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Fatal Frame 4

Gaijin von Snikbah

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Having emailed Nintendo of Europe about an issue in my Stars account, i had a few back and forth emails from Laila Marshall. In one email, i asked her about a Euro release for Fatal Frame 4- making it clear that there could be a name change for Europe, incidently. Her response was not good- "i do not believe this title will be released".


For those who did not listen to the recent IGN podcast, Matt C suggested that he'd heard rumblings that Nintendo wanted a few things changed, and Tecmo refused.


Either way, i think its time to forget about this title. So, i'll bump the thread.

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Nintendo has made an official statement about Fatal Frame IV (known as Project Zero IV here) in its last official magazine: "One time envisaged for a May release, the localization of the game has been cancelled and the game will stay as an Japanese exclusive game".

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There's still that possibility but it's a very, very small one (microscopic). Tecmo were adamant that it was Nintendo holding the title back from being release and Tecmo themselves don't seem to be in a rush to even mention it so I doubt that anyone will take it up.

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From another boards:

It's bad. I am in love with Fatal Frame on PS2, and I was dying to get it on Wii. After playing the Japanese version for about 10 minutes, and checking over and over for a classic controller option (ANYTHING to get away from that "twist to turn" BS) I gave up and was a sad panda.


Current controls: Move around, flashlight points in front of you at all times, pull up camera and tilt up to look up, tilt down to look down, twist Wii-mote (like a dial) left to turn left, and twist right to turn right. Horrible control... a 2nd analog stick is much, much better.


Controls needed: Move around, flashlight mapped to IR for free pointing (Fragile, Silent Hill, LIT), pull up camera and use FPS-like bounding box for IR camera snapping and turning.


That would change a "can't play it" game to a "must own" in a few pretty simple fixes.


Bah. I'd pay for the change if I could. Can we all pre-order the US version in good faith, and if Ninty gets enough allow for a dev to go in and change the controls? I'll put down $100 for it myself...

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  • 7 months later...



Fatal Frame 4 fan translation available


"A dedicated team of homebrewers has done what Nintendo and Tecmo never did: translate Fatal Frame IV. A team at Fatal Frame fansite Beyond the Camera's Lens has released a patch that swaps out the Japanese text in the Tecmo/Nintendo/Grasshopper Manufacture-developed Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse with its own translated English text and allows the Japanese disc to be loaded in other regions' Wiis. The best part? It runs from an SD card on any Wii -- no matter which region, and without the need for modding.


We suspect sites like Play-Asia and YesAsia are about to experience a significant increase in the number of orders for this 2008 survival horror game. "

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Reading through the actual website I you can do it with or without the Homebrew Channel


There are 2 versions of the patch, one for Wii on firmware 4.1 and below and another for 4.2. You do need to have the Japanese disc of the game.


If you have the HBC you can run the patch from that. If not it appears all you have to do is go to the SD card menu (or SD channel managment) and that will launch the patch.... I assume it's maybe got some version of Bannerbomb built into it.

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Issues about controls don't bother me. It's survival horror. Having bad controls is almost part of the scare at this stage.


I was always pissed this game never made it outside japan having enjoyed the others when they were published by someone else OTHER than NIntendo.

Baffled this of all games gets a fan translate though. I would have loved to played captain rainbow for the laugh :)

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i'll be worried about the patch eventually bricking consoles or something, i'm not taking the risk!


Since its not making any changes to firmware - I assume - it shouldn't brick consoles. But after the mess of No More Heroes/SSBB/Freeloader, i'm cautious of the purchase....


That said, I so want to play this game.

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i'll be worried about the patch eventually bricking consoles or something, i'm not taking the risk!


Since the patch runs from an SD card and isn't permenatley installed on the Wii I don't think. There do appear to be some people having problems with it though.... aparently Balck Wii's and newer bought Wii's are causing some problems





It is mentioned that a future firmware update could break the patch but the team are confident they'd be able to make a work around quick enough like the HBC team have done multiple times.


haha, I can't believe Play-Asia are now sold out, lol, YesAsia still have stock but I don't have an account on there and can't be bothered getting up to get my credit card right now... i'll do it tomorrow :heh:

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I'll add my voice to this and say that not releasing this game is worse than not releasing 'Disaster Day of Crisis' in North America.


It's odd that a game has already been developed and then Nintendo doesn't want it released it outside of Japan and doesn't really say why.


I've got the previous 3 games in this series and I was looking forward to playing this on my Wii. In fact it was one of the reasons I bought the Wii. Personally, I think adding Nintendo's involvement with this fourth game was a mistake on many levels.


I was hoping that since Nintendo didn't want to publish it that someone like Rising Star Games might do it but recent news about this company isn't positive right now.


The only hope is that next generation Nintendo might have a change of heart and release this game to us as a download only title. I'd hate to see this but there you go.

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Ah grrrr... was just going to order from YesAsia but they are sold out now too.... anyone know any other good sites to buy from?



Just found it on a site called jgamers.com and ordered from there, could take up to 2 weeks to deliever though, I'm not in a total rush so just went with the standard shipping method. They were giving US$5.00 discount too with a coupon code on there home page.


Though it looks like I ordered the last one they had as I checked the game again and it changed to "out of stock"


Would love to see the sales figures for the game now, and what Nintendo will think when they see the spike in online sales all shipped to the US and Europe

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I'll add my voice to this and say that not releasing this game is worse than not releasing 'Disaster Day of Crisis' in North America.


It's odd that a game has already been developed and then Nintendo doesn't want it released it outside of Japan and doesn't really say why.


I've got the previous 3 games in this series and I was looking forward to playing this on my Wii. In fact it was one of the reasons I bought the Wii. Personally, I think adding Nintendo's involvement with this fourth game was a mistake on many levels.


I was hoping that since Nintendo didn't want to publish it that someone like Rising Star Games might do it but recent news about this company isn't positive right now.


The only hope is that next generation Nintendo might have a change of heart and release this game to us as a download only title. I'd hate to see this but there you go.


I feel the same pain as you having enjoyed some of the others. It's a great series... Also a bit disconcerned about control issues but in saying that they controlled like shit

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