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The N-E BISH-o-rama.


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Coolness Bears - Playing a Wii game




Excuse my face. Nice flat, innit?


BISHes people have so far of mine;

- Front page of a newspaper dated "20th February 2008"


- A ransom note (with mismatched cut-out letters and shit)


- A Clown


- Kumquats (x4)


- Someone lying on some grass, face down.

Letty, Shorty

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et viola! a selection of random bish photos i have taken over the weekend... slow start - more to come, i have a couple of days off coming up. fun fun fun. :indeed:



twozzok - tall

me and big totoro are looking down on you, tiny peoples!



twozzok - small

oh no! i have shrunk - can you give me a hand, big tall person??



twozzok - pink

giant. pink. takashi. murakami. flower. pillow. :heart:



coooooolness bears - selection of fruit + at least 3 pears

nom nom nom.



thirtynine - a hole.

it's a hole in holes! betcha never seen THAT before...



shorty - can of coke costing more than 60p

i'd have been in this picture - but the fridge was too low down to get my face AND the price tag in... it was a conundrum!! O_o

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j7 bonus ponts - geeky numberplate

hehehe 1!! 2!!! 3!!!! CAR!!! :yay:



Daniel - small child doing a peace sign v(^____^)v

...yes yes i'm dressed as pikachu again. sakura from naruto is doing the v's :grin:

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Ok guys, there's pretty much a week left, and I'm here to remind you that this isn't an essay, you ought to not leave your day o' fun (or two, or three) 'til the last minute.


In other words; POST MORE FFS.


I'm thinking of coming up with a 'black list' for next time...

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Ok guys, there's pretty much a week left, and I'm here to remind you that this isn't an essay, you ought to not leave your day o' fun (or two, or three) 'til the last minute.


In other words; POST MORE FFS.


I'm thinking of coming up with a 'black list' for next time...


Please don't put me on the black list J7 i have been bishing all i can around my house. :)


But i can't find the wire for the digital camera! :(

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Ok guys, there's pretty much a week left, and I'm here to remind you that this isn't an essay, you ought to not leave your day o' fun (or two, or three) 'til the last minute.


In other words; POST MORE FFS.


I'm thinking of coming up with a 'black list' for next time...


I have too (Bishing is an awesome word) But I don't have a usb cable for my camera, because my dog enjoys chewing things.


I'm going to leeds again in 2 days, and I should beable to pick on up then and post some of the pics I've taken. :)

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Haggis, if it has a memory card just get a cheapy memory card usb stick reader... thing.


Letty said to be me she thought it was unfair that jayseven was allowed to be in it, since he was the organiser. I'd have to say, i agree... You know the lists before hand, thus you can prep! ;)

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But at the same time jayseven isn't capable of winning a prize, unlike ...everyone else, so no doubt it will be deferred. And afaik he didn't do any preperations beforehand, except perhaps in his mind.


In his mind eh?? I do not approve of this high tech cheatery! Are YOU in on it too Shorty?!

In all seriousness, I think it's only fair J7 be allowed in considering he brought this gem of greatness to us all, and I trust he didn't actually cheat anyway. As for my BISHes, I still have a few from Saturday and some more I might get before the end, though I'm avoiding uploading them until I actually manage to finish my work.

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Haggis, if it has a memory card just get a cheapy memory card usb stick reader... thing.


Letty said to be me she thought it was unfair that jayseven was allowed to be in it, since he was the organiser. I'd have to say, i agree... You know the lists before hand, thus you can prep! ;)


Ok; well hows about my pictures don't count? :) I really don't mind not taking part if that makes you guys feel better - you still need to beat everyone else though! I've never intended on winning.


Last time people gave up too soon just because letty and bluey were so awesome at the BISHing - and I felt that I could've done waaay better - therefore everyone else could've too :P


There's some ideas for next time - everyone posting their 5 items at, like, the same time, and/or everyone posts their BISHes on the deadline. Then there's a league-system where I'd just be an admin, and i've been thinking of different ways to do that.


So there you go - I'll drop out :P Just, like, post more bishes plez?

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