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Fatal Frame 4

Gaijin von Snikbah

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But if these games DON'T sell on the Wii then that will hinder the chance of similar games appearing again!!! Isn't that the point of the conversation!?!??! Think long term!!


Well rumours highly favour that Nintendo bought the Fatal Frame liscence, so I'd bet that in 8 years time, fans will scream for another game, and then 3 years later, Nintendo will cave in and announce V.

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Yeah, your obviously right..like always.


Seriously, did I kill your family or something? Raped your pets? Both?


dazzy, thing is, an advertising blow out probably for this game wouldn't change the sales significantly in a way that would change that. When deciding if a game should be made they look at profit, not sales numbers and that's exactly what I've been saying.


And like mcj said and I agreed, there's a difference between discussion and moaning, not that it's been the case here, but it was the case in Matt's blog.

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Cassa's blog didn't really focus on "advertising", so I'm confused as to why people are arguing about adverts. I probably shouldn't have used the term "marketing" in the first place - I meant it as a kind of general, umbrella description.


Basically, what Matt is talking about is that Nintendo have released absolutely no in-game trailers for Fatal Frame IV, and only given it a tiny, tiny website, even though it's out in 3 weeks. So Nintendo are doing what they did with Prime 3, in the way that they aren't "marketing" it to the industry in general, let alone advertising it to the public.


Maybe more will arise of Fatal Frame IV at E3, but it would still be cutting it pretty fine.

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Cassa's blog didn't really focus on "advertising", so I'm confused as to why people are arguing about adverts. I probably shouldn't have used the term "marketing" in the first place - I meant it as a kind of general, umbrella description.


Basically, what Matt is talking about is that Nintendo have released absolutely no in-game trailers for Fatal Frame IV, and only given it a tiny, tiny website, even though it's out in 3 weeks. So Nintendo are doing what they did with Prime 3, in the way that they aren't "marketing" it to the industry in general, let alone advertising it to the public.


Maybe more will arise of Fatal Frame IV at E3, but it would still be cutting it pretty fine.


He kinda contradicts himself (kinda), MP3 sold well, despite poor marketing and advertising (not that poor considering the MP3 channel), which is exactly what I've been saying is their reasoning, advertising more/investing in marketing would most likely not help sales (see MP2) enough to warrant what they spent. This is of course, theoretical, you can't say anything for sure without hard data and things can go either way.

On the other hand, this is Nintendo, they have piles of cash and I would most certainly prefer if they went all out marketing these games, but the reasoning behind not doing so is solid and completly valid. And to be honest, here in Portugal, marketing wise, it's hard to know what's happening lol


Fatal Frame is totally different though, specially if you're not talking about marketing, MP3 had been played, tested, there were videos, trailers, etc and it's not like people need to see videos weeks or months before the game comes out to buy it, specially because the game will most likely be playable at E3. If it isn't, well, then I agree.


Nintendo seems to be taking a weird strategy with Fatal Frame and Wario, they're anounced shortly before they're released in Japan. Fatal Frame was anounced a while ago, but most media will be available near release and Wario was anounced like, 3 weeks ago or something. Don't really know what's the reasoning for this. Knee jerk sales? Don't want to create unreasonable hype? "Taking advantage" of the fact that most games on Wii don't sell bucketloads on launch, but end up being a success because they keep selling? I honestly have no idea.

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Nintendo seems to be taking a weird strategy with Fatal Frame and Wario, they're anounced shortly before they're released in Japan. Fatal Frame was anounced a while ago, but most media will be available near release and Wario was anounced like, 3 weeks ago or something. Don't really know what's the reasoning for this. Knee jerk sales? Don't want to create unreasonable hype? "Taking advantage" of the fact that most games on Wii don't sell bucketloads on launch, but end up being a success because they keep selling? I honestly have no idea.

Maybe they've been listening to Dennis Dyack.


I think it might in part be due to Nintendo's ostensible shift towards sustainable sales. Rather than making yearly sequels they'll instead re-advertise product that's already out there; you can see this approach with a lot of Touch! Generations titles. The Wii's already played host to several surprise million sellers. I think, and hope, that Nintendo are trying to push the industry as a whole away from the hit-driven vicious circle it's currently in.


The Fatal Frame series has been on my gaming to-do list for a few years. I think I might jump in at 4 if it garners favourable impressions, though.

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Maybe they've been listening to Dennis Dyack.


I think it might in part be due to Nintendo's ostensible shift towards sustainable sales. Rather than making yearly sequels they'll instead re-advertise product that's already out there; you can see this approach with a lot of Touch! Generations titles. The Wii's already played host to several surprise million sellers. I think, and hope, that Nintendo are trying to push the industry as a whole away from the hit-driven vicious circle it's currently in.


The Fatal Frame series has been on my gaming to-do list for a few years. I think I might jump in at 4 if it garners favourable impressions, though.


Yeah, that's the most likely reason, one-hit games aren't very good for the industry.

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But it can be... Not profitable; specially before the game even launches. :p


This said... I'm sure Fatal Frame will grow as a franchise, just because it is on Wii actually, and I think Nintendo will know how to advertise it, at least outside of Japan.


More than advertising though (and I agree it helps) Wii is a market leader and yet we have Konami acting like dumb pricks regarding Silent Hill 5 for instance... what's stopping Fatal Frame from filling that void? Nothing and it will, if it gets as big as Silent Hill got last gen is to be seen though; just like I highly doubt SH5 can be as big as SH2 and 3 were back in the day. (times change)


Very good point, mass advertising before there is anything to actually buy is a waste of time.

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Oh man, i am now fully hyped for this game.


The adverts are top class, and no game footage either, wonder would they do something similar here.... does anyone know what the girl is screaming?


For the US and Euro releases I would love it if (though it likely won't happen but it should) there was an option to play the game with the original Japanese voice actors plus english subtitles, would certainly capture the J-Horror film fan market. Or even if the Japan version had english subs I might consider importing and getting a freeloader.... anyone know if it does?


And just a thought, would be cool if they did a small "borrow" for the the Ringu films, where something happens and someone says "if you do this and the phone rings you'll hear a voice saying you will die" then the Wiimote speaker gives a phone ringing sound effect.

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Even Nintendo dont know about it.


From GoNintendo


During my interview with Denise Kaigler, I did manage to slip in a few ‘traditional’ questions. One of my inquiries related to Fatal Frame IV for the Wii. I wanted to know why we didn’t hear about it at the conference, and why it wasn’t on the show floor, or in Nintendo’s meeting room. I was a bit surprised to find out that no one during my meeting had even heard of the game. They weren’t familiar with the title at all. I thought for sure they would know the game I was talking about, considering Nintendo is publishing the title in Japan! I have no idea what this response means for the future of the series in the states, but I am sure the game will see a launch here at some point.
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