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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (100% Spoiler-Free Topic)

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  DomJcg said:
Well, my gamecube controller arrived yesterday, bought it for this =] 3 quid? who could say no!


Getting pretty hyped, might watch a couple vids of it later=]


I'd use my old GC controllers, but the cords won't reach all the way to my couch. So unless I want to kill my eyes and sit 1 metre away from the big television screen, I'm forced to use the wiimote+nunchuk.

And wavebirds are expensive. =(


And yay for people finally getting the game (soon)!

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Lol yeh, but mines certainly long enough =] gonna go play meele to kick start the experience again!


But i gotta get online sorted soon =[ maybe on sunday, hmmm


I got my Wavebird with my NGamer subscription, which was more than worth it. I like having rumble in Smash though. I was thinking about buying one of those Japanese white GameCube pads that were released earlier this year specifically for Wii, with a longer cable.


I too want to buy a new GameCube controller once I get Brawl; I am heading to America next so what colours are still available over there? I was thinking Orange perhaps.


One week until the Euro launch :D Cant wait!


Copy is already pre-ordered with shopto.net. Will need lots of practice before I go to the brawl tournie the following saturday (28th) so anyone available on that friday for a major brawl session? Ill need all the help I can get to be at the level that I am at in melee (need to beat King V and he has had brawl for ages).


Well, went and tried out the GC controller, works like a charm! and the cable length is more than what i need (like 2 meters or summat) Took on 3 level nines for funsies :D


Any one know of any good smash videos?


Well I have to say the unthinkable thought is formulating in my mind. I am an old school long term smash bros fan. Have owned the other 2 games and played them for god knows how many hours. But this game has taken so god damn long to come out and I've got GTA 4 and MGS4 to play at the moment, I'm gonna get one of the DS lites to replace my failing DS Phat, and I simply have very little hype for this game.


Perhaps my fanboy loyalist glee that used to come with every Nintendo release is finally dying down. The dreadful thought I mentioned at the beginning of this post is cancelling my preorder that I have held since I think the Wii was launched.


I'm so glad I bought this months ago, I played it for two weeks, non stop and haven't played it since... don't get me wrong those two weeks were amazing but with all the other games that have come out on other consoles I haven't really felt inclined to play it much.


For those of you who were patient enough to wait for the European launch, enjoy it, as it's the best game that the Wii is gonna see for a long time. :smile:

  Eenuh said:
I'd use my old GC controllers, but the cords won't reach all the way to my couch. So unless I want to kill my eyes and sit 1 metre away from the big television screen, I'm forced to use the wiimote+nunchuk.

And wavebirds are expensive. =(


And yay for people finally getting the game (soon)!


there are extension cords to be bought.. Game and Gamestop used to have them I think .. otherwise ebay.. don't think they are too expensive

  Aalborg said:
there are extension cords to be bought.. Game and Gamestop used to have them I think .. otherwise ebay.. don't think they are too expensive


Don't have a Game or Gamestop here, and can't say I've seen these cords in the stores I normally buy my games from. Checked ebay but could only find ones located in the US, with expensive shipping (more than 16 euro, no thanks).


Is it really that much more fun to play the game with a GC controller? Or should I just keep using my wiimote? =/

  flameboy said:
Well I have to say the unthinkable thought is formulating in my mind. I am an old school long term smash bros fan. Have owned the other 2 games and played them for god knows how many hours. But this game has taken so god damn long to come out and I've got GTA 4 and MGS4 to play at the moment, I'm gonna get one of the DS lites to replace my failing DS Phat, and I simply have very little hype for this game.


Perhaps my fanboy loyalist glee that used to come with every Nintendo release is finally dying down. The dreadful thought I mentioned at the beginning of this post is cancelling my preorder that I have held since I think the Wii was launched.


You could wait until you've played through GTA and MGS and then buy Smash afterwards, even possibly when it's cheaper. But my thoughts on the whole hype thing, I'm buying the game for the game, not the hype. It's a good game, I know that, I know I'll love it. Therefore I'll buy it, I don't need hype. Hype is just what makes people think less of it the longer they've had it. As soon as I sit down with the game I know I'll be there and love it, think about it. But I'd still buy it if I were you, and holding the box in your hand at home ready to open it will still be a good moment for you and some of that excitement will come back.


And Gamecube pad is just more comfortable, I played Brawl a couple of months ago and basically just went back to the Gamecube controller, it's just comfortable and fits really well. Try it (if you can) and see what you think.

Dear Mr Whincup,


Order number(s): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I am delighted to let you know that your Preorder for Super Smash Bros. Brawl is now being processed. The order will be despatched by your chosen delivery method in time to reach you for the day of release.


By using the GAME 1st To Play Preorder Service you have ensured that you will be among the first people to receive Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and we are confident that you will be happy with the order, our service and our speedy delivery!


Hell to the yes.


My preorder from GAME is also being processed as of 13:37pm today :D


I'm using the standard free delivery so I wonder when it'll actually be dispatched.

Guest Captain Falcon

My Gameplay order is "Preparing for Dispatch" but that could mean anything to be honest. I booked Friday off work for this so it better turn up or I'll be well miffed.


Well cancelled my preorder...


I am really not feeling the hype at all. I have bought titles in the past because I have felt I should or so as not to miss out, but this time I don't even wanna do that. I just have no urge to get this at all...I have so much other stuff to play and so much other stuff going on in my life.


Perhaps I will get it in the summer when I feel like I can give it more time, the time it deserves.

Guest Maase

Can't wait, 3 days ^^


Well, i'l receive it a week later, but it doesn't matter.


I don't care about the Hype, the less the hype, the more i'l like the game.


Believe me, flameboy, now that you're not hyped, you'l love even more SSBB ;)


Mah gawd, can't wait to create my own levels and kill my sister in them, buahahahahahaahah.

Guest Maase

Sorry, i meant "kill my sister character with them", i excited myself :P


Shopto.net still hasnt taken the money out of my account :blank:


I ordered Okami from them last week but that never arrived thanks to the thieving Royal Mail and they ran out of copies so they gave me credit because they don't do refunds unless its been something like 28 days without delivery :blank:


So I ordered Odin's sphere today. Here's hoping it arrives tomorrow, because if it does, then that means good signs for Brawl arriving on friday, though I would rather have it on thursday. If I spend 10 pounds more, I can get it in the shop across the road on that day :blank:


EDIT: The blank smilies depict my frustration in a mild manner.

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