( My Brother has a Bush HDTV going to try on there see if it looks any different!


If you're using standard cables on an HDTV then it will always look rubbish. I tried OOT using RGB scart and man...The picture is out of control, try going into Death Mountain and your whole room will glow red.

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If you're using standard cables on an HDTV then it will always look rubbish. I tried OOT using RGB scart and man...The picture is out of control, try going into Death Mountain and your whole room will glow red.


Yea I am using the Offical Component Cables...still It looks...bad man lol

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